Military Base Four Hundred Fifty Nine


Military Base Four Hundred Fifty Nine

Deep down in the crust of Namek under military base two hundred fifty nine the boys awake to a grim reality, "Someone, please help us." Kartano struggles to speak as he shakes around rattling the chains that bind him to the ceiling of the cellar. "Karasumoro, are you awake?" He says speaking out into the darkness hoping Karasumoro will respond, he get's nothing but silence before a door opens behind him he tries his best to turn around but is blinded by the light of the doorway "Time to have fun boy." Kartano freaks out trying to break free of his chains but he is to weak as the voice draws close. "Please don't hurt me ARGH!" Kartano attempts to plead for mercy but he is stopped when he is punched on the side of his femur a cracking sound comes from his body, "Grah! Stop the pain please!" He screams after another punch follows up hitting him right on his chest outside of his heart. Kartano's head slowly goes downward after being punched on the chest, he struggles to breathe as he almost goes unconcious. "You won't escape me that easily" The torturer says grabbing Kartano by his head and pulling his hair, Kartano let's out a final scream that echoes throughout the entire base causing Karasumoro to wake up who happened to be cuffed to the ground and out of Kartano's sight. "Mmm...who is there?" He says blinking slowly, he manages to see Kartano being tortured just above him. Closing his eyes to escape the horror of what might be himself next the torturer turns around and slams his foot into his knee. "No!" He yells out after hearing a cracking sound, "Please don't do this..." Karasumoro pleads as the face of the torturer comes out of the darkness and down to him. "I need to do this, I like doing this." Karasumoro is dead silent shocked to see that the face is Pillipa's. "Pillipa no what are you doing!?" Pillipa looks down at him and smiles, he raises his hand and stabs it right into Karasumoro's right side of his stomach. Karasumoro blacks out from the pain. "To think you fools after every torture session for the past two years always have a memory loss." Kartano looks down at Karasumoro, "Two...years?" He whispers before being grabbed by Pillipa. "Yes two years you fool I was tortured for two years meanwhile you disgraces slipped into coma after coma, you got it easy." Kartano looks at Pillipa in regret, "I'm, sorry master." Pillipa walks out of the room. "Hear that Karasumoro, we've been in here two years. I don't know about you but I'm getting out of here, all I remember is the fight we had back home." Kartano looks around the room for a possible escape he spots a grate that might be able to crack the chains if he can knock it down, struggling to swing back and forth up and down he manages to get a few hits in on the grate before it comes crashing down smashes his chain. Kartano slams into the cold hard rock floor of the cellar "I can't walk dammit, I guess that's what two years does to your legs." He says pulling himself over to Karasumoro's unconscious body. "You need to wake up please..." He says smashing his fist into Karasumoro's stomach. Karasumoro's body jerks before his eyes burst open he takes a large gasp of air, coughing up a storm he manages to speak "Kartano is that really you? Were we really in here for two years." Kartano nods at Karasumoro, "It would seem so, and Pillipa is responsible for all of this." Karasumoro shakes his head, "We can't blame master for this they must have done something to his head, similar to us but we kept going into comas I suppose, so it never worked." Karasumoro says trying to move his legs "Why don't my legs work." Kartano looks at him "I've been chained to a ceiling for two years and you've been strapped to the ground, I only managed to hit that grate by swinging my numb legs into it." Karasumoro looks up to the ceiling and sees the opened vent which the grate had sealed away before. "We need to get up there start trying to move your legs." He says currently concentrating. The boys focus on escape and getting back to their old lives they start where their toes and move up from there in only a few hours they are able to move their legs completely. "Let's go Karasumoro." "Right!" They say to each other before flying up into the vent, they climb through the vents hoping they lead to the surface where they will be free. Alarms go off all around the base and echo through the vents, small doors begin shutting in the vents behind them with the force to slice anything in half, "We need to move now!" Kartano yells as they scurry as fast as they can up the vent, the doors are close to closing behind them one almost catches Karasumoro's foot before they see light in the vents. "There!" Karasumoro yells out as the boys fly upward using the rest of their energy to smash out of the vent. The boys cover their eyes blinded by one of Namek's three suns. "Sunlight,air..." Karasumoro says crawling on the grass. The boys look around not even seeing a military base in sight in only means the Namekian military is a sub terra organization being underground is their best defense against attackers. The boys walk for days into the endless fields of Namek before finding one of the old villiages in Nameks peaceful days. "There we might find something to eat hopefully, I'm tired of water" Karasumoro says running to the village while limping on his leg, Kartano runs right after him they enter the village feeling a ancient but strong presence. "Do you feel that Kartano" Karasumoro says walking towards the presence they enter a giant round like half circle house, the boys can't believe what they are seeing its the Guru of Namek. The boys look at his wrinkly and thin body before running up to him. "You are the Guru of Namek!" He takes a deep breath before answering "That title no longer belongs to me, I am not powerful enough to hold that title." The boys look saddened at his response to them, "I see you boys are in trouble no doubt with Poco, you look like you've been in one of the bases." The boys nod "Come here children I sense confliction within you, you were brought to Namek for a reason, to defeat someone and save us all I will do that for you." He says placing both his hands on Karasumoro and Kartano's bodies healing them to perfection. "You boys are Saiyan I can feel it within you, they made the wrong choice to torture you, they only gave you more power." The boys look at him confused, Karasumoro wags his tail "What do you mean they made us stronger?" Kartano smacks Karasumoro on his head "When Saiyans are damaged it only makes our bodies adapt and get stronger, that's why the turret maze was created on Pillipa's ship." "So that's why it's there but it said agility test!" "That was just a cover incase the military came on board." The Guru raises both of his hands, using his pointer finger he points it at the boys zapping, their bodies are surrounded by white circles, the ground near them begins to peel upward as the boys adjust to whatever had just happened to them. "Woah I feel different..." Karasumoro says throwing a punch that was to fast for even himself "What in the world!?" Kartano exclaims noticing that they had just received some sort of up in power. The Guru looks at the children "I need you to do something for me." The kids smile and look up at him "Of course Guru you've done more then enough!" The Guru smirks "I need you to kill me." The boys look shocked at the proposal, "I created something a long time ago the Dragonballs, it was my greatest mistake and no Poco is going to use them to engulf Namek in eternal darkness, the Dragonballs grant wishes and that is how he will succeed, by killing me you can stop him." The boys look at him for a moment, Kartano raises his hand ready to shoot the Guru but is stopped when Karasumoro punches him in his face sending him to the ground. "Karasumoro we have to kill him!" "No that isn't what we do we can stop Poco without killing the Guru!" Kartano looks at Karasumoro he looks into his eyes and sees a new confidence inside of him, he nods in agreement and the boys take off outside the door. "It is the end of all life on Namek." The Guru says watching the boys run off. The boys manage to make it back to the underground military base they power up and dive down through the vent they escaped with smashing through the vent blocks. They manage to make it back to their old cell. They kick down the door to the rest of the base, "Time to create havoc!" They say as they split up dashing through the halls taking out as many Namekian soldiers as possible and freeing imprisoned Namekians, Karasumoro and Kartano meet up at a giant door they charge their energy up and chuck one of their own ki blast at it making it blow up. "Alright what were they doing in here?" Kartano says walking into the room to see what looked like Pillipa in a cryo pod of some sort. "This must be where Pillipa sleeps now. The boys get closer to the machine but a beam of energy stops them from getting any closer, the boys stop and look around at the shadows of the room. "Who did that show yourself!" The boys are surprised to see what looks like Pillipa come into their view. "Master Pillipa?" Karasumoro says before Kartano throws his hand up in front of his chest "That is not master Pillipa, he's a clone of him." Kartano says getting into a fighting stance ready to fight the clone. "Karasumoro get the real Pillipa out of here let me fight the faker." Karasumoro nods running over to the machine the real Pillipa is inside of. "Alright fake Pillipa come at me, no? I guess then I'll go first!" Kartano says using his hands to throw his body forward at the clone, Kartano slams his legs into the thigh of the clone throwing him off balance. "Take this you bastard!" Kartano yells slamming his fist into the clone surely breaking its jaw, but he's not done yet he kicks the clone in it's stomach sending it flying into a wall. "Heh you arent so tough." Kartano says looking over at Karasumoro who now has the real Pillipa in his arms "We ready to go Kartano?" Karasumoro asked, "Sure were ready to g-" a large smacking sound echoes through the room as Kartano is pelted up into the sky, "Kartano no!" Karasumoro yells out as the clone of Pillipa appears right above him, the clone claps his hands together and smashes them into Kartano's chest like a hammer. Kartano plummets to the ground but thanks to Karasumoro's quickness he catches him in time. Kartano pushes Karasumoro off of him, he's furious he flies up into the air at the Namekian they begin a high speed battle both of them anticipating eachothers moves, Karasumoro looks at the two fight amazed at Kartano's new found speed he picks up Pillipa and runs. Kartano and the clone lay the smackdown on each other landing some punches and kicks on each others bodies, but it all comes crashing down when Kartano lands one good punch that sends clone Pillipa into the ground. "I'm not done with you yet!" Kartano says dropping down on top of the clone where he throws several punches on the clone while he's still on the ground, the clone is completely out of it, he watches Kartano fly up into the air above him and start charging his ki. "That's right kill your master! Lord Poco has already won muahaha!" "Shut your dirty mouth!" Kartano yells out as he releases a beam that cuts clean through the chest of the clone." Exhausted Kartano runs out of the room finding an exit to the base, but he finds something unfortunate he turns a corner only to find Poco standing at point blank range in front of him before he can even react his neck is being clutched by Poco. "You have gotten in my way for the last time child." Poco says as his arm bulges flinging Kartano up through the ceiling and not only that his body is going upward through the ground. Karasumoro makes it out of the base, he is currently on the surface tending to Pillipa who has awakened they have a moment of reunification when just behind them a unconscious Kartano comes exploding out of the ground. "No!" Karasumoro screams flying up into the air to catch Kartano. "We need to go" He says to Karasumoro softly, picking up Pillipa and Kartano he carries them off back to the Guru.
