Enter The False Super Saiyans!


Enter The False Super Saiyans!

Pillipa, Karasumoro, and Kartano make it back to the Guru's house rushing through the hallway they lay Pillipa on the ground in front of Pillipa asking him for him to be healed. The Guru nods zapping Pillipa healing his body, Pillipa squints his eyes after being asleep for two years he awakes to the sight of larger version of his two former pupils, who are now sixteen "Wow you boys sure do look bigger don't you." He says smiling as they help him to his feet. "Guru we need to stop Poco he's in the base right now let's go Kartano!" Karasumoro says eager to go fight "No...we can't fight him he is too powerful, he threw me a hundred feet through solid rock." Kartano tightens his fist after his new found power was reduced to nothing against the man about to destroy Namek. The Guru looks at Poco and tell him to come forward "Namek has been under the tyranny of this tyrant for far too long, I remember when he first walked through those doors and I took him in, he was a skilled fighter and possible the strongest Namek had ever seen, but he was flawed he broke old Namekian laws. Poco broke the ultimate law, he did the Racial Fusion Technique, he became one with three Namekians becoming all powerful and killing anyone in his way. I surrendered peacefully of course not that I had a choice he's spent the last sixteen years searching for the Dragonballs that I scattered. Poco has kept me alive for all this time so he could get his wish, I tried to beat him I managed to get two Namekians to fuse into my body but it wasn't enough at least if I fuse myself into you Pillipa we have a chance to win." Pillipa nods in agreement walking up to the Guru lending his hand out ready to fuse, the Guru takes his hand all the ki in the Guru's body flows down into his hand and molds into Pillipa's body, a bright white aura burst from the two of them blinding everyone in the room, a large dust cloud forms with the shadow of one man inside. The dust clears revealing a male Namekian who looks like Pillipa but has black lines going down his cheek just like the Guru had. "Master Pillipa is that you?" Kartano says walking slowly up to him. "Yes it is me but different I have all the memories of the Guru within myself, and all this power it's amazing it puts me at Poco's level!" He says, "Wow master so I guess we have a good shot at winning together don't we!" Karasumoro says grinning at Kartano while throwing two fingers up, the excitement is interrupted when a large blast comes from outside. "Where are you children..! Pillipa! Show yourselves you cowards, you can't hide behind that old weak Guru!" Kartano leaps behind Pillipa as a dark shadowy figure enters the room. "Poco.." Pillipa says staring him down. "What is the fun ruined!? Haha wait..where is the Guru..!? Did you kill him? Well I suppose it doesn't matter since I fused with the Guru's son making me the new blood for the Dragonball so I guess I don't need him anymore." Pillipa's eyes widen at the statement "You mean you fused a fourth time!?" "Oh so the Guru told you my secret Pillipa? Yes I fused again a fourth time making me untouchable this time Pillipa." Poco says smirking as he folds his arms. "I wanted to deal with you three myself so if you don't mind let's get started." Pilli pa not waiting a second dashes at Poco with great ferocity he lands a punch sending Poco flying out of the room and outside crashing into the dirt. Poco wipes his cheek in shock "I didn't anticipate that, you were much slower from last time we fought and I spared you. Wait a minute you fused with the Guru didn't you? Pathetic!" He says getting off the floor, Poco get's into a fighting stance as Pillipa exits from the Guru's house. Not wasting a minute Poco disappears, and reappears right in front of Pillipa slamming his fist into his stomach. Pillipa let's out a grunt as they both enter a high speed battle that mostly consist of Poco dodging and catching every attack Pillipa throws at him. Kartano, and Karasumoro watch as the fighting duo lift up into the air with each punch Pillipa throws "We need to help!" Kartano says flying up to join in the battle. Kartano lands a surprise kick into Poco's back allowing Pillipa to deck him right on his nose, Poco crashes into the ground "Why you littl-" Poco is cut off when Karasumoro kicks him right in his head causing him to spit up blood. "I think we got him guys!" Karasumoro exclaims before his foot is pulled laying him out on his back. "You dare hit me you filthy child!" Poco says as he flings Karasumoro's body into the side of the Guru's house, a large crashing noise comes from Karasumoro as the building collapses on him. "Karasumoro no!" Pillipa yells as he flies down to Poco trying to smash his knee into him. Poco disappears once again making Pillipa smash his knee into the ground, Kartano looks around for Poco as a shadow creeps up right behind him next thing he knows a fist is smacked into his body right on the pancreas. Kartano grabs his side before Poco kicks him right in the side of his head making him fall to the ground. Powering up rocks begins to rise around Pillipa as he puts himself on the same level as Poco, he punches Poco several times in his face, he proceeds to then grab Poco by his leg and fling him into the ground. "Thats for touching my protege!" Pillipa yells out dashing at Poco once more. Kartano lies on the ground in agony watching Poco and Pillipa fight for their lives as he is unable to move. The rubble that Karasumoro is buried under begins to seep light from underneath as the rocks begin to shake, the sound of energy being charged up echoes from the rock before the blasted apart revealing Karasumoro. "I've had enough of your games Poco!" He yells out dashing off at Poco, now fighting two powered up people he smirks blocking, and dodging their attacks simultaneously. "Yes more power bring it on you fools!" Poco yells out as he pushes Kartano and Pillipa back by releasing pure energy from his body he had stored away. Now standing ten feet away from each other

Poco begins to speak "You know life was hard for me a Guru took my father's life just because he was concerned about the defense of this planet! I refused to watch the Namekians be picked on by the other species of the universe meanwhile us Namekians had a power to rival the Great Saiyan Apes!" Poco says disappearing and reappearing in front of Karasumoro as he throws a punch at Karasumoro's face, Karasumoro manages to intercept the attack with his forearm absorbing the damage "I don't care about your story only that Namek isn't engulfed in darkness! This is my home!" Karasumoro yells as he punches Poco right in his face causing his cheek to bleed. "You have touched me the last time boy I'm finished toying around!" He yells out lifting his hand into the sky as a dark blue energy surrounds his arm, "Die you fool!" He says bringing his arm down, Karasumoro falls to the ground closing his eyes while raising his hands up above him to try and block whatever was coming, but he was met with a much worse outcome. Karasumoro opens his eyes to the back of Pillipa whose body had been pierced right through the heart by Poco "I'm sorry Karasumoro but this is the end for me, you must defeat Poco at all cost!" Pillipa tells him before his body falls limp "Disgusting I got Namekian all over my pants." Poco says as he slides Pillipa's body off his arm. Silence comes over the battlefield as Kartano and Karasumoro's mouths are left wide open they are without their master for real this time, but something happens to the boys something snaps within them. "Whats the matter you idiot what your master dead? Hmm oh you have a tail why don't I just take that." Poco says picking up the shocked Karasumoro by his tail ripping it off from his body. Karasumoro let's out a scream as he holds the area where his tail used to be. "I've killed your master now it's time for you to die, useless weak Saiyans disgusting monkeys! All you are is low-class to the universe!" Karasumoro stops whimpering and stands up facing away from Poco, Kartano get's up as well standing perfectly still. "Whats with you idiots huh? Getting serious now? To late!" Poco yells going in for the final blow on Karasumoro. A wave of energy slams into Poco sending him flying backwards leaving drag marks in the ground. The boys speak in perfect unison "We will not allow you to destroy this world, we will not allow you to destroy your own people!" The boys say with their backs still turned "This is your end!" They yell as electricity surges across the ground around them the sky begins to darken above, the boys hair begins to raise up revealing knew spikes that rise up from their hair, "We will not stand for this!" They say as a final rush of energy pushes everything near them back, the debris from Guru's house get's completely incinerated as the boys hair turns crimson red. "It's time to die Poco." The boys say turning around, they dash at Poco together both punching him right in his stomach, they send him up into the air. "Together!" They say appearing above Poco they kick him back down into the ground. Poco get's on to one knee his head still facing the ground he looks up to see Karasumoro's foot smashing into his jaw, his body is stopped from moving when Kartano smashes his foot into the back of Poco's skull. "Now Karasumoro!" Kartano yells slamming his fist into the upper spine of Poco as Karasumoro kicks him in his lower stomach. "You foo-" Poco says before his whole body falls limp causing him to lay on the ground unable to move. "You think this is over..but you are a fool, you haven't seen the worst of me..." Poco says as the boys rise up into the sky charging up a ki blast "We call this one, BORN OF REVOLUTION!" The boys yell out grabbing eachothers hands as two beams of light erupts from their bodies, red, and blue swirling around each other heading for the direction of Poco's paralyzed body. Just when they thought it was over a trap door opens underneath Poco's body he falls inside and the door closes shut right beneath him. The boys don't give up as they focus their blast at the area of the trap door. The blast smashes into the ground creating a huge explosion that leads to a crater forming in the ground, in the middle of that crater a vent shaft but no sign of a body. The boys come to the conclusion their masters killer has escaped. The boys calm down as they land in the crater just outside the vent their hair become normal again as they look down the vent.
