Karasumoro's Training Begins


Karasumoro's Training Begins

Somewhere in the void of space on a ship heading to Planet Namek our hero lays on a bed sound asleep with Pillipa and Kartano wondering what they will do with him. "Master we need to go back, we need to send him back." Pillipa looks at Karasumoro still surprised he didn't die in the maze. "Kartano clock in his power level, there is something strange about this boy he is no where in the Planet Plant database his birth wasn't recorded, just like you." Kartano peers down at Karasumoro and then to a computer next to his bed "Running the scan now master." Pillipa and Kartano wait eager to see what Karasumoro's power level is. "Kartano you had a power level of just three hundred when you were born, strong enough to destroy all of Namek, until you know came along, and changed everything." Kartano looks at him forgetting the scan for a moment, "Yea and now I'm a whopping three thousand, I sure did come a long way." He says cheerfully and proud of himself. Their conversation is cut short when a loud beep comes from the scanner and cracks the screen, "What in the world is going on!?" Pillipa yells while looking at the scanner, "These machines are only used to tell Namekian power levels and Low Class Saiyans!" Kartano answers to Pillipa. They both get closer to the scanner only for it to reveal that Karasumoro was born with a power level of seven thousand, and currently has one of eight thousand. "That's impossible this boy is a Low Class Saiyan, I have never seen anything like it in my life!" Pillipa says rushing through the med bay storage to find anything to wake Karasumoro." Kartano looks at Karasumoro in shock that a person could be born with such a high power level. Pillipa rushes back and jabs a needle into the neck of Karasumoro forcing him to wake up. Karasumoro's eyes shoot right open as he jumps into the air slamming into the ceiling, and down back to his bed "Ow! What in the world? Guys what happened to me, all I remember is the turrets everywhere..." Karasumoro says holding his head. "You whent over your bodies limits Karasumoro, pretty

impressive for a Low Class Saiyan, wouldn't you say?"

Karasumoro looks at Pillipa confused that he said that in a questioning way, "You don't believe I'm a Low Class Saiyan?" Karasumoro asked "No we don't, what Low Class Saiyan is born with a seven thousand power level." Karasumoro's jaw drops looking at Kartano and Pillipa. Scratching his head he holds out his hand and begins to talk, "Listen guys I don't know a single thing about my birth besides that two Low Class Saiyans my parents left me abandoned in the Planet Plant capital city. That's where Doctor Plat found me and raised me in the countryside, I was always treated as a Low Class Saiyan so you see it's impossible for me to be a Mid Class Saiyan." Pillipa and Kartano slam their hands into their faces at the foolish statement Karasumoro gave. "Karasumoro, you are not a Low, or Mid, you are a Elite Class Saiyan, I also think this Doctor Plat may have lied to you about your birth." Kartano stares at Karasumoro he didn't know if it was for sure but it was possible, "I was found in the capital city as well but Pillipa told me there was a recent birth before mine...and that I was being put inside of a incubator pod, that's when Pillipa found both of us, but the woman didn't make it, she was most likely my mother." Kartano says to himself. Karasumoro having had his conversation with Pillipa he could tell Kartano was deep inside his thoughts and began snapping his fingers at him, "Hey hot shot wake up!" Kartano's face turns red slapping his hand away, "Who are you telling to wake up!? You were asleep for days!" Karasumoro's tail stands straight up as if it was asking the questions now. "Did...you, um, say days!?" Karasumoro yells as he runs around looking for some clothes. Pillipa grabs Karasumoro and shaws him a drawer that is filled with spare clothes. Karasumoro sifts through the clothes picking out some baggy blue pants with a black shirt, and red armbands, Kartano throws him a pair of boots to wear which were brown, Pillipa hands him a red belt to tie around his waist as well. Karasumoro had never worn clothes that fit his body before ever he looked around at Pillipa and Kartano. Kartano is wearing a red t-shirt with black shorts, while also sporting traditional saiyan gloves and boots, Pillipa who is wearing traditional Namekian garbs, and holding a staff probably not to walk with though. "Wow, this is amazing I'm actually wearing good clothes!" Karasumoro says happy as ever, "Karasumoro I've decided I'll train you on Namek with Kartano since we can't head back to Plant." Karasumoro smirks nodding in agreement. Pillipa watches the boys go at it for days on in the sparring room the two don't give up on fighting each other, between Karasumoro's sheer power and Kartano's unbelievable skill the two are a match for one another canceling each other out. "Take this!" Kartano says landing a kick on the side of Karasumoro's temple, "Back off jerk!" Karasumoro says grabbing Kartano's fist and using his body weight to throw him over his shoulder and down to the ground. "You have to try harder then that brat!" Kartano says catching his fall on two hands while doing a flip back into his fighting formation. The two stare eachother down for a couple of seconds before charging at each other and exchanging high speed blows as they both lift up into the air, their movements start to become blurred as they exchange kicks and punches while maneuvering to the best of their ability. "I wont lose to you not again Kartano!" Karasumoro says landing one lucky shot into Kartano's stomach, and finishing it off with a spiral kick sending him flying down into the metal floor. "Why, you...!" "Come and get it!" They say to each other, "That is enough you two, training is over for today. We are in Namekian space at this point and you two need to be hidden." Kartano runs off to hide somewhere on board the ship meanwhile Karasumoro stays behind to question Pillipa, "Um master Pillipa why would need to hide? You said Namekians are peaceful right?" Pillipa looks at Karasumoro and answers him "They were peaceful Namek is a military planet now, I told you this several years ago our current leader Poco came into power, he shoved all the Namekians into military camps and made their lives only war. Since then Namek has never been the same I got lucky I was able to escape a life of battle, that is why I brought Kartano here the Saiyans are strong fighters I need you boys to defeat Poco and his council and free the Namekians. Karasumoro gulps now knowing how serious the situation is. "You should hide, now Karasumoro." Karasumoro nods and runs off in the direction of Kartano, as he is running he looks outside a window and sees Namek, surrounding namek is hundreds of warships, "Woah he wasn't kidding they really are a warrior race now." He says as he meets up with Kartano near a storage deposit on the ship, Kartano and him climb up into a box where they would hide. Namekian soldiers fly up to the ship where they use a x-ray like scan to see Pillipa standing onboard the ship alone. "You're lucky Pillipa made the inside of this box lead." Kartano says to Karasumoro as they talk back and forth to each other. The Namekian soldiers let Pillipa pass, they tell him to go down to a military base but Pillipa knows better he slowly steers off course to make sure he isn't noticeable before he cloaks his ship and heads down into the atmosphere. "Get off of me!" "Move your foot dammit!" The boys say to one another before accidentally knocking the lead box over and onto the ground where they tumble out. "Good job Karasumoro, now you've done it." Kartano says as they both rush to the front of the ship to find Pillipa. The boys find Pillipa at the bridge where they take their seats beside him and enter the atomsphere, a sudden rush of green gas engulfs the front window of the ship as they all get pulled back into their ships. "Were all going to die!" Karasumoro says screaming to the top of his lungs. Pillipa laughs, "Welcome home Kartano, and to your new home Karasumoro." The green gas dissapears only leaving the landscape of Namek to be seen, Karasumoro get's up out of his seat and peers out the glass, he sees the ocean life of Namek giant fish jumping in and out of it's green waters and the grass which all seems to be evenly cut. Caught up in Namek's beauty, he looks up and ahead of the ship where he spots a giant castle made of a sandstone like material, "Amazing." Karasumoro says with his mouth wide open. Pillipa lands the ship just outside of the castle, they all exit and walk inside where the main castle hall is covered in jewels and art work. "Pillipa did you build all of this?" Karasumoro says as he glares at the walls, "No the Guru built this castle and this is where he lived before Poco murdered him." Pillipa says showing Karasumoro to his new room, Pillipa, Kartano, and Karasumoro walk down a hallway towards the bedrooms, "This place is huge Master!" Karasumoro says to Pillipa as they make it to the bedrooms. "Here is your room Karasumoro." Pillipa says opening the door to reveal a large room with a king size bed in the middle of it, the room is so large that the bed from the doorway looks almost tiny, a giant glass chandelier hangs from the top of the room, and a waterfall runs through the left side of the room acting as a bath. Pillipa and Kartano walk off to their rooms leaving Karasumoro to himself "I think I'm going to like it here!" Karasumoro says, running in the direction of the bed, jumping into the air and doing a body slam into the bed.
