Chapter 18

December 1st 2019

eyy were really gonna end the book soon ;(((
we have 5-13 chapters left kids :(
but don't worry there shall be continuance with my writing but yeah love y'all
see ya loves 🤡✌️❤️

Toby POV

"S-son of a b-bitch!" I yelled out to the woods. I was heading out on a kill. I only did it because I didn't want anyone to see my concern and worry for (Y/N). I just don't understand why this stuff keeps happening to her. I hope this kill will block out all of these feelings...

Your POV

I awoke in the infirmary. God I wonder how many times this has happened, I chuckled. I tested out speaking again, but it didn't work. I let out a sigh. It sucks not being able to talk. But at the same time it does me wonders. Well.... not really? I don't know, I haven't had that chance yet.

I got lost in my thoughts as Slenderman had entered the room. I think he said something a few times before I got completely out of my thoughts when he merely yelled, "(Y/N)!"
I turned my head swiftly to look at him.

"I assume you still can't talk?" I nodded my head.
"Well, no worries. I asked one of my brothers if they had any type of potion-or spell- and luckily one of them did." He explained as he pulled out a tiny container.

The container contained a purplish liquid that would sometimes have a spark to it.
Slenderman went on to explain some of the side effects.
"You might have causes of delusional hunger, hallucinations, and trances of non-existing pains. But you will for certain get your voice back." He explained. I grabbed the notepad of paper conveniently on the bedside and wrote out something.

Let's do it. You wrote out. Slenderman nodded. He then handed you the tiny container. You popped of the top and raised it to your mouth. You were about to drink it but then Toby ran in and yelled, "Wait!" Slenderman and I looked at him a little funny. "(Y/N) why would you drink that??! That's gonna give you terrible side affects!" He tried grabbing it out of my hands but I then swiftly turned at drank it.

That's when everything turned wanky. I mean the pain in my head felt like a spear. And everything went very very dizzy. I heard a couple of sounds but they were so loud. I covered my ears from the sound. It was retched. That's when Slenderman put his hand on my head and everything turned black.

My POV 🤡✌️

(Y/N) had fallen unconscious after slenderman but his hand on her head. "It seems like it was just too much for her.." He said out of sorrow. "Y-you don't mean sh-shes dead right?" Toby said with a pinch of fear. "I think she will be fine. But this will take time for her recovery. She will slowly start speaking again. And once she does," slenderman paused,

"She will be questioned."

2 Chapters in one day?! HECK YEAH
i love y'all so much like i mean thank you all for everything
we're nearing the end too and god that's sick but i'm still workin on 2 books rn
this one and a surprise
if anyone watches netflix then that's a little hint
kinda just puts in a tinier category
and it's an animation so yeah
ok bye love y'all ❤️❤️❤️


587 Words
