Chapter 1 E

A/N (Wednesday, June 3rd 2:30pm)
okay uhm.. this is from future me looking back on how GARBAGE this book was and sure i feel oh so bad and i cringe at it every single time i see a notification from it BUT uhm fuck what was i gonna say OHHhh okay okay the last chapters are like golden to me but idk y'all might like it probably not it's complete cringe uhm and yeah "enjoy"!

Tip Tap. Tip Tap.

The tapping. The barely audible noice could mean so much. So much that it was confusing. I mean, that could be any noise. It wouldn't even matter, because I could be dead very soon. How'd this happen? Well, let's go back and see how this "tip-tap"shit started.

About 2hours ago
You were sitting in your room thinking of the next mission. You were exhausted from the last one (which had happened not even an hour ago), but exhausting as it was you had to think. Think about the future. Back there you could have died! But that's every time. You kept thinking till you started getting a headache.

You sighed and got up. See, the plan was to get an aspirin and head straight to bed. Well, that plan didn't go so well, because you had been a little distracted by all the mess in the kitchen.

"What the hell?" You thought out loud. What you seen, was blood. Lots of it.

The thing that brought your attention first was the blood of course. Then you looked up and the window had been broken. You didn't like the idea that was playing into your head at all. You were a professional killer, but still, this was something that was happening. Playing with your cards you crossed out the option of it being any 'natural cause'. There hadn't been any storms and the window had been broken recently.

What ever the case was, you were exhausted. You wouldn't be able to attack this person right now. It would probably cause you to pass out. Which wasn't really something that needed to happen. Instead of prying any longer, you hurried up and got the aspirin—swallowed it— and left the kitchen to go sleep.

Moving towards the stairs you noticed a figure reflecting from a glassy vase. You were about to turn around when a sharp pain hit your through your head. The last thing you saw was a half masked figure carrying you out of your house.

Approximately 2 hours later

You woke up to a bad pain in your head. 'What the hell happened?' You questioned the obvious. You went up to grab your head, but that was cut short when you heard clank come from your hands. 'Chains..' You pointed out.

Well shiz.

Tip tap Tip tap

What was that? You shot your head up to look around, which you immediately regretted. Due to rising so fast, the pain gave you karma for it. 'Where the hell even am I?' You started interviewing yourself, but with no actual answers. I can't believe someone's gonna kill the great (CP/N). Huh, that'll be an honor, wouldn't it?

That leads us back to the present.
Leaning back, you groaned in pain. Your felt like you'd had your head pounded in. And oh boy, had you not wanted that to happen again.

"Is someone f-fin-ally aw-a-ake?" A male said.
" I would've liked to sleep more, but yeah." You said in a grubby voice. A chuckle was heard from the corner of the room.

You tried to move your hands, but failed once again. That kind of annoyed you. Just because you had been forgetful about it. You would lecture yourself later... if you remembered. But you started to recognize the smell in the room. You sniffed the air, it smelled like charcoal. Not only charcoal, blood.

(old) A/N
Hey guys! This is my very first fanfic! I actually don't know if this makes any since so please give some advice on how to make it seem (more since)? And I will try my hardest!

As always,

(old) | 581 words |

(New) A/N

That was cringe lol. Anyways it was fun rewriting this too. I hope it made a lot more since. I feel better about it. We managed to get more words too! Alright, bye bye killers~
xoxo?? nah we gon do it like this.



Time Estimate


|  ??? |

Word count
|  717 words |
