Chapter 11

September 4th 2019

Y'all I'm on the bus right now and this girl me and bro hate us RIGHT IN FRONT OF US AND SHE KNOW- NOW MY BRO TEXTING SOMEONE THATS THE SEAT OVER! bruh I am just... ded. Okay? Ded. Anyways ima probably try and write now you might notice my lead of absence somewhere and my come back 🥵 but don't worry I'll stay iconic ✌️😌

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Toby's POV 
(He gon explain himself y'all 😢)

I couldn't stand that (Y/N) had been laughing there with them. My heart ached as I continued to fight my feelings. It seemed as if she looked up at me for a split second, her eyes looked as if they had complete joy. Her eyes somehow had softened even harder as she looked at me. Then, I did something that I'd never be able to take back.

I kissed her.

(Okay we at hel- school uhm time to not be homeless)- WE BACK!!

Authors POV (3rd person view)

As (Y/N) had been kissed by Toby the laughter immediately stopped, and all that could be heard was gasp of shock (or horror). The kiss looked so passionate, in fact it was, but the moment was not right for it. I mean, Toby has a girlfriend. And well... (Y/N) has a reputation. Not a good one really. Especially with the girls in the mansion. Not many being honest.

Your POV

I was frozen. I was in complete shock. This bubbly feeling kept making me fight for my own lips. I wanted to kiss back so badly, but I couldn't. I could never.

I stayed absorbed into the kiss. I still wasn't kissing back though. It felt like hours had passed. When in reality, only 4 seconds had. I then got another piercing feeling through my gut. This is wrong. I forced myself to pull back. I gave Toby a look and quickly walked off. I heard soft footsteps behind me as well. It was three of my besties. EJ, Jeff, and of course, Ben.

Although they walked behind me, we all filed into my room what seemed like at once.

".... Tea has been spilt..." Ben whispered still in shock.

Toby's POV

There I stood. Still bewildered of what I'd done. It's like I got pushed out of my body and possessed by a whole new person who obviously didn't care THAT I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND

Who I'm supposed to be madly in love with might I add!! Curse these feelings!

I snapped out of thoughts when I was roughly pulled up by a familiar touch. Oh no.... clockwork.

She pulled me to the hall and started yelling at me. She wasn't sad at what I did at all. In fact I knew she didn't even care. It's the fact of the person I chose to kiss. (Y/N).

The longer I stood there listening to her bickering and scolding, the more I really realized about her. I knew what I wanted. I knew who I wanted. And neither included her.

"Clockwork.." I said softly. She must not of heard because she kept going on. "Clockwork!" That snapped her out of it.

"Shut up! You have no room to speak right now!" She scowled.

"Yeah I kinda do. You're not even hurt, by the fact I kissed someone else. It's just because of the person I did kiss. (Y/N).." I confronted her. She seemed at a lost for words, but quickly regained realization. "N-never! It's not because of her—!" I quickly cut her off and yelled,

"We're breaking up!"


I'm am really sorry I didn't update last Friday it's just been kinda rough due to school and shit

If you've noticed we are getting somewhere in the story and while I attempt my 2 "relax" days I will be completely planning out the story line
I might even know when I the book will end
That's honestly really good if you think about it

I'm really sorry for the short chapters btw once I get stuff planned out better I will yknow, make longer chapters
I guess it's just getting kinda hard and I just feel like we're going to be reaching the very soon
Though only planning could and would confirm that

But I will try and be amazing and keep updating to at least 1000 words even though the A/N's do fill up the word count well I just think I need to kinda use the A/N up so i get you guys your advice and shit and what's happening

Well we're at school now so see yalls in the next chapter

| Finished |

Sep. 9th 2019

| To be published;|

Sep. 11th 2019

| Word Count |

788 words
