Chapter 19

Wednesday, Jan 1st 11:18pm

Song; Starring Role Marina and the Diamonds

second, i'm sorryyyyy okeey
third, THANK YOU SM FOR 3,000+ READS
FORTH (yeah), thank you sm for 500+ reads on the first chapter i literally love y'all a so fuckin much like thx for sticking around honest cause like ima loser lmao but let me shut up and make this chapter i think there's gonna be like 9 or 4 chapters then like the end but we do like a round of specials and shit then another book because yee yee :)

Recap cause it been a moment
(Y/N) had fallen unconscious after slenderman but his hand on her head. "It seems like it was just too much for her.." He said out of sorrow. "Y-you don't mean sh-shes dead right?" Toby said with a pinch of fear. "I think she will be fine. But this will take time for her recovery. She will slowly start speaking again. And once she does," slenderman paused,

"She will be questioned."

Your POV

I awoke to a soft wetness hitting my face. The source of it had been Sally crying. I looked directly into her eyes and asked her what was wrong.

"(Y/N)????!!! Y/N!!!!!!" She bursted out. Suddenly Ben busted the door saying, "BITCHHHHHHHHHH" afterwords he then got slapped by EJ because of his unholy words. Ben choked over dramatically and then jumped onto me causing myself to literally die because of this fat bitch.

"B you've missed sooooooooo much tea!!!! Like gurl- the Nikoavocado tea, James Charles scandal— but honestly I think you already know because he can't go a week without a sister scandal. And gurl—." Jeff than ran in jumping on me as well killing me even more because he's an even fatter bitch.

When I say I have never ever felt like i was gonna die from pressure this much before, I mean it. "Y'all *chokes* so...." I struggled to speak, "Yes (Y/N)?" Jeff asked. "....FUCKIN FAT GET THE FUCK OFF!" EJ started laughing as he began to walk over to check how I was performing.

Eventually the fattest fucks alive got off of me after EJ threatened to come home with no Mcdonald's. "So..... like can I leave now? Because sitting here is boring as shit and as Ben said earlier I need to check in on the tea." He motioned for Ben and Jeff and Sally to get out and they did as motioned. EJ waited till he could hear them walk down the steps before bear hugging me. "DO YOU KNOW HOW SCARED I WAS? YOU CANT JUST SLEEP FOR 2 DAYS!" He yelled at me. I smirked and hugged him back. "Awe I missed you too EJ.... but seriously it is boring as hell in here could I please leave?" He laughed at my comment and said I could leave. "Oh but before you head to your room, Slender would like to speak to you." You mentally groaned because you didn't want to deal with having to be serious so soon. But you thanked EJ for telling you and taking care of you.

You started to walk down the flights of stairs and eventually, your mind had started to wander places. At first you didn't really start thinking about "serious" things. It was more of a complaining mindset like;
"Why doesn't Slendy just install an elevator like sorry b i'm not THAT fit."

But then it started turning into things like;

"Why does Slendy wish to speak to me so soon? Did I do something wrong?"

I had been snapped out of my thoughts as I had reached the end of the dreadful stairs. Besides Sally, Ben, EJ, and Jeff being the first people to see me, LJ was the first one to come up and give me some candy that had a message on the wrapping that had read, "Get Well Soon". You smiled at him and thanked him for the custom made candy.

You seen Toby look at you from the living room but he quickly averted his eyes. That had reminded you of something though; you definitely needed to talk to him about everything that had happened.

You walked through the kitchen glances at Jeff and Ben who were having a goldfish challenge; Let me explain. The challenge was who could shove the most goldfish in their mouths. I giggled and they looked over at me smiling with goldfish in their mouths and waving. I walked down the hall that included the downstairs infirmary and Slendy's office and other people's bedrooms. Before heading to the big guys office, I stopped into the infirmary to say hi to Doctor Smiley.

"Hey Smiley." He stopped messing with whatever he was messing with and turned to me. "Oh hey (Y/N). Why'd you step in? Do you need help with something?" He questioned. "No reason in particular and no I don't need help with anything right now. I was just stopping in to say hi." I answered back. "Well i'm glad to see your health is back to being somewhat stable." He chuckled. "Yeah." I snickered. "Well I gotta get to Slendy's  office before I get in trouble. See you around!" He gently smiled and waved me off.

    To be truthful, I didn't know what to expect when I walked into Slendy's office. But what I had seen, was not even possible.

i feel absolutely terrible y'all i haven't updated in like 4 years and while o was taking my break we hit over 5,000 reads!!! cries in gucci

this series is coming to an end soon but do not be sad guys i'm coming out with a bunch more fanfics over the summer (ESTs summer) though i do plan on finishing this story before the spring, im going to take a minute to get all of those fanfics ready and such. i have 3 in total that i've started working on. and before i get comments about it yes, i am doing another one for creepypasta. but the rest stays secret! well until next time 🖤🦋✨

1044 words

Published February 10th 2020
Happy first official chapter of 2020!!
