Two days later, on Wednesday, Jude and Crystal found themselves browsing houses in Madrid for Jude. They stumbled upon a stunning villa in a neighborhood near Toni Kroos and Camavinga, instantly falling in love with its charm and spaciousness.

Jude: "Crystal, look at this place. It's perfect."

Crystal: "Wow, Jude, it's beautiful. And the location is amazing!"

Jude: "Imagine the parties we could have in that backyard."

Crystal: "And the kitchen! I can already see us cooking together here."

Jude:"our favourites pancakes"

Crytsal:"just a lil less messy"

Excitedly, Jude decided to purchase the villa. After all the paperwork was sorted out, they headed to a furniture store to furnish their new home. As they wandered through the showroom, they couldn't resist teasing each other about different pieces of furniture.

Crystal pointed to a luxurious bed display.
Crystal:" have you ever been furniture shoping?


Crytsal:"what! Oh so I am the leader again"

Jude taking his hand and putting it around her shoulders

Jude:"I mean go for it if you want"

Crystal(all exided):" want? Its my dream"


They walked around the salon looking for the needed things.

Crystal: "Jude, imagine napping here every afternoon. It's like a cloud!"

Jude:"is it bouncy enough?" He said smirking

Crytal:"wdym boun- you perv"

Jude:"oh dont act like you did not like it"

Crytsal:"anyhow look at this warderobe"

Jude laughed, pulling her towards a sleek dining table.

Jude: "This could be where we host dinner parties. What do you think?"

Crystal: "I think we need chairs that are a bit comfier than those."

They stumbled to the kids section.

Crystal:"lets get out of here Im getting baby fever"

Jude pulling a baby onsie to her face

Jude:"Omg look at this"

Crystal:"Awww Jude stop fr now"

Jude:"we even have rooms upstairs waitung for them"

Crystal:" first make me your fiancé at least then we can work on that"

Jude:"we can parctise before"

Crystal:"Oh my days..."


Their banter continued as they picked out furniture that suited their style and envisioned their life together in their new home. After finalizing their selections, they returned to Crystal's apartment to pack up Jude's belongings. The atmosphere was lively, filled with laughter and playful moments as they sorted through clothes and memorabilia.

Crystal: "Jude, are you sure you need all these soccer trophies? They're taking up half the suitcase!"

Jude: "Hey, they're my pride and joy!"

Crystal: "Alright, but they're definitely going on display in your new place."

Jude:" OUR new place"


Jude:"your comming with me"

Crystal:"well yea you are not keepable of decorating the hous alone"

Jude:"no dummy, I mean moving in with me"

Crystal was shoked

Crystal:"jude.. thats a lot for your caree,I would love t- are you sure?"

Jude goes to her and kisses her gently

Jude:"Am l sure!? Baby I would die alone there. Its not that l need you I want you there.So do you want to move in with me"

Crystal:"ofc l do, just lets pack you first my stuff can be transfered later"

Jude stamds up amd does his celebration.

Jude:"thats what lm talking bout baby"

Crystal:"We are losing time, sit and pack"

Jude:"yes mam' "

They packed efficiently, sharing stories about each item and reminiscing about their past adventures. The mood was light and affectionate, a testament to their deepening their bond.

Crystal: "I can already imagine us cooking together in our new kitchen. You'll be in charge of the drinks, and I'll handle dessert."

Jude: "Deal! As long as you promise not to eat all the cookie dough before it gets baked."

Crystal: "Hey, no promises. It's a tough job being the taste-tester."

Their laughter echoed through the apartment as they continued packing, each item carefully chosen and packed away with love and anticipation for the new chapter awaiting them.

Jude: "Crystal, thank you for helping me with all this. I couldn't do it without you."

Crystal smiled, setting down a box and wrapping her arms around him.

Crystal: "Jude, we're in this together. Always."

They shared a tender kiss amidst the boxes and belongings, their hearts full of excitement and love for the home they were creating together in Spain.

The next morning came quickly as they rose early to head to the furniture store for delivery. Jude and the deliverymen unloaded the furniture, with a few comical mishaps along the way due to Jude's excitement and Crystal's playful teasing.

Crystal: "Careful with that vase, Jude! We don't need any accidents on moving day."

Jude: "I got it, I got it!"

After the furniture was delivered and they settled into their new villa, Jude and Crystal eagerly dove into decorating their space. Despite their short time together as a couple and the need for privacy due to their fame, they found joy in making their home cozy and uniquely theirs.

Crystal carefully arranged decorative pillows on the couch.

Crystal: "Jude, what do you think of these pillows? Do they add a nice touch?"

Jude nodded thoughtfully, looking around the living room.

Jude: "They look great. You have a good eye for this."

Crystal smiled, appreciating his compliment.

Crystal: "Thanks! I wanted to add a pop of color without being too overwhelming."

They continued to collaborate, discussing each piece of decor and where it should go.

Jude pointed to a corner of the room.

Jude: "How about we put that painting over there? It'll brighten up this spot."

Crystal agreed, moving the painting to the designated spot.

Crystal: "Perfect! It really ties the room together."

As they hung up curtains and placed rugs, they shared ideas and laughed over minor disagreements, each decision bringing them closer together as they transformed their house into a home.

Crystal: "Jude, should we hang these photos here or in the hallway?"

Jude: "Hmm, maybe here in the living room. They'll add a personal touch."

Crystal: "I like that idea. Our favorite memories right where we can see them every day."

They reminisced about those memories as they arranged the photos, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere that reflected their love and shared experiences.

Jude: "Crystal, I'm glad we're doing this together. It feels like our space now."

Crystal: "Me too, Jude. It's fun imagining all the moments we'll share here."

They continued to decorate, occasionally taking breaks to admire their progress and dream about their future in Madrid.

Crystal placed a small succulent on a shelf.

Crystal: "This little guy adds a touch of nature. Plus, I heard they're good for improving air quality."

Jude chuckled, joining her near the shelf.

Jude: "Looks like our home is going to be healthy and stylish."

Their laughter filled the room as they put the finishing touches on their decorations, their hearts full of excitement and love for the life they were building together.

Crystal: "Jude, this is starting to feel like our own little sanctuary."

Jude: "It does. And I'm grateful to share it with you, Crystal."

They embraced, savoring the moment and the sense of accomplishment as they looked around their newly decorated home, ready to embrace the future and protect their privacy while enjoying their time together in Madrid

They sat on the new sofa for a litlle break.

Jude:"cant wait to do partys here"

Crystal::nothing to crazy tho"


They stand up to finish their work

Crystal:"I am dead"

Jude:"me too "

Crystal:"cmn you can ran 90minutes and can't decorate a home"

Jude:"huge home"

Crystal:"it is fucking huge"

The first flor was done and it looked great, Crystal went upstairs pausing at one of the unfilled rooms. Imagining baby stuff in it.

She felt Judes hands on her waist and stomach.

Jude:"Here our son will be sleepin... and here across our lil princess will"

Crystal:"I hope so" she said havin tears in her eyes.

Jude hugging her:"why are you crying love" he sais trough laughung

Crystal:"Im proud of us"

Jude:"l am too"

The couple went to the bedroom decorating it. As they finish they jumped on the bed layin next to eachother closely.

They drifted into conversation about their hopes and dreams, discussing their careers, their relationship, and what the future held for them in Madrid. Each word carried with it a sense of excitement and commitment to their shared journey.

As they lay there, surrounded by their newly furnished home, Jude pulled Crystal closer, kissing her forehead tenderly.

Jude: "I love you, Crystal. This is just the beginning."

Crystal smiled, her eyes shining with happiness and love.

Crystal: "I love you too, Jude. I can't wait to see what our future holds."

They held each other tightly, the morning sun streaming through the window, illuminating their hopes and dreams for the life they were building together in Spain.


A/N:They are movin mad yk😁
It is comin to an end, an perfect end.

Stay tunned💕
May god bless you.

Pls vote💓👋🏼
