Upon arriving in Spain, Crystal and Jude settled into her cozy apartment overlooking the bustling streets of Madrid. The warm Mediterranean sun streamed through the windows as they unpacked their belongings, reminiscing about the journey and the adventures ahead.

Crystal: "I can't believe we're finally here, Jude. It feels surreal."

Jude smiled, placing their suitcase by the bed. "I know, right? It's like a dream come true."

Crystal nodded, tapping on the  map icon on her phone.

Crystal: "Let's explore after lunch. I'm starving."

They headed to a nearby café where they savored tapas and paella, soaking in the vibrant atmosphere of their new home.

After their arrival in Spain, Crystal receives a call from Jude's parents, who are eager to catch up and hear about their journey so far.

Denise: "Crystal, darling, how are you settling in? Is everything going well?"

Crystal: "Hi, Denise! Yes, everything's great here. We're loving Madrid already."

Mark: "That's wonderful to hear. How was the flight? Jude mentioned you two were excited about exploring."

Crystal: "Oh, the flight was smooth, thank you. And yes, Madrid has been amazing. We've been taking it all in."

Denise: "Have you had a chance to visit any of the sights yet?"

Crystal: "Not yet, but we're planning to explore more this weekend. The architecture here is stunning."

Crystal: "How are things back home? Is everything okay?"

Denise: "Oh, everything's fine here. Jobe misses having you around, though. He's been talking about the time you two spent together."

Crystal smiles warmly, imagining their playful moments back at home.

Crystal: "Tell Jobe I miss him too."

Mark: "And how's Jude doing? Is he settling into training?"

Crystal:"Oh here he is, love your parents ar on the phone"

Jude:"hey pops, hi mom. Whatsup"

Mark:"hows the team"

Jude: "l am loving it. The team has been very welcoming, and lm already getting into the rhythm of things."

Denise: "That's good to hear. You two make quite the pair, exploring new places and supporting each other."

Crystal feels a sense of warmth hearing Denise's words.

Crystal: "Thank you, Denise. We're really happy here. Madrid feels like a new adventure for both of us."

Mark: "We're glad to hear that, Crystal. Jude mentioned you've been busy with your own projects too. How's everything going on that front?"

Crystal: "It's exciting. I've been meeting with some local designers and exploring opportunities in the fashion scene here. There's so much creativity to be inspired by."

Denise: "That sounds wonderful, dear. You've always had such a passion for fashion. We're sure you'll do amazing things."

Crystal: "Thank you, Denise. Your support means a lot to me."

Mark: "Well, we won't keep you too long. Just wanted to check in and say hello."

Crystal: "I'm glad you called. It's nice to catch up. Give our love to everyone back home, please."

Denise: "We will, Crystal. Take care of yourselves, and keep us updated on your adventures."

Crystal: "Will do! Thanks again for calling. Talk soon."


Mark and Denise bid farewell, leaving Crystal feeling grateful for their warmth and support from afar.

After the loving calls Jude and Crystal curled up in bed, the city's sounds filtering through the open window. They gazed at each other with a mix of contentment and excitement.

Crystal: "I'm so glad we're here together"
She moved a strand of hair from her face.

"Me too. This is just the beginning."

They held each other close, feeling the buzz of the city below them, a promise of countless memories to come.

The next morning, sunlight filtered into the bedroom, waking Crystal gently. As she stretched and reached for her phone, a message notification caught her eye. It was an invitation to a prestigious fashion show that evening.

Crystal's eyes widened with surprise and excitement. "Jude, look at this!"

Jude sat up, rubbing his eyes. "What is it?"

Crystal showed him the invitation. "I've been invited to this fashion show tonight. It's a big deal."

Jude smiled proudly. "That's incredible, Crystal. They know talent when they see it."

Crystal blushed, feeling a surge of nervous energy mixed with anticipation.

Crystal's phone buzzed with a message notification just as she finished breakfast in cozy. Madrid apartment. It was a reminder for her dress fitting later that morning.

Crystal: "Jude, I have to head out soon for my dress fitting."

Jude looked up from his coffee, a smile spreading across his face.

Jude: "Already? Time flies. You're going to look stunning, as always."

Crystal chuckled, playfully rolling her eyes at his charm.

Crystal: "Flattery will get you everywhere. What are you planning to do today?"

Jude: "I have a morning training session and then some meetings with the team. Nothing too exiting, it would be hella boring."

Crystal teased him lightly as she got ready to leave.

Crystal: "Oh, I'm sure you'll manage just fine without me."

Jude grinned, reaching over to give her a quick kiss goodbye.

Jude: "Call me if you need anything, okay? Enjoy your fitting."

Crystal nodded, heading out into the vibrant streets of Madrid. The sun was shining brightly, casting a golden glow over the city as she made her way to the fashion studio.

At the studio, Crystal was greeted warmly by the designer and her team. They exchanged pleasantries and began discussing the final adjustments to her dress. The conversation flowed easily as they shared insights about the upcoming fashion show and the artistic inspirations behind the collection.

Designer: "Crystal, we're so excited to have you as part of our show. Your presence will bring a fresh energy to the runway."

Crystal smiled, feeling a surge of anticipation for the event.

Crystal: "Thank you so much for having me. I'm honored to be a part of it."

As they finalized the details, Crystal's phone buzzed again. It was a message from Jude, a photo of him with some of his new teammates at a café near the training ground.


Everything good peach?
Im so exited!!! Looks like you met your new teamates.

I sure did theyre great tho, cant wait for you to meet them

I would love to, cant chat anymore i need to go.  Bye love💕
Bye peach❤️

Crystal grinned at the photo, feeling supported and loved from afar.
The time before the show Crystal spended in the studio.

Crystal stood backstage at the fashion show venue, her heart pounding with a mix of nerves and excitement. The room buzzed with energy as models and designers hurriedly prepared for the event.

Maria:"how you feelin'"?

Crystal: adjusting her gown "Nervous?"

The designer, Maria, smiled warmly, placing a reassuring hand on Crystal's shoulder.

Maria: "It's natural to feel a bit nervous, but you look absolutely stunning. You'll shine out there."

Crystal nodded gratefully, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves.

Crystal: "Thank you, Maria. I'm really excited about it"

Minutes befire dhe needed to go out,she saw that Jude sent her a meesage.


"Can't wait to see you, the biys and I are here cheerin for you"

The show began, and Crystal walked out onto the runway with confidence, the cameras flashing and the audience applauding. She moved gracefully, showcasing the elegant designs with poise and elegance.

As she walked backstage after her final walk, Maria enveloped her in a hug, beaming with pride.

Maria: "You were phenomenal out there, Crystal. Truly captivating."

Crystal thanked her, feeling a rush of exhilaration and relief. She quickly checked her phone again, seeing messages of congratulations from Jude and her friends back home.


Crystal:  "Thank you for your support, love. It means everything to me."

Jude: "Always proud of you, Peach. Can't wait to celebrate with you tonight."

A/N: sorryy l fell asleep last night. Ill give you two chapterd today,  the 25th is already uploaded.

There is Crystals job that you guys wanted.

Stay tuned for the 25th part.

May god bless you.

