I woke up in 9 i the morning. It was breakfas time. I was invited to he brekfast with: Trent,Bukayo,Tolami and Jude.

Ofc I said yes. I got ready, beacuse right after that l need to go to prepair myself for the runeay show.

I came down wearing light washed jeans with a yellow shirt "Brazil" written over it.
I came down and the only one at the table was Jude.

C:"Helloooo judey boy"

J:"Hi peach"

C: "Slept well?" I said sitting down acros him

J: "I did, did you"

C: "Yep"

J: "So did Trent ask you anithing last night."

C:"No he just went sleeping right away, and got out like in 8a.m."

J:"Thank God"

C: "I hope l'll see you at the runway"

J: "Ofcourse is that even questionable, I am your number one fan"

We went laughingh but then we heard Trent coming, we imidiatly stopped and took our phones in our hands.

T: "Wassup guys"

C:"Thank God someone came"

J: "The on thing you are right about"

T:"Woaaaah we don't need blood here"

Me and jude looked at eachother slightly smilling

T:"So Jude where were you last night"

C:"I visited someone"


My eyes flicked at Jude. Who is fucking Laura.I am so mad at him rn but I kept it cool, for now.

J:"No dude,I have someone else in my mind"

He sais i lifted my head looking at him to see he was already looking at me. Maybe I am not that mad at him.

T:"Cheeky lad"

To:"Heyaaa" we heard Tolami shouting to us, she sat right next to me.Later Bukayo joined too.

We ordered and started eating. After like a half an hour I heard someone calling my name. It was  Pablo.

P: "Hey everyone, Crys we need to go"

C: "Umm.. yeah sure I am comming"

C: "Bye guys hope l'll se you tonight"

T:"Ofc you will I am your biggest fan"

I looked over to Jude he sat there smiling.

C:"Love ya" I said walking away

It was show time!I was ready to come out and show those beautiful dresses that Valentino made.

I did my thing, and than I was the head of the runway. While I was walking down l saw Jude with my other friends filming me. As I posed I felt someones hands on my waist. It was Pablo. Man he is sticked to me.  I quickily move his hand and just walk away.

The runway was done so I went down to see my friends. I was  in the beige sparkly dress cause it was the last l wore and I was too lazy to take it of rn.
I went down and saw familiar faces.

"You are gorgeus girl" sasha was screaming at my ear as much as tolami did.

I hug them all but l realised that Jude was off. What the fuck.
We decided to go to the club just to ha some more fun.... l changed and came

              LIL JUDES POV

she was the first one to step on the stage. Damn. She is leng. The most gorgeus face I've seen ever.
She is just so charming and elegant. I can't.

I ofcourse filmed every second of her but as I was watching I saw someone getting realy close to her. It's that motherfucker Pablo. What the fuck does he want. I swear on my mums he will be punched in that ugly face if his if he trys to do something like that again. He is such a moodkiller. But nothing changes the fact that that girl over there, Crystal Jonshon is the only one on my mind.


We came to the club. Everybody sat on the couch.  The music was hittin'. Jude does not speak to me and he have not talked to anybody here. Great.

I realy needed a drink now so I went to grab some. As I was sitting at bar sipping some strong alcohol shit i felt someones presence.

I tought Jude finaly came to speak to me but hell was I wrong.
That motherfucker Pablo.
I swear on my mum's he'll get a punch in that ugly face if he trys something stupid.

"Hi darlin' "

:what do you want"

"Someone is moody,ok"

"It would be a suprise if I wasnt"


"Because you are annoying as hell dude"

"I just want to be with you"

"Yeah no shit serlock"

"Come here"
He took my hand and pulled me of the cahir dragging me trought the club so we can go to the toilet.

"Let go of me"

"Why? I do not se a problem here" he said comming real close to my face

"Oh you motherfucker" i heard a voice. It was Jude. He fucking came here to save me.. Like that is kinda hot.
Ok what the fuck am I thinking. If he punches him, he's carieer-dead.

C:"Woaah we do not need blood here"i stepled in between  them

J:"Oh hell we do"

C:"Hey stop!" I looked him in the eyes my hand on his chest

C:"He'll get what he deserves, come" I interlock our fingers and walk outiside to yhe back where nobody is. Pablo just stayed in the bathroom ig.

J:"Are you sure you are ok"

C:"Just lil tipsy"

J: "I realy want him in bruses"

C: "Do you want your carieer to be done. That's what I tought. So shut up and kiss me"

J: "Excuse me?"

I took his head and  pulled him in. The kiss was everything I needed. It was soft and gentle.

I pulled away. Looking him in the damn black eyes. He is perfect.

J:"I could get used to this"



He leaned in again, and who was I not to. We kissed AGAIN but this time more passionate. We pulled away hearing someone coming. It was Bukayo.

B: "What is hapening here?"

C:"I realy didn't feel good so he helped me to get some air"

B:"Are you ok"

C:"Yeah I think I'll get home"

B:"Do you want me to call trent"

J:" it 's good.I'll drive her"

B: "Sure,call us if you need anything"

We both relaxed as we were glad he did nit chatch us. We were realy going home. Just a lil time for ourselves. I called Trent telling him the same story as to Bukayo. He agreed on Jude taking me to hitel cause he was having fun with Chloe, a girl he was obsessed with for yhe last month. Soo we had a spare room.

We get in the car. His right hand in my lap . Driving to the hotel with Franck Ocean in the background....





