43 | E + M


"This dress costs $2750,- it's too expensive."

"The fitting room is back there." He pointed to the room, paying no attention to what I had said.

I glanced between Marco and the dress, "Fine."

I grabbed a much cheaper white dress as well. I hung the two dresses and pulled the tall curtains around me. First, I tried on the white one. As much as the black dress looked better and would be an eye catcher, I was in no mood to piss Gia off even more.

The soft silk of the dress glided over my body as the top part draped around my neck. At first glance it did not do much for me but I still had the zipper at the back that I could not pull up myself. I hoped that the dress would fit me better once the zipper was up.

I peaked in between the curtains, only making my head visible and keeping the dress hidden. Marco was sitting on a white ottoman, reading away at one of the various magazines that were laid out on the glass table.

Mira was not in sight thus I had no choice but to ask Marco for assistance. As if he could sense that I was looking at him, he turned towards me.

"I need help."

He put down the magazine and headed my way. I deliberately took a step backwards when he walked in between the curtains.

His eyes were dragged across my figure, drinking in every detail by viewing the back of the dress in the mirror behind me.

"I still need to pull the zipper up."

He walked closer to me, this time I stood still. His face towered over mine, just inches of air between us when I looked up as he looked down.

His fingers grazed my sides whilst he bent down and his lips came close to the side of my head.

"Turn around." He whispered against my skin. His hands softly gripped in my sides and assisted me as I turned around.

Our eyes met in the mirror and kept the contact when his fingers moved to the zipper. Slowly, he pulled it up. The side of his finger lightly traced my back which hitched up my breath.

Once the dress was zipped up it sat better on my figure but still was not as complementing as could be. It was most definitely designed for someone taller than me.

"It's not bad." He whispered in my ear, still standing behind me.

"You hate it." I pointed out the obvious.

"I don't love it, no."

"I'll try the black one." I tapped the zipper.

He unzipped it again and took a step back but did not leave.

"Can I have some privacy?"

"Of course, I'll be out here if you need me." He scratched the back of his head.

"Okay, all done," I came out after fitting the dress. "You'll see tomorrow. " I told him when I saw the disappointment on his face.

"Great." He mumbled under his breath.

"Beautiful choice." Mira said as she rang it up.

Before Marco could get his wallet out of his pocket, I had handed her my card. It was surely going to hurt my bank account but I knew I would still have enough left for the coming week.

"Wait, no—"

"My dress, I'm paying." I had been waiting for a moment like this one.

After a quick stop at another shop where Marco got his stuff, we headed back home. This time the road seemed shorter than before, within minutes we were home again.

Marco was more tired than I was and went straight upstairs. I was in the mood for tea so I made a quick stop at the kitchen. I gasped when I walked in on Dimitri leaning against the counter.

"Jesus," he was as startled as I was.

"Why didn't you turn on the lights." I almost shouted.

He blankly stared at me as he was holding on for his dear life.

"Sorry." he said after the short awkward stare and slowly sat back down in his wheelchair.

I rushed to hold it in place.

"Thank you."

"Did you need something?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm in the mood for tea. But, I couldn't fill the—"

"I'll take care of it. I was also going to make myself a cup, so yeah."

"Thank you." He wheeled himself to the dining table.

I focused on making the drinks, trying to push out all the thoughts that swirled around in my head.

"How did it go with Marco?"

"Hmm." I knew what he had asked, I just needed more time to form my answer.

"With Marco, shopping?"

"Right," I turned to face him. "Went well, now we're all ready for the party." I could not hold back the fake smile.

"That's great." He gulped.

"Does Gia like the arrangement?" I did not care much about this, but still asked.

"She's staying at her father's place today so she'll get to see it tomorrow."


The room went back to being silent until the water was done cooking. I poured us the tea and placed his cup on the dining table in front of him.

"Well, have a good night." I was ready to take my cup of tea to go.

"Nuelle," he stopped me. "About everything that has happened, I never meant to hurt you." He unexpectedly said.

"But you did," I tried to swallow the lump that had formed in my throat. "And you don't have to apologize, because I don't blame you. I let myself get involved with you even though you have always been such an ass to me. I should have known better."

"I shouldn't have—"

"You and Gia make a good couple. In a lot of ways you guys are really alike. You know, arrogant bastards that only care about themselves. So, good luck with that and enjoy your tea."

I walked away as I sipped my tea, knowing full well that I had put salt in his cup instead of sugar.

---------------------------------------- //


I tossed and turned in my bed all night. I did not want Saturday to come but there was no way of stopping the inevitable. My mind kept replaying Emmanuelle's words. It made me feel nothing other than moronic.

She was wrong for the horrible tea, but I could understand her motive. I had been such an ass to her. Now, I was hours away from making a decision that could potentially ruin my life even more– all in the name of this fake, miserable life that had been created for us.

My eyes kept checking the clock. There was still much to do since Gia wanted a flawless party to flaunt our flawed relationship. I know that she had been waiting for this moment— to parade around with a huge ring and throw our engagement in people's faces. More specifically, in Emmanuelle's face. I felt conflicted by my own thoughts and promises.

A little over seven Tia came knocking on my door. I got out of bed with more physical pain than any of the other days that had passed in that week. I brushed my teeth and washed my face but did not shower. From my room I could hear the others being busy in the kitchen. Everyone was in such a good mood, especially Emmanuelle. The moment Marco saw me he got up and pushed me to where he was sitting. Not long after Emmanuelle brought him his coffee.

"Would you like something?" She asked me.

"No, no. I'm good."

"Nuelle makes the best coffee." Marco complimented her.

"I'll make you cup." She winked at me. 

"Great. Thanks." I gave her a stern look and she knew damn well why.

"Excited for the party?" Tia questioned me.

I nodded, "Yeah." I said, but I was actually unsure. I was starting to get cold feet.

"Here." Emmanuelle handed me a cup and then sat down next to Marco. The two of them were acting like teenagers that just started dating. All shy, constantly complimenting one another.


I did really need the coffee to stay awake, but could do without any salt in it. I took a deep breath and took a sip.

"Is it good?" Emmanuelle taunted me.

Thankfully, it was.

"Okay, Gia is spiraling again so that's my cue." Marissa got up, Anthony followed suit.

"Wait for me." I finished off my drink as I decided to go with them.

Gerold lived in a secluded area near the border of our town. Gia wanted to have the party at her parents house so that we could have more guests over.

The house— mansion would be a better word to describe the massive building that she calls her childhood home, features many bathrooms and a huge dining room which was perfect for the party she had planned.

The main hall was filled with white balloons on the ground as well as ones stuck to the ceiling. White, freshly picked flowers of all kinds were being assembled by experts she had hired for the decorations.

Marissa and Gia hugged each other. It was good to see that they had rekindled their friendship. They were the best of friends before we started dating.

She was excited when she saw me and fully prepared to give me a tour of the areas that had been decorated. So much for surprising her. But, knowing Gia's peculiar taste in all things expensive– it is best to surprise her by letting her take care of her own surprise. This is why I proposed without a ring and brought her shopping for one after she said yes.

The reason for my proposal was a promise that was made when our families joined businesses. After all, the ultimate union between families would be through marriage. We were the ones who accepted the terms and conditions that were laid out by our families, for this reason Gia and I did deserve each other.

"Mattia," Gerold joined us. "It's good to see you again, my son. Today is a special day, I wish he was here to witness it."

A wave of emotions hit my body when he mentioned my father. He kept going on about how my father would have been proud and a part of me agreed. The other part begged to differ.

I doubt that my father would be proud of me for hurting people in the process of coming to terms with the decisions that had been made before I knew what I truly wanted.

Time passed quick as we fought to get everything ready. The goal was perfection.

The guests were to arrive at seven-thirty. The girls got ready at four as Anthony and I continued until Emillio came to take over.

Gia and I got dressed in separate rooms, because she wanted to capture my reaction to her outfit on camera in front of everyone. Though I could do without all her extra, I decided to go with it. This was her day.

I put on my off white outfit, keeping my jacket in my hand. The room was cold yet I felt sweat beads forming on my forehead.

This was the first time since the accident that I was able to fully dress myself. It took a lot of strength to continue through the struggle and deep breaths for the pain, but I managed to do it.

I looked out the window to see the many guests arriving in their luxurious cars. Some even came in limousines. From afar I saw Tia, Lorna and Christoph walking to the house. Smiles spread across their lips.

Where are Nuelle and Marco?...

Emillio came to tell me that it was time. He wheeled me out and the more we moved to where the party was held the more nervous I got.

Anthony and Marissa were as busy as could be with greeting the arriving guests and showing them to the different seating areas.

"Mattia." Everyone greeted me, they all seemed happy to see me.

I engaged in many different conversations regarding work and my accident but all I could think about was where the two others were.

I was in the middle of a conversation with a contractor we had worked with several times when I overheard Marissa mention a name that took all my attention away from the contractor.

"Rafael, hi. It's great to see you again." She smiled and introduced him to Anthony who immediately straightened himself. I could see the firm handshake that he gave Rafael as a warning.

Rafael whispered something in his ear after which they both turned towards me. Anthony then led him to me.

"Should we move to the back?" He asked me whilst Rafael stood there with a huge smile.

I nodded. We were about to move from our location when flashes of cameras blinded us.

Everyone turned to look up the stairs as Gia walked down as if she was walking down an alter. She looked stunning but all of the attention that she craved was unnecessary.

As practiced I waited until she was close to me then I got up and hugged her to show off my progress. Everyone clapped hands for us and took pictures but I was too concerned about whatever Rafael had planned that I could not enjoy the moment.

I took a small step backwards to view her reaction but she was anything but happy so I turned around to see what she was looking at.


Marco and Emmanuelle were dressed in all black, clapping their hands as if nothing was wrong.

Gerold called for our attention by lightly tapping his champagne glass with a knife.

"Friends, family," he said loud enough for everyone to hear and settle down. "My family and I thank you for gracing us with your presence and making this a special day for our princess," he raised his glass at Gia who looked like she was about to kill someone. "However, we would like this evening to get even more special with this announcement. To you, Mattia."

I froze. I was supposed to pretend to ask Gia to marry me in front of everyone but I froze. The room went dead silent, I could only hear my own heartbeat.

"Mattia," Gia looked up at me but I could not focus.

Everyone was confused, whispers could be heard but no one dared to speak up. I saw Rafael grinning which made him look like an evil villain. Marissa mouthing that I should speak, Emmanuelle—

"It seems like Mattia is a little spooked by all the attention," Gerold took over again. The crowd laughed in sync. "No worries, that's why I'm here. I would like to raise a toast to my daughter, Gianna and Mattia Mulaney who have decided to unite our families through marriage. Cheers."

"Cheers." Everyone replied.

My heart was beating faster than normal. I was shaking to my core. My eyes searched for her. I needed to see her reaction. And I did, for a short moment she captured my eyes. Her face was straight, her eyelashes fluttering up and down faster than normally. Our eye contact broke when she looked away.

I was trying to have her look at me again when Gia's hand turned my face towards her and she kissed me. "Don't fucking ruin this." She spoke close to my ear with a smile after breaking the kiss.

I gulped. Anthony handed me the ring with a look that told me the same thing that Gia did but for a different reason. With a trembling hand I slipped the ring on her finger. In the few seconds that she embraced me in a hug and everyone around us was loud as they started to engage in conversations of their own, I once again turned towards Emmanuelle but she was no longer there. Both, her and Marco were gone.

Bonus chapter for this week
