08 | M


I woke up to my phone going off like crazy. Five missed calls and twelve messages all from just one person. The person I was trying to avoid. I sat on the edge of my bed and watched as one more notification popped up before I reached for my phone. I knew from the beginning that avoiding her would not work but addressing the problem would not have worked either.

If it were up to me I would have ended everything long ago, but every time I tried I failed. It would either be because of business or pleasure. Mostly both.

I needed a plan, a good one. One that would not backfire and one that was not too complicated, but everything that had to do with my relationship with Gia was complicated.

Whilst brushing my teeth I worked on a plan. To say that it was a good one would be a lie, but it would work. Gia and I had been doing this on and off thing for almost three years. One more week of good sex and the toxicity that came after that would not hurt.

I knew I needed a distraction the moment the thought of being with Nuelle crossed my mind. The images I had formed in my mind were mind blowing, but that was all they could be. Images.

How are we going to get this crazy bitch to act normal again?

I unlocked and locked my phone at least three times before I opened her messages and replied. Within seconds of sending it she replied, saying that she could not wait to spend the day with me.

I looked at the time, it was around eight am and I knew that Marco would head out to work during this time around. Without thinking twice I made my way out to the living room. Luckily, I caught him just in time only to see Nuelle walking with him.

I quietly groaned at myself. Marco was quick to ask me if I was not going to work. I did not want to go into details of why I was taking the day off. The first thing that came to mind was to tell him that I wanted to relax even though I knew that my siblings would ask more question regarding this matter.

Whilst talking to Marco I noticed Nuelle staring at the ground. She had an innocent look on her face but I could tell that she was deep in her thoughts. I tried to give Marco my full attention until I noticed that her eyes were now on me. She was nervously dragging her eyes up my body. Luckily Marco was so focused on what he was saying that he did not notice the smirk on my face.

I purposely ran my rights hand through my hair, pushing it back, knowing that it would put my arm on display. Nuelle took the bait and as she slowly moved her eyes from my torso to my face I let our eyes meet for a quick second which made her abort her mission.

I was in the mood to see her get flustered and blush so I added to the embarrassment she was obviously already feeling by asking if she was okay. I clenched my teeth to control my laughter whilst I watched her answer my question way too quickly and then turn towards Marco to ask him about breakfast. The moment they had walked away I started to chuckle to myself.

I returned to my room to wear a shirt before I too headed downstairs. By the time I reached the kitchen they were already having breakfast with Tia and Marissa. Marissa did not waste any time in asking me about my day off.

I managed to get her to stop asking questions about it before I had poured myself a cup of coffee and leaned against the kitchen island to watch them. Not long after she excused herself. Before she left she once again told Nuelle that they were going out that night, only making me tighten the grip I had on the mug.

I am not dismissing the fact that I can get possessive when I like something or someone, but for the sake of my dysfunctional family I knew that I had to dismiss the idea of having any kind of interest in Nuelle. Gia would help me with that, this I was more than sure off.

I only needed to make sure that Nuelle would keep her distance as well, because I was certain that I would not be able to turn her down if she were to come onto me. She used to be scared of me when we were younger which made her stay out of my way. I decided to use the same approach to the deal with her during the days to come.

After making small talk with her I walked out of the kitchen before she had managed to respond to the last thing I had said. Poor girl really was too innocent. I was on my way up when Emillio beckoned me towards him.

"Rafael was at the office again. Marco mentioned that you have the day off." He reported.

"Are you picking up Marco?"

Emillio nodded. I dialed Christoph's number to ask where he was, turned out that he was just on the other side of the house. I waited for him to come to us and then informed him about Rafael's visit before continuing with the other thing that now plagued my mind.

"Marissa is taking Nuelle out tonight. I think Anthony will join them, but I want you to go with them too or at least drop them off."

Emillio responded with an understanding nod.

"And if Marco or anyone asks about this, you don't know anything." I made sure to be clear to both men.

After temporarily dealing with that situation I decided to shower. I opted for casual clothes such as a white polo-shirt, jeans and sneakers. Half an hour later I was leaving my home and driving to Gia's place. I made sure to stop and get her a bouquet of her favorite flowers before picking her up.

When I got to her place she was not ready as yet so one of the maids let me in. I pushed her bedroom open to see her sitting on the ottoman. She had on a light pink satin rope that was slightly open at the front, revealing the black lace bra underneath.

My lips curved into a smile as I put the flowers on her bed and slowly walked up to her. By the time she saw me coming from behind her in the mirror, I had my hand wrapped around her neck. A smile appeared on her face as I had her stand up by raising her in this position. I lowered my hand to her waist, making her turn around to face me.

"You've been quite the pain in my ass."

"What are you going to do about it?" She whispered, smiling seductively as she brushed her lips against mine.

Gia always loved to challenge me and I love a good challenge. We had everything that could make people look at us, at our relationship and wish that they had that with their partner when in reality, we were more messed up than we would ever admit.

"Nothing." I gave her a smile as I pulled away from her, taking a few steps backwards.

I held my hands behind my back as I watched her lean against her dresser. She raised her right leg and put it on the ottoman whilst she loosened the rope, letting it fall to the ground. I pinned my eyebrows together as though I was studying her choice of undergarments. I must admit that the black lace bra and black lace see through underwear complimented her body so well.

This is why you're in this predicament with this crazy woman, I thought to myself.

I shook my head as I curled my finger at her, calling her towards me. Just as she was about to walk towards me I told her to get on all fours and crawl.

She made sure to keep her eyes locked with mine whilst she made her way towards me. She stopped in front of my feet, her legs tucked under her and her hands were placed with the palms down on her thighs.

She looked up at me with her ocean blue eyes, making me sigh. I grazed my knuckles against her right cheek, earning myself a small smile. I moved my thumb over her lips, parting them. With her eyes closed she darted her tongue against it. She knew what I liked and I knew what she liked, but only sexually. Every other aspect of our relationship was blurry.

I slowly pulled my finger away and her eyes opened before I instructed her to keep them close. I could tell that she was getting impatient. She was an only child that always got what she wanted, when she wanted it. So giving into my demands was not always easy for her, but she did her best.

I could not help but smirk as I watched her slightly parting and closing her lips as she squeezed her eyes shut. She gasped and almost opened her eyes when she heard my zipper being pulled down. I inhaled a deep breath as I pushed down the clothing that covered my lower body. Her lips curved into a smile when she felt me brush myself against her lips.

"Open your eyes." I whispered.

Her eyelashes fluttered open, revealing the beautiful blue orbs they shielded. She slightly lifted her head to the back, parting her lips and sticking out her tongue to accommodate me. Her hands rested on my thighs as she pushed herself back and forth. In this moment her goal was to keep me happy. I grabbed her face in my hands, making her look up to me.

"I've missed you." I whispered which gave her extra motivation to pick up her pace as she continued bobbing her head back and forth.

Tears were streaming down her cheeks, leaving black stains under her eyes from the make-up. She looked like a complete mess, but in that moment it was the best sight to see. I threw my head back as I felt myself reach my high. I inhaled and exhaled a few deep breaths before I lowered my eyes to see her all happy and proud of satisfying me.

"You're proud, aren't you?" I asked, wiping away her tears.

She wiggled in her position. "Are you?"

I motioned her to stand up and brought my lips to her forehead. "Always." I answered.

You know damn well that you're going to regret saying that in about a week, the voice in my head screamed.

"Are you okay? Why are you looking at me like that?" Her eyebrows furrowed.

I gulped. "I've just missed your face so damn much, baby." I lied as I tried to silence my consciousness.
