07 | E


I stretched my arms above my head before I turned to lay on my other side, grabbing the pillow next to me and hugging it tight to my chest. It felt like I was sleeping on a million soft feathers.

I continued to lay for a while longer before my eyes opened at a peak. My eyes widened when it got captured by the fancy chandelier hanging in the middle of the room. When I looked around the room I remembered that I was not in my cozy home back in England.

I got up and took another look around the room that was now filled with light. The decor? Absolutely beautiful. The bed was all white with a few beige pillows.

The curtains were beige as well as the vanity desk and chair. The vanity was placed between two doors, one led to the bathroom and the other opened up to the walk in closet. The moment Dimitri had left I had explored each and every inch of the room.

I threw my head back into the pillow and pulled the comforter up until it reached my chin. I forced myself to go back to sleep, but I could not so I got up.

Whilst stretching my arms above my head and yawning I made my way to the bathroom. I loosened my bun that was hanging low to the side and twisted my hair into a tighter bun. I opened up the tap and splashed water on my face, immediately gasping at the cold.

I walked back to my suitcase which was next to the ottoman and took a towel to wipe my face as well as rummaged it for my outfit of the day.

I took out three options and stared at them for longer than needed because I had actually already made up my mind about what I wanted to wear. I sighed at myself as I put the two other outfits away and left the one I already knew I was going to wear from the start.

I pressed my lips together as I turned back to the bathroom and hopped into the shower. After taking a well needed shower I dressed myself in the chosen outfit which was a sweater and jeans shorts.

I did not have any plans for the day but hope that Dimitri would deliver news that we could meet with the lawyer earlier than planned. After getting dressed I brushed my hair and tied it in a ponytail before making my way out.


I turned to my right to see Marco coming out of his room which was at the end of the hallway.

"Hi." I awkwardly waved at him, immediately cursing myself out for doing that.

"This is your room?" He asked, confused.

"No, that one is mine." I pointed at the princess door, slightly embarrassed. "But, I'm sleeping in this one."

"That's what I thought," He smiled. "Any plans for today?"

"Nope, actually just heading downstairs to see what everyone else is up to. You?"

"Work." Marco took a step back to give me a better view of his suit. "Like it?"

"It looks good." I smiled.

It really did. He really did. He had on a dark blue suit with a white dress shirt underneath. No tie and the first few buttons of the shirt were open.

Marco and Dimitri certainly knew how to dress themselves but how could they not, they grew up with a father who wore suits more often than T-shirts.

"Okay enough of the show, let's go get some breakfast."

I nodded. We were walking through the living room when I noticed Dimitri coming from the other side of the house. He looked rough as though he had not slept well. But somehow— somehow he still managed to look good.

No shirt...look down!

I lowered my eyes to the floor when he caught up to us, feeling a blush creep up to my cheeks.

"Not going to work?" Marco asked.

"Nah, I'm thinking of taking the day off." His voice sounded so deep and sleepy.

"Wow," Astonishment in Marco's voice. "Are you— sick?"

"No, just extremely tired. I want to relax."

I could not keep my eyes trained at the floor any longer. Whilst Marco and Dimitri exchanged a few more words my eyes moved up his body.

I nervously gulped, it felt like I was putting my life at risk by trying to take a look at him.

In some ways I was, because if by any bad luck one of the two men standing near me would notice me doing this I would have to disappear and this time it would be my choice to do so. Father's will reading or whatever else they needed me for would have to wait until the end of time.

My breathing quickened, matching my heartbeat. He had on black sweatpants that were hanging quite low on his hip, exposing the white band of the brand underwear he was wearing.

I held in my breath as I slowly dragged my eyes up his toned abs and then his shoulders. His right hand was moving his hair to the back, putting his toned arms on display.

"Call if there's anything."

My eyes were just making their way up his face when...

"Are you okay Nuelle?" Dimitri raised his left eyebrow.

"Yes." I answered, our eyes still connected. My heart pounded hard against my chest, I thought I was going to melt through the floor out of embarrassment.

"Ready for breakfast?" I quickly turned to Marco who nodded with a smile.

"See you later." He said to Dimitri before we walked off.

The sound of giggles and multiple voices became louder and louder as we walking to the kitchen. The sight of Tia, Marissa and another lady talking and smiling while having their breakfast made my day.

Well, technically it was already made but this made it even better.

Marco and I joined them at the diner table and the other lady who introduced herself to be Lorna got up and brought us our plates. The table was filled with different breakfast options.

There was a fruit bowl with oranges, grapes, red apples and green ones. There was a plate with white and brown bread, another one with eggs and sausages. Glass containers with juice, water and smaller ones with coffee and milk.

After Lorna handed us our plates she excused herself out of the room although Tia and Marissa had practically begged her to stay for a while longer. She had told them that she would be back after putting the clothes in the wash.

"Where's your boss?" Marissa looked at Marco from the corner of her eyes as she took a sip of her juice.

"He's taking the day off, apparently."

Marissa almost chocked on her juice which made Tia give her a soft smack against her arm, telling her to be careful.

"Why?" Marissa was shocked.

"He says that he wants to relax." Even Marco did not seem to believe the words that came out of his mouth.

Marissa nodded with raised eyebrows. "There's a first for everything." She held up her glass as though she was making a toast.

I had just taken a bite off my apple when Dimitri came walking into the kitchen. I was determined not to look at him after what had happened, but I did notice that he was now wearing a shirt.

"Not going to work, I hear." Marissa smiled at him.

"Stop being skeptical. Nothing's wrong." He leaned in between Marco and Marissa to reach for a mug which he filled with coffee.

"Okay," she mumbled. "Anyway, I'm going to head out early. I'm going to show Anthony around the office, so I'll be driving with him today."

I bit down on my teeth as my eyes lowered to the plate in front of me. I was not jealous about them being close. I did not like Anthony like that, but it did bother me that he kept everything from me even if it was part of his job to do so. He was the only actual friend I thought I had.

"Nuelle, I'm taking you out tonight." Marissa pointed her index finger at me before finally leaving the kitchen after walking back and forth to pack her lunch.

"I need to leave too, I'm meeting with the contractors for lunch today." Marco wiped his mouth with a napkin before he took one more sip of his coffee after which he greeted us and left.

Please, don't leave too...please...

"I'm going to help Lorna out back, maybe I can do our clothes from yesterday as well." Tia said as she stood up. She put her plate and mug in the sink before she made her way out of the kitchen, giving me a pat on the head on her way out.

Damn it, I thought to myself.

"Seems like everyone has something to do today. What are you going to do?"

"Hhhmm," I looked up. I had heard him the first time, but I needed him to repeat himself so I would have time to focus and think of an answer.

He put his coffee mug on the kitchen island which he was leaning against and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "What are your plans for today?"

"I— I don't have any." I breathed out. "I'll see if I can help Tia and Ms. Lorna around the house or something." I mumbled the last part.

"At least you'll be doing something productive while you're here then." He raised his mug at me before taking another gulp of the coffee.

I was lost in my thoughts, trying to understand why his answer was said in such a sarcastic tone that I did not notice him walk out of the kitchen.

By the time I had come to my senses and turned to where he was standing to respond to what he had said, he was already gone.

I sighed as I pushed my chair back. I carried my plate and mug to the sink. The dishes were piling up. Looking back at the table, I decided to clear it. I put the containers with juice, water and milk back in the fridge along with the grapes.

The oranges and apples were put back in the fruit bowl in the middle of the kitchen island. The eggs and sausages were finished, so I quickly rinsed off the plates as well as all other plates and mugs before putting them in the dishwasher.

The coffee container was put back in its original place and the few slices of bread that were left untouched were put back in the plastic bread container.

I pushed all the chairs against the table before wandering off, looking for Tia and Ms. Lorna. They were both coming out of the laundry room.

"Need help?"

They both shook their head, dismissing me. I mentioned the dishes I had put in the dishwasher before leaving them be.

I figured that this would be the best time to clean out my old room, but within seconds after pushing the door open I pulled it close again.

I opened it one more time but only to take the swan painting. I carried it to the room I was sleeping in and put it on the ground against the wall.

I opened up the curtains and windows for fresh air. From the window I could see Dimitri talking to both Emillio and Christoph. How could someone be nice on one day and be an ass on the next?

Shaking the thoughts out of my head I jumped on the bed, wishing I had brought at least one canvas and my painting supplies.

Then Marissa's words crossed my mind. I quickly sat up and opened my suitcase. I picked out three potential 'going out' outfits. To say that I was not satisfied with any of them is an understatement.

I closed the curtain before deciding to model the outfits though I had worn them before. By the time I had finished putting on the third one I was out of breath and threw myself back on the bed.

By the time I woke up it was almost two hours later. I wiped my mouth which was sticky from all the drooling I did whilst sleeping.

I looked down on my outfit and sighed. This one had the most potential out of the three outfits I had picked out and now it was all wrinkly. I changed back into the sweater and jeans shorts, putting the white dress I fell asleep in on top of the suitcase.I sighed as I flopped back down on the bed, covering my face with a pillow as I suffered from the shame I was feeling from the dream I had.
