30 | M + E


My eyes were closed, yet I noticed that the sunlight was no longer held back by the thick curtains. When I opened my eyes I saw her standing in between the two sides of the curtains, her back was facing me. She glanced over her shoulders and I pretended to still be asleep. I wanted to admire her for a little longer without her noticing me doing so.

Nuelle turned back towards the window with her arms hugging herself. Her long, wavy hair was hanging loose down her back.

As if she could feel my eyes on her, she once again looked over her shoulders and this time I did not pretend to be asleep nor did I turn to look elsewhere. She did not bother to fully turn around. Instead she remained in that position, her arms wrapping tighter around herself, her eyes staring into mine and her lips slowly parting with each breath she took.

"You're here." I said, eager to start a conversation that would hopefully gain me insides to what was going through her mind.

"Yes." She mouthed.


I expected some kind of excuse on Tia's behalf. "Because I want to," She whispered to my surprise.

In my mind I asked the question "Come again?", but in reality I was quiet.

"You don't want me here?"

"No, no," I swallowed. "That's not it. I, just–"

"I'm sorry about yesterday. I know that I was being childish and that doing all of this is not a game." She explained.

I nodded. "Good."

"So, if you'll have me, I would like to do my part just like everyone is doing theirs."

My eyebrows unexpectedly raised at her answer. "Is that what you think? That everyone is doing their part?"

She seemed confused by my questions.

"Have you seen Marco today?"

She shook her head.

"Right. And Marissa?"

"She has work today, I saw her leave before I came here."

"Exactly. So, what part are they playing in all of this?"

"They are going to work, they are covering for you." She stated confidently.

"They are going to work, because of the income. They aren't doing that for me, Emmanuelle!" My voice automatically became louder as a result of my frustration. "You think that they're doing that for me? I haven't seen or spoken Marco in days and he only came here because he had to. And then I get a call that he's passed out in his office? Is that how he's covering for me?"

Nuelle's eyes grew larger.

"And Marissa?" I sighed. "I haven't seen Marissa in probably two weeks. The last time she was here it seemed like she was forced to be here." I admitted.

"You're not aware of all aspects of our lives so I don't blame you if you think that I'm overreacting." I continued.

"No, not at all. Like you said, I don't know enough about your lives or bond to be able to do that. I can only talk about my motives. When I asked you why I was sent away, you explained that I actually don't have anything to complain about, because growing up I always had what I needed. You were right. I always did, even though you weren't obligated to do that for me, because adopting me wasn't your decision."

"I shouldn't have—"

"You guys weren't there for me physically, but financially you were. I don't have the money to pay you back for everything, but I can repay you by being there for you and as for right now you seem to need that the most."

I felt overwhelmed as my body was overtaken by a mix of emotions. How arrogant was I to tell her all those things?

"Tia has already informed me that you have an appointment with your physiotherapist at nine."

My eyes automatically searched for the clock which showed that it was nearly eight o'clock. "Yes. His name is Dr. Leighton."

"Okay. What clothes should I get?" She wasted no time in heading into the closet.

"Uhm. Just, get me a shirt and shorts."

"Okay." Not long after answering she walked back into the room with the clothing items, holding them to her chest.

She dropped the clothes right next to me on the bed and then rushed into the bathroom, returning with my washing suplies.

"Is this a new doctor?" She asked as she wrung the wet cloth. This time she seemed more relaxed and content with doing this.

"Yess, I was assigned to him by Gardner."

"Hhhmm." She nodded as she hung the cloth on the side of the bowl and sat down next to me. "Ready?" She continued, waiting for my nod before she wrapped her arms under mine and lifted me upwards to have a better laying position.

"Arms up." She began to pull my T-shirt up and though I preferred shirts with buttons in the front, I knew I needed to move my arms more.

I pressed my lips together in an attempt to gain control over the pain. My arm was no longer in a cast, but the pain made it feel like it should have stayed in it for a little while longer. Dr. Gardner had explained that this was the very reason why I needed a physiotherapist.

When Nuelle finally pulled the shirt over my head, I felt relieved.

"Are you good?" She asked with a small, genuine smile that almost made me forget about the pain.

"Yes. You can continue."

Much different than last time, Nuelle did not hesitate to help me take off the clothes that covered the lower part of my body. Gently assisting me with bending each leg, she carefully took off my short and then my boxers.

I expected another shy reaction and though I could still see that she needed more time to adjust to seeing me naked, she handled it much better than the last time that she was exposed to my naked body.

Nuelle folded the dirty clothes and after putting them away, she took the now damped cloth, slightly dipping it again in the warm water and then wiped my face.

She pushed my hair back to wet all of my forehead and then continued down to my neck, inspecting my skin which had been breaking out due to the lack of the skin care routine that I had abandoned.

She dipped the cloth in the water and wrung it before once again dragging it across my skin, repeating the process as she made her way to my arms and down my whole upper body.

Then she moved further downwards, cleaning the area around my hips, avoiding all contact with me and mine.

"Are you—"

"I can do that myself."

After finishing off with my legs she wet the cloth and handed it to me.

Now how am I supposed to wipe my own ass too...

Nuelle got up and walked to the window, taking on the very same standing position as that morning to give me privacy, though it was basically pointless.

I wiped around my manhood, continuously shifting my eyes between my parts and her. This went on for a few times until I drifted my eyes to see what she was doing, turns out she was already looking at me.

She was not looking me in my eyes, instead she was looking at my body. Openly and without shame. Then she did the much unexpected. With her lower lip between her teeth she walked towards me, not once breaking the eye contact that we were now making. She sat down on the bed, her trembling hands reaching for mine.

When her hand was finally in mine I felt an emotion that I could not understand nor describe. Was it love? No, but could I feel that she cared about me? Yes.

"You're still naked." She smiled, making me smile back.

I swallowed hard and for a millisecond my eyes drifted to the ceiling. When they found hers again, she looked worried.


The sound of the door flying open demanded our attention, making me abandon the thought that had occupied my mind. Nuelle was quick to cover me with the comforter before she turned to look over her shoulder.

"Lorna, is something wrong?" I asked to break the silence that had filled the room.

"No. Mattia, you have a visitor. No?"

"Yes, yes, my doctor. Can you let him know that Emmanuelle will be with him in a second?"

"Yes, of course." She answered before she pulled the door shut.

She let out a breath that seemed like it was held in forever. "We should get you dressed." She unwittingly placed her hand on my stomach.


"No, don't—" I placed my hand on top of hers to hold it where it was. "I'm happy you're here. You're right, this. This is what I need the most."

Her lips curved into a smile as she reached for the fresh new clothes and proceeded to help me get dressed. "Are you ready?"

I nodded as I drew small circles with my thump on the outside of her hand.

--------------------------------- //


As I headed to the front of the house, all I could think about was the moment I had just shared with Dimitri. I was feeling different emotions at once and was so lost in thoughts that I only noticed someone sitting in the living room when I had already passed the person.


The man had not seem to notice me before either, since he only looked up from his phone when I opened my mouth. At first glance he did not look like a doctor or at least not one on duty. His hair was slightly curly and his beard was full, fuller than Dimitri's. He had on a long dark coat, black jeans and a tight black shirt.

"You must be doctor Leighton." I continued.

The man's eyebrows knitted and his head was tilted to the side.

"I'm here to see Mattia Mulaney." He said, completely ignoring my comment. "You can call me Rafael."

"Rafael." I repeated after him.

"And you are?"

"Emmanuelle Artist. I go by Nuelle."

"And you are his nurse?"

"Oh, no. I'm his—" Can I even use the word sister, I asked myself. "I'm his adoptive sister."

"Huhh." Rafael said with a face full of surprise."That certainly makes things more interesting." He chuckled.

"Why do you say that?"

Rafael darted his tongue against his lips. "Just making conversation. Will you lead me to him?"

I did not bother to reply and went straight to walking. He followed me suit.

Before I could open the door to Dimitri's room, Rafael had pushed it open and walked inside.

"Mattia." He greeted.

I walked in after him and then stood right next to him, facing a very shocked and furious looking Dimitri.

"Why are you here?" Dimitri breathed out.

For your health, no? I was utterly confused.

"I've met the beautiful Emmanuelle." He turned towards me. "I can understand why you've kept her hidden for so long."

"She doesn't have anything to do with this."

"Tell me, Emmanuelle. What has your dear father left you in his will?"

"Don't answer that." Dimitri shouted at me.

"How long are you going to keep doing this to yourself. To your precious family?"

"What is going on?" I asked when I could finally speak up.

"You see what's going on is that Mattia here—"

"Don't." Mattia shouted.

"The poor girl has a right to know." Rafael flashed him a smile. "Mattia here has taken the role of, how do I say it. Protecting? is that what you call it?" He turned towards Dimitri. "He has been lying to you and the others, is what he has been doing. Your father is not the man you think he is."

"That's enough, Rafael."

"It'll be enough when you finally give me what you owe me."

"I don't own you shit."

"You owe me everything. Who was there when you needed to pay off his debts? Or the time Marco molested—"

"THAT IS ENOUGH." Dimitri was beyond furious. "I can give you money. You know that's not the problem. The problem is that I don't want to get involved in your illegal activities, Rafael."

"Are these activities not what gave you all of this?" Rafael looked around the room.

"Yes, but they are also what killed my mother. What made my father kill himself." Dimitri's head hung down.

"What?" Is the only word that could leave my mouth though I had many more swarming my head.

Rafael let out a maniacal laugh as a response to my reaction. "Listen, I'm not here to hurt anyone. I'm just here to let you know that I can if I want to."

I must have missed the part when Rafael walked out and disappeared because next thing I know Dimitri and I were the only ones in the room and I was having an panic attack. I clutched my heart and was hanging on the foot end of the bed as I gasped for air. In the distance I could hear his voice calling my name, but I could not respond.

------------------------------ //


"How the hell did he even get in? Did the security guard not ask to see an Id?" I went off on Emillio whilst my eyes remained on Nuelle who was peacefully laying unconscious next to me. Thankfully Emillio was not too far from the house and could get here quickly when she passed out.

"Listen, we need to check with our contacts. I need him gone. I can't have him approach Marco and Marissa." I explained. I also ordered him to check with the hospital to see if doctor Leighton was alright, because he did not show up. Emillio wasted no time in contacting the others and went about his tasks.

Nuelle was never suppose to hear any of things said, but now— now I knew that I had no choice but to give a full explanation of what was going on.

I took her hand in mine, holding it until she became well again which was a few hours later. She immediately shot up in the bed, her face buried in the palm of her hands.

"Hey, hey, Nuelle. Listen to me."

Her hands slowly uncovered her face, revealing her red, wet eyes.

"Listen to me. I'm going to explain everything, but I need you to keep this to yourself. Can you do that?"

She looked more lost than before.

"Yes, father isn't the man who you thought he was, but he loved you. He loved all of us in his own way. I need you to remember that. Okay?" With all the courage I possessed, I pushed myself up and though it hurt like hell, I knew that the pain she was feeling was a thousand times worst.

"Come here." I pulled her towards me until she willingly scooted into my direction. I kept her close to me until she was more calm, then I slightly moved back to inspect her face.

"Father killed himself." Her voice was broken. "Why?"

"Because he owed money to some really bad people. Money he didn't have."

"Marco and Mar—"

"They don't know. It's better to keep it this way."

"Is this why I was sent away?"

I nodded. "I thought that you could have a chance at a life away from this one. Yet, here you are. I've hurt so many people with that decision and for what?"

She rested her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes for a second but like always she could sense that I was looking at her which made her look up at me.

Without thinking twice about it, I gave in. I gave into the feeling, whether it was the feeling of finally not feeling alone when it came to this secret or if I just needed some comfort. I moved closer to her face until our lips touched.

I pulled away for a quick moment to view her reaction and when I did she gave in. She kissed me back, continuing as she climbed on my lap. I circled my arms around her frame as she circled hers around my neck.
