The Pearl of Africa


After a stopover in Amsterdam (Netherlands) and more for a couple of hours stranded there waiting for the next plane, sleeping in the waiting room and eating some snacks. Finally they arrive at Entebbe International Airport near Kampala (Capital of Uganda). The next adventure is to take a safari in one of the national parks most visited by tourists and visit some peculiar places in the capital.

The canine couple were sitting in the hotel waiting room waiting for their private guide who would take them to see a few well-known places in the capital and then head to the Queen Elizabeth National Park where they would spend half the time there living with the wonderful animals. of the savanna. The guide is Kibwe, a 32-year-old man who has 10 years of experience in providing private tours to foreign tourists throughout the capital. He speaks 5 languages: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese. Also, he is an expert in zoology and works as an assistant in the same national park.

The couple receives him and introduces themselves, shaking hands, showing their smiles without shyness or embarrassment.

-Well Mr. Kibwe, this will really be amazing for us. Thank you for the service- Mr.Wolf says

-No problem. You really wanted to visit this place. Let's hope no lion is going to eat us - he says while they exchange laughter with his joke

-Let's hope not. Or rather, be prepared, no love?- He said

-What do you say, baby? Do not say stupid things. Everything is going to be great- Diane answered

-Just forget it! It was dumb my answer. Let's just have fun- he said before taking the vehicle to heading down to the Bahai Temple.

The first stop begins at the Bahai temple, a quite peculiar place known for its silence that surrounds it thanks to the singing of birds and the incredible view that the place offers to the city.

Kibwe walks through that peculiar regular giving a brief explanation about the Bahai religion that turned out to be new to the canine couple. Both take photographs including the surroundings and later go to the Kampala market for lunch and resume the tour to the next destination: Kabaka Palace.This palace can be visited only for its gardens and exteriors since it is the residence of the king of Buganda and the president of the republic. There is also an enclosure. In the enclosure you can see an adjacent site that became a prison and torture and execution chamber built by Idi Amin, the dictator who ruled after the country's independence in the 70s.

This left the couple shocked as they saw Kibwe with a sad look when talking about this well-known former president who turned out to be a dictator who caused the death of innocent lives in that decade. Diane felt sorry for this situation so she encourages Kibwe to continue with the tour while they leave the palace.

During the journey, Kibwe tells them one of his personal free activities is playing soccer, listening to foreign music and writing his anecdotes as a guide in his personal diary. Diane and Wolf also decided to talk about his personal tastes, during which smiles and laughter were exchanged. Kibwe likes to see tourists who are couples who decide to visit their native country to spend their romantic adventures in the savanna with the animals up close.After a long route taken, they arrive at the national park where they pay the ticket allowing entry to a prominent park guard who carried a tranquilizer rifle for any extreme situation and a walkie talkie. His name is Imamu, a 30-year-old young man who has been working for almost 2 years but is passionate about nature and animals.

-Honey? Are you ok? Why are you hugging your belly? - Diane asks her beloved husband, seeing that he was getting more nervous as the car drives along a road that leads to the deepest part of the park where in the distance you can see some giraffes and a herd of zebras running through. the delicate grass of the savanah.

-It's nothing, love. It's my nerves that I feel that some of these animals are hungry for us and I feel weak to protect you - says the gray canine

-What?! Weak, that was good. Hey breathe, inhale and exhale. Anyway, let's just relax there and see if that happens to you-

-What happened to your head, Diane?! (Swallows) I think I'm afraid something will attack us-

-Hey! Open your eyes, this is going to be incredible. Don't worry, nothing is going to happen-

The day began to sunset and the clock showed almost 6:30pm (Local time) when after photographing the beautiful landscapes of the park including several photos of animals such as elephants, gazelas and rhinos. Kibwe stands on the side of the road allowing the couple to take photos right in front of a couple of African trees.Diane takes Wolf's hand so that he can share some time and refuge in her without regardless of the danger they would expect. Kibwe and Imamu see them smiling knowing that it was just another typical routine. But suddenly the walkie talkie turns on when another park guard speaking in Luganda informs Imamu that a family of Lions are approaching where they were and that they should take care leaving there but he only responded with an okay and did not notify the the couple.

-And one here, and one up- says Diane while they take selfies in a large tree with a view of the horizon.

-Do you think that's too many selfies? We're going to run out of camera memory if we continue like this-

-Well, however you say it, but I still love doing this-

-(Sigh) This sound of nature is wonderful-

-That's what I see... This honeymoon really was a dream come true and that's thanks to you-

-You don't have to thank me, my Crimson Paw. You know that deep in my heart I love you too much until the end. I would love to have more adventures by your side-

-Aww my love. You're so sweet-

Their romantic conversation would be interrupted when, among the little bushes, a growl from a lion that was hidden there was heard, making the wolf scared and his ears lowered in fear and without thinking about it, he hugged Diane so tightly and his tail turned. a firm position of alert knowing that it was time to defend it.They stay still just when finally a female lion comes out of there taking slow steps knowing if they were impostors or her next dinner but she showed her teeth in a different way until she calmed down when she sniffed Diane and came closer to study her when Wolf was breathing deeply in its interior. Kibwe and his friend with their tranquilizer rifle ready to fire, are nervous and were in a state of alert.

Suddenly the lioness raises her right paw and places it on Diane's belly, leaving her surprised with which she decides to put her right hand above the lioness's paw. This lioness closes her eyes while keeping her head down as if she is praying. Everything is confusing for Wolf and her but they smile seeing the lioness make that adorable gesture. Kibwe and Imamu are very happy and looking at each other knowing why the lioness made that strange gesture with them.

Then, a male lion with his 3 cubs come out of their hiding place to join them and the cubs approach to pet them and play with them a little until the parents of the cubs caress each other and lick their cheeks, leaving laughter and tails of the canine couple wag anywhere happily until the family moves away from them and gestures with their heads to follow.Diane and Wolf run to chase them, believing it to be a game. Kibwe and his friend start the vehicle and follow them until they reveal a beautiful landscape full of animals of different sizes.

A flock of birds flew over towards the west where they began to migrate in families. A couple of giraffes walk caressing each other with their necks, A herd of elephants raised their trunks making their typical sound, a cheetah was on a rock looking around and a crowned crane (the country's national bird) walks peacefully by. At that moment, Diane and Wolf shed tears of happiness as they marvel at what they are witnessing. As if they were in a dream that had no name and that they simply felt like they were in a fairytale.The canine couple visually look at each other's faces, letting their trails of tears fall to the ground but at the same time they smile and blush as they have that strange moment where They ran together hand in hand without letting go, chasing a family of lions that wanted to reveal an incredible surprise to them. Finally they hug each other and give each other a deep lip contact for about 5 seconds until they let go and join their hands again.

-This was... Wonderful!- said the gray canine smiling

-I'm saying the same thing- Diane gave his response

-This is really the best gift that nature itself gave us-

-I will never leave you alone, you have me. Because I love you and I will always protect you from anything that will hurt us in the future-

-So be it, honey. But that was weird. Why that lioness placed her paw on my belly? I don't understand.-

-Who knows- Wolf answers in a funny way

At a short distance the guide and the protective guardian observe with amazement and joy the view that the Savannah gave. Kibwe managed to take some good photos with her cell phone and Imamu smiled seriously when he saw that spectacle.

-So, my friend. If that's what the lioness did to her, it means that soon she...- said with a shy voice to Kibwe-Don't say another word, friend. I'll take care of that when she has the surprise of her returning home- said him
