The Enchanted Island

The beach was cool as it received the sun's rays. The planes at the Juliana Princess airport were landing on one of the most famous beaches in the world, which is received by hundreds of tourists from all over the world. The hotel was welcoming tourists arriving or having to leave again to the airport.

Just with the sound of the sea, the gray canine and the pink-nosed fox wake up with the warm sound of the waves, both look at each other with puffy eyes after being awake almost the whole flight from Paris. To start the day they give each other a kiss on the lips for about 3 seconds recharging their energies to start with the activities, since they will only be again 2 days in this wonderful island to take the next one to make a stopover in Panama to take their next stop in a country considered as the most biodiverse in the world where they will be 3 days of stay.

They are already in swim suits, with slippers, sunglasses and sunscreen including towels and are ready to tour the island for a private tour starting in the city of Philisburgh (Capital of the island) touring the center. Opportunely they manage to buy some magnets to give to their friends and a personal one for themselves, although they also bought some souvenirs in Paris previously.

After that, they visit a nearby island where they go on aquatic tours to see its magnificent marine ecological reserve, where the canine couple sees sea turtles and different species of fish that they had around them. The guide kindly manages to take some beautiful pictures of them underwater using the couple's Gopro camera taking the best pictures to use in the album.The clock strikes 3:20pm, and it was time to take a quick blow dry of their fur to have a delicious lunch with a typical dish of the island this time, they tried Conch & Dumplings with rice and peas for the first time.

-Can I ask you something?- his bride asked

-Mhmm, go ahead- he says with the mouth full

-Do you think these girls on this beach are more beautiful than me?-

-What?! No, I know these girls from here have a nice body, branded glasses or even worse attract such a gentleman instantly, otherwise, they do not compare to your beauty that you have in front of me. Because you are different. You are always on my mind-

-Awwww, I knew that you said that. I really did that because... I'm a little leery that some girl might see you with that shiny chivalry and do things that are inappropriate-

-Oh ok. I didn't know... But I'm so happy to have you by my side- he says finishing his plate and drinking his soda

-You're always kindful with me, you really undestrand my words, and that makes feel relieved including my soul. Thank you, honey-

-No problem, my love. If you want something to tell me, I'm here. I'm all ears-

-And... What are we going to do now?-

-Have you ever drive 4x4 motorcycles?-

-No. But Yes! I want to try-

-So let's go for it-

The furry couple smiles having eye contact, both raise their eyebrows as an amusing gesture to take advantage of this fabulous idea.Finally, they found a rental service of those motorcycles for 2 hours touring all the beaches giving their observations and photographing those beauties. The clock strikes 4:55pm, the couple returns the motorcycle to take a cab to Maho beach.

This beach is one of the most famous in the world, known for its extreme approaches of aircraft arriving at the airport, curiously there is a bar that shows the schedule of arrivals and departures of aircraft. Taking advantage of the sunset, the gray canine does not hesitate to take pictures of his wife posing with a medium size airplane and even she takes pictures of him with the landing of a heavy cargo plane. They really had a great time. They even took a break on the beach swimming together.

It's 6:20pm and the couple returns to the hotel to change for a romantic dinner, put on some perfume and go down to the elevator to the main dining room... The seafood was spectacular, suddenly, Wolf pretends without her noticing that he was going to the restaurant for a while, but in reality, he went to look for a hotel assistant to suggest a surprise for the room and the assistant accepts and takes the room key to do the favor. Diane was calmly texting with one of her friends including her parents when at that moment, her beloved husband came back to take her to the room holding hands.

-That was a big plate for me, I'm full and tired-

-I'm not. I think I want to do something else before sleep tonight-

-What is it, exactly?- she asks

-It's a surprise only for us, nobody else-

-(Gasp) No way! I would like to see it-

-You're gonna see-

-Oh, Mr. Wolf there you are, I was looking for you, here's your key- The waitress says interrupting them giving to the gray canine his key card

-Thank you, Manny. Have a great night- he said

-You too, have a wonderful night for you-

-Thank you- Both says at the same time

The elevator opens revealing the couple holding hands walking down the hallway to their room. At that instant they see a fake candle in the distance illuminating the doorway and Diane picks it up and looks at her husband trying to ask him what a fake candle was doing there. But he simply blushes and chivalrously opens the door revealing the surprise. She gasps covering her mouth and leaving her shocked reaction showing the room with the bed full of red rose petals with a floral phrase on the floor saying: I LOVE YOU. 

(Is not necessary to listen it for 3 hours, count until 2 minutes for the melody)

The atmosphere gets stronger feeling a rich aroma of vanilla and orange, the music of the Jazz genre began to play a passionate melody that gave a good feeling to the place. She smiles and looks back at him and they give each other a big hug when they see this scene.

-I can't believe you did this for me.

-We really deserve this. To be honest I never felt like doing my things in the restroom, I just hid to tell Manny that if he could help me make this beautiful surprise for you-

-I can't believe you did this for me.

-Owww baby, my yellow eyes. You're so adorable-

-Can we just get inside? Please? I would like to confess you something-

-Yeah sure- she followed his orders calmly and locked the door. The curtains next to the window of that room were open showing a romantic view of the sea.

-I've been thinking about it all this time and I really needed to spend some time with you before we went back to our half boring work routines.... And, um... I want to say that I wish I could make a family with you, that we have a greater happiness. I know it's going to be hard for us but we will never be separated from any obstacles.

-Do you think we can do everything? I have this ugly feeling that someone wants to manipulate us and separate us from this love... I just want to be myself inside myself and have more love for myself.- she says with a lot of things in her mind. It was unexpectable for her seeing that romantical and private moment for them

-It doesn't matter. I will always be there for you... I love you Diane. I love with the bottom of my heart- he said putting his right paw over her left leg while she was sitting on the bed listening him

-Wolfie...- she says with a nervous but shocked voice to him before recieving his kiss on her lips, being sticky and romantical like a Tv novel, They stay stuck in bed giving each other a lot of love and she allows herself to be received by delicate kisses from her lover, feeling kisses on her neck, giving her a moment of such adorable pleasure, making her honeymoon more romantic than they thought.
