La ville de l'amour

The clock strikes 9:00 a.m. Diane's eyes are gently opened by the sun's rays covering the curtains of the hotel room. She wakes up getting out of bed stretching her arms and yawning with total calm, suddenly, her husband wakes up with one eye open moaning silently from the dream he had from the flight. The gray canine with his left arm caresses the back of her head.

-Bonjour, mon amour- said Wolf with an elegant tone towards her speaking to her in French.

-Bonjour, chéri- she answered. 

-As-tu bien dormi?-

-Je me suis endormi comme un ange dans les nuages-

-Owww, my love. I think it was a lot of French today at this hour. Let's have breakfast-

-Ok, mon monseiur- she said

-Ma dame-  he answered with a gentle tone.

The gray canine calmly gets out of bed, stretches his arms up and opens the curtains of the room at once revealing the marvelous view in front of the Eifel Tower in Paris. So his first destination is Paris, France. One of the most desired places for the couple.

The day begins. They both make the bed and take a shower and get ready for breakfast and leave the hotel to start walking and seeing the sights of the city.Along the way, the furry canines hold hands as they look around at the beautiful colonial architecture of the houses. Finally they arrive at the street where the Arc de Triomphe is located, without thinking twice, they take several pictures with their cell phones and with a little camera.

The next step is to take an uber to visit the louvre museum. The private cab arrives at your destination receiving your payment by transfer. Fortunately Wolf won the 22 million dollar lottery a few days before the wedding, giving him the chance to cover the necessary expenses for his affair with Diane.

-Merci beaucoup mon ami. Bonne journée- said him

-Wow, again?! That style of this gentleman in my eyes- Diane reacted with his fluid accent

-My french is powerful as yours- he said with his low sweet voice

-C'mon, hun. I know almost 15 languages when you use free time as a key point- she answered with a giggle on her face

-I know, I know, you should better help me with my portuguese cause that makes feel uncomfortable when I want to talk with a brasilian-

-Of course my love! When you need time I can help with that- she answered to her beloved husband giving him green light to learn more languages 

-And I promise that I will never again think of stealing La Mona Lisa tonight-

-I hope so. Because I still have a suspicion that you want to get your hands on her again.

-Are you sure? Do you think that I'm capable of lying to you? For real, I'm telling you the truth-

-Hehe, I was joking. It's ok, I know you. I know your feelings- she says while she takes his right hand holding it before entering the entrance to the museum.

Already inside. The couple is amazed and at the same time happy to see the incredible works of art on display until they reach the hall where they find a medium sized line of tourists wanting to see the Mona Lisa up close, fully intact and in its place now with a security system to ensure that it is not stolen from any angle, there are even micro surveillance cameras throughout the room monitoring it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Then, the couple gets the opportunity to observe the work of Leonardo Da Vinci taking pictures with the work including a couple of pictures where only the portrait is shown. Finally, they finish exploring the museum and then head to the Tuileries garden.The garden looked brilliant thanks to the rays of the sun beating down on a clear day. The clock is already 11:30am (Paris local time) and they are about to complete the next places to visit before heading back to the hotel where they will be greeted with an incredible surprise. But that will be ahead.

-Owww, wolfie. Look at this, look around... I would like to take some pictures here. May I?

-My emerald eyes, my darling. Of course, let's take the best ones for our album-

-Really? You're making me fall in love with that voice, my love. Come here- she says pulling him to get close with her taking some adorable selfies between the trees, fortunately there were not so many people who recognized them as most of them were native couples celebrating their anniversaries.

The next step is now visiting the  Opera Garnier, a place that maybe some villain was the most famous magician in the whole world who always had the ambition to catch some cheerful blue creatures. That doesn't matter. The couple continued their tour of the wonderful theater, getting to know its interior and finally taking pictures of the place both inside and out.

The last stop now was to take an Uber back to the hotel for lunch and to conclude their only two days in the city of love at the Eiffel Tower and the Sacre Coeur cathedral.

The evening arrives and the waiters serve the table of the furry couple and exquisite Ratatouille inclouding chocolate creppes for dessert and a good wine to accompany the romantic atmosphere.

-Sante!- they said at the same time when They clink their glasses together to make a satisfying sound and take a delicate sip before beginning to taste their dishes.

Mouthful by mouthful, both react to the warmth of their food that became a pure satisfaction by swallowing and at the same time keeping the taste in their mouths. The time flew by and it was almost 12 minutes later as they were still at the table tasting their way through the dessert including the bottle of wine.

-We had a lot of fun. I'm really in a romance novel as I imagined it.

-We're the main characters, swettie. I'm grateful to have you along on this adventure.

-And so am I. I'm really liking it here. I really wanted to visit this romantic city without knowing if I was going to travel with a respected gentleman like you-

-Sil vous plait, mon amour. You really deserve it, you are making me fall in love to see that you

 are living this adventure with me- 

-Awww sil vous plait, mon amour-

-You really are my tame wolf, babes. You are mine, no one else's.

-Wow, so playing the wolf in the closet?

-Hehehehe you're crazy in love.

Suddenly.  A not-so-much band plays outside the restaurant inviting the customers to dance which, without hesitation, the couple warms up and takes their first dance steps into an epic show-stealing dance that leaves everyone in shock. After that, the couple successfully strikes a final pose at the end of the song being shaken and stirred after giving an incredible French choreography to the audience. Everybody applauds them including the band.

To conclude the couple walks to the bridge holding hands without carrying their backpacks, even though they left them at the hotel leaving only the tickets ready to go up the tower. They climb the tower, give each other beautiful kisses including the French style without bothering anyone around them while being at the top with a beautiful night view of the city. The next day at sunset the couple returns to the airport after having concluded their visit to the last remaining places to visit having everything ready including their passports and boarding passes to take the next flight to a charming island in the Caribbean.
