The Land of the Rising Sun

This is the last destination that the canine couple visits to conclude their honeymoon. It is one of the most popular countries visited by thousands of tourists like Paris. A highly developed country with its technology, recognizable for its culture, friendliness of its people and security. It's about Japan. After arriving in the capital Tokyo, Wolf takes some photographs from the plane with an incredible view of the city with the bright lights of the buildings, seeing from there that it is an almost sleeping city, and yes, they arrive at night to after leaving the airport they take a taxi to the hotel.

Japan is considered for them one of the places they most dreamed of visiting since they had some experience about its culture, monuments and language. Now this is the chance to see that wonderful city with their own eyes while keeping their faces happy and of course, they practiced the language in case any local person recognized them. A curious fact is that Diane Foxington, being the governor of Golden State, has a good international tendency as El Salvador, United Kingdom, Ecuador, Brazil, Italy and Japan are some of her examples. Diane is the #1 trend in that country and she was once interviewed via video call for a TV program in that country to give advice on her tricks to make companies more environmentally friendly.

A short time ago, just 48 hours after Wolf and Diane's wedding, they had already planned and organized their honeymoon by looking at the best exclusive travel packages and would conclude with Japan with a slightly expensive package which would come with a tourist guide including a private tour of the entire city and food that they would spend out of their pockets. Your first destination is to visit the Buddhist temple Sensō-ji, then visit the Hachiko dog memorial, the Tokyo tower and the kaneji temple where you will have the opportunity to dress in traditional Japanese dresses with the country's traditional instruments and a set of photographs to Share to your scrapbook.

It is 3:40pm local time, after having an incredible and tasty ramen for lunch, your private tour guide named Tadashi Yoshida, 31 years old, had just completed 10 years of his career as a tour guide and he is the one who arrived at the hotel. major receives bookings from tourists mostly from Europe as well as US and South America.

-Good afteroon, you are Mr and Ms. Wolfington- says Tadashi speaking english

-Hi. Are you Tadashi, right?- said Diane speaking Japanese

-Yes! It's me. Wow you can speak Japanese-

-I'm trying to improve-

-I'm hallucinating or what- Tadashi laughs

-No seriously, we would like to become like you but we're terrible at it- Wolf responds charismatically while you get a few short laughs

-Don't worry, but I'm glad to hear that you know Japanese-

-Well, it seems that it's time to enjoy our tour for today- says Diane still speaking Japanese-

-Whatever you say, my love- he answers Wolf in that language 

And so the tour began by getting into Tadashi's vehicle that had stored enough fuel to use it until midnight. Then they visit the famous Shibuya Street crossing where it is one of the most fluid where thousands of people pass daily, in addition to shopping malls, shops and restaurants has the statue of the remembered dog Hachiko at the train station. They spend 30 minutes there to explore and shop around.

Then, they visit the Akihabara neighborhood where in less than 10 minutes they visit there to take pictures of the two of them and yes. Some other passerby recognized the canine couple and they took selfies until they returned to the vehicle to visit the Asakusa Temple, the oldest in the capital. Then they visit the Chiyoda Imperial Palace and almost being 5:30pm they arrive at their final destination the Meiji Jingu shrine. A large wooded area surrounds the main enclosure of the shrine, where on weekends it is usual to meet some Japanese wedding. This shrine is one of the must-sees in Tokyo.Finally, they put on the traditional dresses of the country called Kimonos. Diane has a Kimono dress where the shirt is white soft fabric with red flowers and black pants with a vanilla and black katana while Wolf has an emerald green kimono with a tie and a brown belt.

Fortunately, Tadashi is going to take pictures of the couple together at the entrance of the place but without realizing the couple, Tadashi asks to look at the camera without looking back since a sumo with a samurai helmet would join the photograph but this Sumo sticks his belly with the face of Wolf .

He looks only at his eyes to the right and recognizes that big gray and playful belly. It's Mr. Shark with his eyes to the front without looking at the camera taking advantage of Diane also turned around and on some occasion of being surprised reacts in a peculiar and smiling way.

- Hmmm, friend is he okay?- Tadashi asks Shark

- Oh Shark, what are you doing here?- says Diane

- Yes! What the hell are you doing here, big fella?!- asks with a suspiciou, but this one doesn't respond and stays silent

- Hey, why the lazy look?- said Diane questioning him

- It's not what it seems guys, I just did something that broke my promise

- Let's see, tell us what you did - says Wolf

- Did you break a relic in the temple?!- Tadashi asks scared

- Of course not! I just swallowed a Snake, Piranha and Webs-

- What!?- the canine couple reacts

- Get them out of there, right now - Wolf replies

The great white expels all those he swallowed leaving him ashamed for the act he committed, these were almost wet by the saliba of his friend fortachon, lucky they had that his friend's stomach was not full of food. Even they haven't changed since breakfast, ... they are suddenly surprised to see Wolf and Diane who haven't seen him in a short time. They get happy and hug them.

- What's up, hermanos!- screams Piranha of emotion while hugging the leg of her beloved boss

- We really missed you - says Webs taking close

- Aww friend, I missed you too, but what do they do here. I don't understand?- said Diane

- Look darling, what happens is the following... It turns out that after they got married, Piranha found a lottery ticket on the floor while shopping for the house and finally turned on the TV where we realized that we won 10 million in check and made the decision to also travel to relax like you but we did not know that you would be here. The farewell that we did at the airport was all interpreted and our flight left later in the night that you that's why we went for our bags to start with our trip- said Snake very gently

-Ahhh, now I see why you didn't told me anything about that but whatever. Let's have fun together because today is just starting until the midnight- said Wolf with a motivated voice that expelled from his jaws and everybody jump of hapiness

His first activity starts with a samurai match between Wolf and Diane stealing the show from the audience between applause and amazing gasps, then a sumo match between Shark and a local sumo which Shark wins the match and receives a certificate for having participated in the fight. Already at night they walk around Tokyo like a whole gang leaving their presence in the crowd. Sushi, Ramen and Dorayakis were the main food of them savoring with the 5 senses together, and yes, it was the last night they would spend in Japan before returning home, both are in a closed space restaurant where there were few crowded people and with their views towards the dishes until Diane gets up from her post to go to the restroom for a moment as usual. When he enters there and just opens the toilet lid he starts to get dizzy and vomits in the toilet leaving to the ear of a German woman who was visiting the country and realizes the problem that Diane had just had.

- Madam, are you all right?- asks the woman taking her left hand on her right shoulder while wiping her lips after vomiting

- Yeah, I'm fine. I think he did something wrong to me at lunch and...... I was going to use the restroom.-

- Ok friend, let me help you - said the woman as she pressed the button to throw the vomited into the drain. The toilets in Japan are operated by buttons and the detail is that you can clean the entire private dirty area without using toilet paper in the restrooms.

5 minutes later, Diane comes out of the bathroom to be next to Wolf hugging him again and he is surprised that they had hardly hugged since they took their last photos in the temple.

- Are you feeling well, honey?- ask the gray canine 

- Yes, the truth... well I just got dizzy and from there I just think something made my food wrong.-

- I hope so, I don't want you to get sick like that. When we get home rest with me until you have the energy to go back to work-

- You too Wolfie, your job doesn't expect employees next month, they need you-

- I promise, dear-

Both give each other an eskimo kiss and then they give each other their romantic touch which is a lip contact with their eyes closed while their tails wagged like dogs. Finally it was time to give a toast having ears for the people who were inside and like. It turns out that the owner of the restaurant offered the specialty of giving the chance to offer toasts to his visitors either for a birthday, marriage and among others. Wolf gets up from his chair and with a teaspoon touches with the glass of champagne to give his toast.

- Attention! Give me some of your time I want to say something important... Mhmm, sorry... I want to offer this very special toast to the best friends that we unexpectedly met in this country where friendships never end to celebrate our bonds of union as brothers. I also want to include my dear and beautiful wife who is by my side for being my travel companion, for giving me the best advice in the world, for being her gentleman every morning, afternoon and evening even when the full moon appears along with the stars. I am here with her finishing our beautiful Honeymoon and it is painful that we have to return home but the most important thing is that we have enjoyed great memories where each country showed us its traditions, cultures, typical food and above all the kindness of its people. He taught us that even though we are predators of nature, they will always show their respect without judging by our pasts. So I want to close tonight with a flourish that I feel happy to be someone in society and that this adventure would not have been done if my love story had been here to tell my story because with this we have learned how beautiful it is conquering the honeymoon. Cheers!-


Copy this link to listen the full soundtrack made by myself
