☼ f i v e ☼

/// this is probably my favorite gif of michael he is an angel ///

*New Snapchat from Mikeyyy*

It's been 2 months. A whole 2 months of Michael and I knowing each other. We don't talk all the time, obviously, and I've been okay with it. As much as he's grown on me and I'd love to talk to him all the time, I know he's busy (either doing music related things with the boys, or spending time with the parentals, or just straight up sleeping), so realistically, it's not really possible. And I've learned to accept that. He talks to me whenever he can though, whether it's on Twitter or Snapchat, digging for more information about me. I still haven't showed him what I look like yet, and I can tell he's getting more and more anxious about it.

I play the video he sent me (he rarely ever sends a picture, it's usually always a video), making sure my headphones are plugged into my phone because, after all, it is Michael.

The video starts of him starting intensely at the screen, and I notice that his red hair was now faded to a subtle orange. He slowly brings a bottle of purple hair dye into the shot. Suddenly he moves the camera to the left, and Ashton is standing there with a devious look on his face as he pulls on a glove, making sure it makes that terrifying snapping noise.

Then, his head snaps back and he starts laughing, no giggling, menacingly, and the video ends.

I sigh heavily, double tapping and quickly snapping a picture of my dark room, captioning it "why do I even associate w/ u freaks", then take another and type "also you're going to go bALD STOP".

A few minutes later I get another video.

"You love us, Mae, don't deny it," Ashton says as he rubs the purple dye into Michael's hair, who's most likely too lazy to do it himself. Michael comes into view, adorably pouting, which makes my heart lurch cause I know what he's about to say.

"Why won't you show me your faaace," he whines. "Or at least talk so I don't have to read."

I sigh again as the video ends, feeling slightly guilty. Maybe a phone call will make him happy and hold him over till I'm confident to show myself, but even then I don't know.


"How long have you guys been talking?"

I'm currently sitting in my bathroom with Ash, while Calum and Luke play FIFA in my man cave, and Ash is dying my hair purple for me because I'm far too lazy to do it myself, obviously. I sigh.

"2 months I think," I frown, not entirely wanting to have this conversation since I knew where it was headed.

"And she still hasn't shown her face? Or voice, even?" He questions. I shrug my shoulders.

"I think she's really insecure or something," I reply, my eyebrows scrunched together as I chew on my lip.

"Maybe she's one of those one people, what are they called... A catfish?" He says, half joking I assume. I roll my eyes.

"She doesn't seem like the type."

"Most people don't until they get caught," Ash mused, squirting the cold cream on my head.

It's quiet for a moment before he speaks again.

"Do you know where she lives? What all do you even know about her?"

I clear my throat, rubbing my tired eyes. "Somewhere in the states I'm pretty sure, but I haven't actually asked her yet. But she works at a small bakery in her town and I'm pretty sure she's addicted to coffee. She said that if we ever meet, she wants to take me to the café that's near her work," I chuckle.

"Hot date," Ash's eyebrows jump up and down at me in the mirror, and I laugh, slightly blushing. But my smile slowly fades.

"I don't think she sees me like that," I tell him, frowning a bit.

"Well what else is there?"

"She's 17 but she'll be 18 soon, and she has pink hair. She graduated high school already. She seems to read a lot but she listens to the same music as me. She loves Chinese food and she's obsessed with cats. She always sends me funny pictures of things she found on Tumblr that she says reminded her of me. Her favorite flower is a sunflower and she has a secret tattoo on her arm. She said it's in the same spot as my 'to the moon' tattoo, but she's won't tell me what the tattoo is itself."

"Maybe it's the same as yours," Ash snorts, then I hear a plop sound. "Shit..."

"Ashton did you just drop hair dye on my bathroom floor?"

"Uh, no..." He drags, scrambling to get some paper towels to wipe up his mess.

I sigh and roll my eyes, something I feel like I've been doing a lot lately.



mainly bc i probably won't have wifi for like a week give or take i am soz

but ayyye michael point of view woo!!!! and aha @ ash predicting the future tbh

don't be a silent reader!!

ps can we just appreciate red hair michael for a sec bc I miss it

(also I changed mae's birthday month to april bc I'm trying to make this story as accurate as I can bear with me)
