☼ t h i r t y - e i g h t ☼

/// heYYYYyY eveRyboDY ///

When I was younger, I used to be close with my dad.

Crazy, I know. Seeing as I practically hate him now.

But believe it or not, he used to be my best friend before he left. Naturally I was confused and hurt when he just up and left without even saying goodbye when I was only 8 years old, especially because we were so close. And when I was little, my dad used to tell me that none of us are actually afraid of the dark;  we are only scared of what it conceals from us. We are afraid of having something with the potential to hurt us, standing right before our eyes and not registering it as something bad or dangerous.

It wasn't until now that I realize depression is only a temporary darkness. Everything is temporary. Friendships, relationships, sometimes even family. Pain, anger, sadness, and happiness. Now even tattoos can be classified as "temporary". Nothing is truly permanent anymore. Memories fade, perspectives shift, people die.

But, I keep telling myself not to worry, that it'll pass. Eventually. To be patient, even if things are so tangled up that you feel like you can't do anything. Don't get desperate to blow a fuse and start yanking on one particular thread before it's ready to come undone. You have to figure it's going to be a long process and you'll work on things slowly, one thing at a time, right?

As I danced around Michael's room - yes, his bedroom in his home is Australia - singing and prancing in doing all sorts of weird shit in Michael's red and black Ozzy Osbourne shirt and just my underwear, I realize that I was happy. Truly, genuinely happy.

I realized how silly it was to be so sad and constantly wanting to kill myself when there was so much I had to live for. There was so much to see in the world. And I wasn't just have because I had Michael. I was happy because I had five amazing best friends, a mother who always had my back, a well paying job, and I was becoming more confident in myself. I was happy because I deserved it. Because I wanted to be.

"This dude named Michael used to ride motorcycles, dick bigger than a tower I ain't talkin' 'bout Eiffel's."

I switched my hips and spun around, only to let out a scream when I saw Michael leaning against the doorway, with his arms crossed over his chest, a smirk playing at his lips, and a raised pierced eyebrow in amusement.

Michael had been out to dinner with his family, and wasn't supposed to be home for another hour - hence why I was confidently dancing around to fricken Nicki Minaj songs in just a shirt and panties.

"What a sight to come home to," he said coyly, meandering into the room and kicking the door closed behind him. "I always wanted a motorcycle, should I get one?"

I shook my head and subconsciously tugged at the bottom of my shirt, attempting to cover my half nakedness as my cheeks burned.

He stopped a few inches away from me and I stared at his black converse that were on his feet. He wore his classic black skinnies and his faded iron maiden shirt, topped with his Vans snapback. He stood at least 8 or 9 inches taller than me, making me feel small, oddly enough.

I glanced up at him, my blue green eyes meeting his now dark green ones. He wasn't smiling anymore, nor was he frowning, but instead his plump lips were in a straight line as he stared down at me with a burning passion in his eyes, which somehow managed to darken as he slowly ran his eyes down my body.

I was beginning to feel like I was suffocating from the lust and tension that was roaming the small room.

"My parents won't be home for a few hours," he informed me, his voice low and rumbly, and sexy. Dear god it was so sexy. I gulped and bit my bottom lip as I tried to gather my thoughts, and ignore how my thighs tingled in response.

"Don't do that," he demanded, his eyes locked on my lips that were still between my teeth. I immediately released my lip and looked down, smirking.

"You're demanding when you're horny," I pointed out, stifling a laugh as I looked back at him.

Michael's face went blank, all signs of any previous emotions were now gone. His eyes then lit up and he let out a little chuckle, which turned into a normal laugh and he walked around me. He dug through his dresser till he pulled out a pair of basketball shorts and tossed them to me.

I quickly slid them up my legs, ignoring the fact that I wish they hung loosely on me instead of fitting perfectly.

"Want to watch a movie in the man cave?" He asked, pulling his skinnies off with a bit of struggle. I was slightly taken aback by his sudden mood change, but shrugged nonetheless.

"You know I have my own clothes, right?" I reminded him, lowkey admiring his legs.

"Which you can happily wear when you go home in two days," he said simply, smiling at me and tugging on a pair of shorts like mine. He walked towards the door and opened it, waving his arm. "Ladies first."


"No buts."

I glared at him, although I'll admit I was perfectly fine with wearing his clothes, but I wouldn't be telling him that any time soon.

I dropped the glare and replaced it with a smirk. I sauntered past him, and in my best good girl voice, said, "yes Daddy."

And I swear I heard a low, deep growl in response.


this chapter started as something waaAAAAAY different compared to how it ended whoops not even sorry

y'all have no ideA how close i came to writing straight up smut in this chapter but i had to have a talk with the lord jesus and he reminded me that machael haven't even kissed yet

don't be a silent reader! ❤️
