
so who wants to join me on the emo bus??? one way trip to emo land! hahahah please send help


okay so I just wanna talk about a few things!

firstly, even though i've said this people keep asking, there won't be a sequel! and for the people asking me why i'm not doing a sequel; i don't want to. as i've said before i'm done with this story simply cause I don't have any more ideas for it. if i did a sequel it'd just be shitty and, well, i'd probably never finish it. plus i'm already working on another story (it's called issues if you didn't know)!

secondly! as i just said, i'm working on a calum fic (again if you didn't know). i'll be posting the first chapter probably next weekish so if you want to read it, keep an eye out for it! there's already a little thingy out so you can put it in your library :-)

lastly i just want to thank everyone for reading my story, for encouraging me and giving me motivation to write cause if it wasn't for you guys i wouldn't have ever finished this story. i say this a lot but i cannot stress enough how much i love each and every one of you. i've made so many wonderful friends, even best friends, thanks to you guys. and i get a lot of messages from people thanking me because if it wasn't for my story, they wouldn't know their best friend. so thank you. you guys fill my heart with joy.

thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed

- valerie xx
