☼ t w e n t y - e i g h t ☼

/// *started from the bottom by drake plays from somewhere in the background* ///


I couldn't stop thinking about Mae.

Okay so I haven't really gone a day without her crossing my mind, but lately it's been getting worse.

Even when she...

No, don't think about that. Everything is fine now, right?

She's messing with my head and at this point I can't tell if it's a good thing or a bad thing. All I do know is that I really fucking l-

"Stop stop stop!" Jesse, our sound guy, shouted, snapping me out of my thoughts as my guitar screeched when I stopped playing abruptly. "Mike man, are you doing okay today? You seem out of it."

"I'm doing fine and I know I'm out of line," I started, sighing dramatically. Cal groaned.

"Not again," Ashton mumbled while Luke shook his head and tried not to laugh.

"Let's sing this one more time," I said, a smirk playing at my lips. Jesse glared at me.

"The show is in 30 minutes and this is the first time you're playing the new song. Stop fucking around," he snarled. My face heated up at his outbursts towards me and I hung my head down.

I should probably stop trying to be as funny as I think I am.

"From the top," Luke spoke into his microphone.


"You say that I'm too complicated, hung up and miseducated, well I say 9 to 5 is overrated and we all fall down. I can't sleep cause my mind keeps racin', my chest hurts cause my heart keeps breakin', I'm so numb and I can't stop shakin' and we all fall down," I sang. The crowd grew louder and louder with excitement by the second, while made me smile.

"Frustration, desperation, you say you need some kind of medication, situation no motivation, destination permanent vacation," Luke sang.

"Hey I'm doing fine, and I know I'm out of line, so let's sing this one more time it goes, destination permanent vacation!"

The crowd cheered, making my heart swell with happiness. They love the new song. I just can't wait till they hear what we have in store for them with the new album.


"Michael! Michael!" All the girls yelled over and over again. I couldn't help but smile, due to the fact that some of them are shouting lovely things to me. I tried to pay more attention to those over the let-me-suck-your-dick fans. I took a gazillion pictures with fans, trying to get as many people as I could. Dave begin ushering me into the hotel when a girl tugged on my shirt quickly.

"Michael," she said quietly. I almost couldn't hear her. "Are you ever going to make things official with Mae?"

I chuckled, eyeing her. She had light brown hair with big hazel eyes, and a pointy nose. She wore dark lipstick and all black clothes. She was kind of cute.

"We're just friends," I told her, right before Dave push me inside the building.

Just friends.

Except, friends don't feel the way I do towards their other friends.


Baby mae: michael

Baby mae: michaEL WHat thE fuCK IS thIS

After those texts was a screenshot of a YouTube video of Permanent Vacation.

Holy shit, that was fast. Power to the fam.

I was laying in my hotel bed, while Cal was in the other bed, scrolling away on his phone. I'd just gotten in and taken a shower while Cal ordered room service. I took a bite of banana as I sat started to type out a reply, but then just decided to FaceTime her.

"MICHAEL," she yelled at the phone as soon as she answered. "Why didn't you tell me you guys were performing a new song?!"

"Erm, I wasn't allowed to," I mumbled, mouthful of banana. Mae was quiet for a moment.

"Are you eating a banana?" She asked, sounded slightly disgusted. I swallowed and took another bite, tossing the peel in the garbage.

"Maybe," I giggled, setting the phone down and getting up so I could fetch a shirt from my suitcase. She sighed.

"Stop talking with the banana shoved in your mouth," she scolded, but I could tell she was trying not to laugh.

"Sorry," I said, making Cal giggle.

"Hi Mae," he called out in a high pitched voice.

"Hi Cal!" Mae called back and equally high pitched voice. "I love the new song, I'm so proud of you guys."

"Thanks," Cal and I said in unison, and he chucked the pillow at me. He rolled out of his bed snatching my phone off of mine. He gave Mae a cheeky lopsided grin.

"Hey bae."

I threw a flip-flop at him and gave him a murderous look.

"Hey Palum," Mae replied, the smile evident in her voice.

I felt my chest tightened up with jealousy. He was making her smile. Calum frowned, then laughed and shook his head.

"I saw a cute kitten today and it reminded me of you," he said, running a hand through his hair, which I currently wanted to rip out. He was flirting with her, because I know for a fact he only saw dogs today.

"Aw, you're adorable Cal," Mae gushed, making my chest tighten even more. I tugged on a plain white shirt and snatched my phone out of Calum's hand. He laughed.

"Someone's jelly," he snickered, making my fave heat up.

"Shut the fuck up, I'm not jealous," I mumbled, running into the bathroom and slamming the door behind me.

"I didn't even get to say bye to him," Mae pouted into the camera - adorably I might add - then pushed her glasses up her nose. Which oddly enough, was really attractive. 

"Fuck Calum," I hugged, lying in the bathtub, which was still slightly wet from my shower. Mae uttered something to herself, then giggled.

"What was that?"

"Nothing," she said, trying not to laugh.

"I'll hang up on you if you don't tell me," I threatened.

"Don't be fucking rude," she replied and her best Kim Kardashian's voice. Calum started banging on the door.

"Mate, I need a shower! Stop wanking off to your girlfriend!" He shouted through the door.

Mae giggled, her cheeks turning an adorable shade of pink, while my entire face turned a lovely shade of cooked lobster.


wow idek what that chapter was this is why I only really do one POV throughout the entire story im soRRYYYY

what did mae utter under her breath??? probably something along the lines of "I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE" but who knows not me nope

but i wanted to update (once again I'm using my phone) cause school is starting in a week, which means I have to go back to work tomorrow (I'm a preschool teacher lol go figure) to do training and set up my class.

which means I'll be busy like all week so idk if I'll be able to update any time soon *cries*

I'm gonna shoot for sunday though cause I have a wedding to attend to on saturday and sunday is my only free day tbh

did you guys watch the teen choice awards??? I was slightly disappointed cause 5sos was only in the beginning and I was hoping they would win an award but they didn't so I wasted an hour and 56 minutes of my life :////

thank you so much to everyone who votes/comments on my chapters, y'all make me so happy I could cry

I'm definitely going to have to go through and edit this story cause the wattpad app is broken and the italics won't work and I need italic words in my life they put emphasis on things and it pleases me

I hope everyone has smiled today :-)

❤️don't be a silent reader❤️
