Author's Note

I just let a story catch fire and burn. But well, I just finished writing one!
Kudos again to iiInfinityii , my wonderful wattpad buddy who eagerly waited for this ending. Ily :)

Thank you guys for giving this story a time of the day and for staying with me as it took its course. This is my first story so I didn't expect much, and yet, I've been given more than I could hope for.**I'm sorry if the ending was a bit sad, but in my defense, I tried to make it seem as open-ended as possible. Yes, it's somewhere there. :) and hey, at least I didn't kill off anyone lol. Not funny? Oh, okay.

I have another story posted. It's titled Between These Lines (formerly The Clandestine Letters of Ellie Easton) It's like the real deal for me as a writer so feel free to check it out. (Can't self-promote any more blatantly than that)

Gotta go.


p.s It had been really nice sharing this story with you
**thanks for making this #55 in short story as of 6/02/15. I'm still truly at awe

Check out my other works, loves :)
-Between These Lines (teen fiction)
-Bonnie (short story)
-Mixtape (collection of short stories)
-One With The Pixies (fanfic-5sos//DON'T JUDGE! GIVE IT A TRY LOL)
