
A/N: to make up for the last one :)
How are you liking the new cover? Credits go to s
Greet me a happy mother's day to your moms!
'Was there ever another girl you took star-gazing out with?' She asked after a moment.

I took time in answering. 'Yeah. Her name's Annie.'

Lola gulped and looked down. Hurt flashed in her eyes.

'She's my sister.' I said next, watching her face change emotion in a heartbeat. 'She died when she was eight. I was twelve then.'

'What happened?'

And I told her the same story I told the police, the people who attended the funeral, the ones at school, our neighbors. That we were simply playing ball in front of our house's yard when this truck came speeding up and ran little Annie over. It was a painful memory; the innocent face of my sister, the blood on the street, the wailing of the ambulance. It haunted me in my dreams sometimes. But I've found way to cope.

'How?' Lola asked me next. I couldn't look her in the eyes.

'How, Kyle? What did you do?'

I remained silent, but she seemed to understand. Tentatively, she reached for my hand and there beneath the ridiculous wristband I've worn over the years were the marks of the pain I haven't let anyone see. 'It wasn't your fault, Kyle.' She whispered.

'I know. That's what a lot of people told me. They put the blame on my mom. "For floating up in space the whole time".' I quoted bitterly. 'But the thing is no one can tell you that. No one can tell you it wasn't your fault, because then, it only sounds like they're telling to tell you to stop hurting, too. And it's fucking damn hard, Lola. It's hard to stop hurting.'

She was close to tears. I knew that if I went on, she'd be crying with me. So I stopped. Thankfully, she didn't cry. Instead, she pulled the bands off, kissed the scars forever etched on my skin, and whispered, 'You're the strongest person I know. I still think you're beautiful.'

In spite of the pain, I smiled, my heart welling up in my chest. It was then that I fully understood how extraordinary she was. How wonderful and so not for me.
