
The day I thought I could have Kyle Harding for real, he took that hope away and walked out with it forever. He ended us the day after he took me star-gazing. I knew I did something wrong and I hated to know I couldn't be more right.

'We can't do this anymore,' he told me with his eyes cast down.

At first I wanted to play dumb, stall time so I could keep us talking. But I realized how desperate that sounded. So instead, I kept my voice as even as I possibly could and told him I understood.

He looked taken aback by my answer. I knew he expected me to say more. 'Okay, then...' He simply uttered, pocketed his hands, and walked away.

'Why?' I called out in a tiny whisper. He just kept walking. I remembered running after him like the idiotic girl I was.

'Why?' I repeated, trying to keep up with the pace he was taking. 'At least tell me why!' That did it.

He stopped and faced me. We were on the school grounds then. A lot of people looked, and scrammed away at Kyle's glare.

'You're a smart girl, Lola. You know why.'

The thing I understood was that this was the plan all along, that sooner or later, we'd end it. I guessed what I was really asking was Why now? I told him that and he answered me with a vague 'It's for the better.'

He began to walk past but I held his arm. 'Well, can't we just be together? For real?' I was a shameless, shameless girl.

'God, Lola! No!' He spat like it was ludicrous of me to even suggest that. 'What the fuck! I thought you understood the deal!'

This time I was near tears. My whole body was trembling. I couldn't even look him in the eye.

'We can't be together for real, Lola.' He repeated harshly. 'We're two different people. You're too dreamy-eyed for me. You plan your life ahead-'

'I don't plan my life ahead!'

'Yes, you do. You plan everything out-'

'And I'm not dreamy-eyed-'

'Yes, you are!' He bellowed. 'You wear this little anchor on your neck. You talk of adventures and going to Paris and to London. You keep this jar full of coins in your bedroom-'

'And is that bad?' I shot back weakly. 'To know what you want in life?'

He didn't answer for a while. 'No. No, it's not bad.' His eyes softened, like something inside him just crumbled. 'It's just that...your dreams, everything you are, make you too good for me. I'm running a senseless path, Lola. I mean, you hear all the news about me. My life is so fucked up I don't even know what I'm gonna do with it. And that's not the type of someone you deserve...'

Everything has to end. Everything is short-lived. This truth had always been hovering in the air around me, but never had it come down to level me with an eye-to-eye glare. Until the day Kyle Harding broke my heart.

After he said those words, I did the same thing he did to me. I ran away from him, clutching those three little words I meant to tell him that day. I was rash. I was dreamy-eyed. And I kept running, crying. Never looked back.

A/n: the next chapter's going to be the last. Sorry for such a short notice
