Chapter 3 - Settling in

You felt your wound seal up nicely as you walked out with Charlie. Reaching the waiting room you see the group all waiting. Demon healing, cool!

"She's ok!" They all look up from what they were doing and nod.

"Still think this is a dream but ok," Vaggie gives you a side eye as Charlie leads the way to the limo. Getting in next to Niffty you lean back.

"Alright, so me and Y/n... Y/n right?" You give a nod letting Charlie continue. "We are going to the mall to get her some clothes and supplies!"

"Supplies?" Vaggie narrows her eyes at you making you shift.

"Y/n, is an artist and I thought maybe she could help advertise the hotel!" Giving a quick nod, Vaggie sits back and grumbles as the limo pulls up to a large mall.

"Can I come along?" Angel asks. "I'm not needed today so why the fuck not?"


"Where to first?" Charlie looks around excitedly before grabbing your hand and dragging on you to the nearest department store. Finding the sale section easily you grab a few oversized shirts, a pair of jeans and a hoodie. Putting them in the cart you notice it was already filled with clothes. "What's this?"

"Your clothes, duh!" You look down at clothing with unsure glances as you caught sight of the price.

"They're very expensive... I could just get the sale item-"

"Nonsense! This is perfect, just go try it on," she takes away the sale items and hands them to Vaggie before leading you to the changing rooms.

There were skirts and jeans, blouses and t shirts, Charlie had really picked it all. They all went with the same scheme of red which was luckily your favourite colour. With everything fitting like a glove Charlie was quick to pay.

Next was the electronic store, which was surprisingly up to date. You walked down the aisle of tablets and spotted the same type of tablet you had back in your mortal life.

"Right here," The princess walks over and looks down at the tablet. She looks around at the other more advanced tablets.

"Are you sure? There are better ones,"

"This ones fine," she nods as you walk to find a stylus. Looking around you the matching stylus and wave Charlie over. "And this one... if you don't mind..." she shakes her head.

"Not at all, as long as it's what you had back in your world then it's perfect," Charlie gives you a toothy smile before walking to the cashier.


Now back in the hotel Angel helped you carry your bags as Charlie went to fetch a key for you. She was quick to get back and hand you the key to your new room.

"Thank you so much, Charlie,"

"No problem, oh! And here you go," she hands you a new phone.

"What's this?"

"A phone! Thought you might need one, now go and get settled," She ushers you to the elevator with Angel. The spider presses the buttons on the elevator and soon you were on your way up.

"This is the staff floor so everyone will be staying here,"

"Aren't you a guest?" He shrugs and walks down the hall.

"Yeah, but Miss Moth wanted to keep an eye on me," You let out a chuckle as you reach your room. "This is yours, I'm right across from you so knock if you need anything," When unlocking your room you were met with the smell of dust. Scrunching up your nose you walk in and switch on the lights.

"A bit dusty," You cough out as Angel laughs in agreement. The room was very nice, minus the dust. It had a four poster bed with maroon bed sheets and curtains pulled back. The bedside table on both sides was made of the same wood as the bed with a gold and red lamp on top. There was a decently sized closet and desk to the side and a door leading to, supposedly, the bathroom.

"You could always change it up like I did," You nod and walk to the Tv, switching it on. There was Tom trench and Katie Killjoy reporting on some accident that wasn't much of a surprise considering it was hell.

"Thank you,"

Angel places the bags down on the floor. "No problem, toots," He leaves the room to yourself. Taking out the new clothes you start to hang everything up. Sneezing a few times due to the dust you were surely going to ask Niffty for help to clean this up. Turning on the tablet you set everything up and download the software you use.

"Let's get out these clothes first," Quickly taking a shower with the soap that you- Charlie, the soaps that Charlie bought, you freshened up before changing into some jeans and a hoodie. By the time you were done your software was downloaded. "I really hope my account transfers here!" Logging on and waiting for the screen to load...

Logged in!
Welcome Y/n L/n

"Hell yeah!" Scrolling through your art you check up on everything. "I see this as an absolute win," A sudden knock on the door makes you jump. "Yes?" Niffty opens the door and scurries in.

"Dinner is ready- oh my god! its so dusty in here!" You laugh, picking up your tablet, and lead her out the door.

"I know, I was wondering if I could help you clean up-"

"No! I'll do it myself, go have dinner," She pushes you out the door after handing you your key.


"Bye!" She slams the door, the only noise left being her shoes against the floor. Without another word you flip your key in the air and walk down the hall to the elevator. Finding your way to the dining room you smell lasagna.

"Hey!" Charlie spots you an waves you over. "So?... How is everything?" She asks excitedly.

"Its all great, thank you so much," With a grin on her face she nods and gets back to her food. "Niffty is just cleaning my room against my will if any of you were wondering," You place your tablet to the side and sit down next to Angel, taking a slice of lasagna.

"That sounds about right," Vaggie mumbles.



- Anna ❤️
