Chapter 1 - What the... hell?!

Forgot to add the design I made lmfao


Casually walking down the street you had just exited a candy store with some sweets. Happily licking the lollipop you look back and smile as you see a teenage boy searching for said lollipop.

"I'm such an asshole..." you then shrug and put away your phone and look across the road to see toddler wandering off from his mother. Turning to the right you see a truck headed straight for the child. "Oh fuck!" You dash to the child and push it out the way.


A breeze fills your ears as you regain consciousness. Opening your eyes you see a grey clouds fall out of sight, when your eyes finally focus in you look down just as you pass a glowing circle. When you started to piece together everything a scream exited your mouth just as you hit the stone ground.

"Mother-" you open your eyes again to see you were fine. "How the heck am I ok?" Standing up your brush off the skirt of your dress? Weren't you wearing jeans when you- "oh my god where's my lollipop?!" You search around only to see it was in your hand. "Heck yea!"

"Out the way bitch!" Doing as said you jump away and out the road as a man drives by at full speed.

"What the-?" You see the car crash and explode. "Holy fuck!" Finally taking in your surrounding you noticed everything in chaos. People were fighting, drinking, doing drugs and... having sex?! "Get a fucking room!" you yell at them, shielding your eyes.

"Suck my dick!" The weird looking man shouted back. Where were you? Looking at the sky you notice a tower that seemed all too familiar. A pentagram moon and porn studio too well known... spinning around you lay eyes on it... The Happy hotel!

"Holy fan fricking fuck!" Sprinting to the doors you step on a puddle, stopping to look down. "Oh... my god..." you had red and white horns! Admiring yourself for a second you notice a peppermint necklace matching with a peppermint belt. Your dress was dark red with matching coloured boots that had white fur and red bows. Your eyes trail back up to the hotel doors. "Oh right!" Running forward you knock on the door and grin.

"Hello?" Charlie opens the door. "Hi! Welcome to the happy hotel-!"

"I know!" You squeal. "Oh my god you're so much cuter in person!" She blushes and thanks you. Vaggie comes to the door with a knife and sneers. "Oh my god Vaggie!" She jumps back slightly.

"How do you know my name?" She points the knife to your nose making you giggle.

"Because you're one of the best characters! Can I come in?" Charlie nods in confusion. "Oh god it's so much cooler and bigger than the show makes it look!"

"Yo, who's the chick?" You turn to Angel and hold back a scream of delight.

"It's Angel! Holy shit you're so tall!" Running to the pornstar you stare at the fluff.

"You're a fan?" Nodding your head enthusiastically he grins.

"Can I touch the fluff?" You plead he smirks and bends down letting you stuff your face in the cloud of fluff. "So fluffy," your voice muffled by the fluff.

"Who-" your eyes widen against Angels chest.

"Husker! I mean Husk!" You run away from Angel who pouts at the lack of attention. "Oh god, is Niffty here?"

"Hello?" She pops up from behind the cat demon.

"So. Small." You bend down and stare in awe. "Holy Cheese balls! Where is Alastor?!" With your breathing heavy you see the Radio demon stroll in. "I'm going to pass out!"

"Glad I have that effect," he smiles wider. You fall backwards and hit the ground with a thud.

"Holy fat nuggets, this is the best dream ever!" Wriggling on the ground everyone stares in confusion.

"Dream?" Charlie looks down at you.

"Well yeah! I can't believe my brain is finally letting me have a dream about my favourite show!" Realisation dawned on you. "Oh frizzle frack! I need to meet Luci and Lilith! Oh oh and Sir pentious and the egg bois! Cherri and Mimzy are a must! Oh my god what about Val, Velvet and Vox?!" Bolting upwards Charlie was quick to hold you back.

"Woah! Calm down!"

"Did she just refer to Lucifer as... Luci?" Vaggie looked confused as can be.

"Course I did! Practically everyone does at this point, that little cute Apple boy," you pinch your fingers together and go into a baby voice.

"The hell?" Husk turns to Niffty who shrugs.

"Oh damn... why didn't my brain replay the pilot? I would have killed to watch Al sing and dance!"

"How do you know about that?" Alastor walks forward and peers down at you.

"Because it was in the pilot? Honestly for this being a dream you guys are awfully boring," Angel scoffs.

"Hold on slow down... what's your name?"


"Right, Y/n, what are you even talking about? What dream? What pilot?" Charlie puts her hands in a prayer position and points to you.

"This dream? The Hazbin Hotel pilot? You know? The terf war angel and Cherri has with Sir pentious, Charlie's whole song and beating up Katie killjoy then Alastor turning up here to help using his voodoo shit and dragging Niffty out of whatever fiery pit she came from and Husk from whatever gamble he was in?"

"How the fuck?-"

"Then you know, the whole Alastor singing thing then sir pentious coming to destroy Angel and instead getting destroyed by Al, then Jambalaya!" You were out of breath at this point as everyone jaws dropped.


Ha HAAAAA look it's another Alastor x reader! Jesus Christ I can't stop-

- Anna ❤️
