Chapter 12 - Cotton Candy

"Hold on, I just want to get some cotton candy!" You call the the group, going off only to bump into a very tall demon. "Oh, shit, sorry," your eyes trail up to see a grinning TV head. "Hey, guys!"

"Y/n," Vox kisses your hand lightly as Val backs up in fear.

"Miss Y/n," Val blurts out.

"Rat man," you dismiss him as Velvet looks up from her phone with a grin.

"Hey, candy," she greets. "Whatcha' doin' here?"

"I'm out with everyone, wanted some cotton candy though..." You hold up some money until Vox pushed it away.

"Let me buy it for you, my treat, Doll,"

"Gentleman," taking the arm he held out for you, the tower of cotton candy reached the stars, a plethora of colours. "Hmm... can I get the f/c one?"

"Of course, Doll," Vox pays for the treat and hands it over. Fluffy as clouds, the treat swayed slightly as Vox picked off a bit.

"You're lucky you paid for it," you say teasingly. "Oh, hey, guys!" the group of Hazbin's walk up with confused glances, though Angel hid behind Husk slightly.

You looked to Val then to the Spider, coughing slightly which the Moth demon flinched at, looking away to a group of demons in the distance.

Charlie widened her eyes before looking back at you. "Hey, Y/n, guess you got your candy,"

"Voxy here got it for me,"

"Voxy? You're glad you're cute, Doll," the Tv demon sighs. Giving a grinning side eye to Alastor as symbols rose up around him.

"Well, I'm glad you guys get along-"

"Yes quite glad, but we should be off," Alastor quips, slipping you back beside him. "Let's go, my dear,"

"Uh, ok, bye, guys!" Waving the overlords goodbye, you watch them return it.

"He likes her," Vox snorts as Velvet giggles.

"How do you know?" Val sneers.

"Don't act like you weren't the same when we dated for the first time," the Tv demon walks off, proud at how subtly he pissed off the Radio Demon.


"Jealous?" You smirk.

"If you're insinuating that I'm jealous of that sad excuse of an overlord-"

"I'm not," you quip sending a confusion in a passing wave over him. "I'm insinuating you're jealous of me considering how much I know you want to date Vox,"

"Date? I'd never lay hands on that egotistical glamorized cultish bastard," Alastor's eyes turned to Radio dials. "Unless it was to rip every flashy wire out of that box of filth's head," Static fizzled in the air.

"Oh a true romance!~"

Alastor snapped his head to you making you grin, hiding the fear behind it. "Don't test me, dear," He bends down, leaning to face you close.

"RadioVox~" you poke his nose before dashing off, the moment his shadow tried to grab you.


"'Scuse me! Pardon me!" You slip between demons and to the front of the line.

"Hey, there's a line," The attendee halts you.

"And there's a radio demon chasing me," you smile and place down a bit of money.

"Y/n~!" The demons look to see Alastor looking around.

"Go ahead," you were let onto the Ferris Wheel, laying face down on the ground, avoiding the bits of gum. Jolting back into motion, you rose into the air, watching the park from above. You sit back against the seat and sigh.

"Stupid Deer,"

"Stupid, huh?" You snap open your eyes to see Alastor standing in front of you. "You really must be more careful, my dear... you never know who could rat you out,"

"Dammit," you scorn before looking up at Alastor. "Let's talk this out, Al,"

"Yes, let's," he lifts you up, spinning so you were held over the edge.

"Al!" You shriek.

"Any last words?"

"Fuck y-" wind rushed through your hair, arms flailing around as you plummeted to the ground, crying out for mercy. Just as you saw the ground near, you were caught in a pair of red clad arms.

"Yes? You didn't finish," Alastor smiled down at you before earning a slap across the face causing a few demons to gasp in shock.

"Asshole," you smirk seeing his eyes turn into radio dials. "Go ahead, kill me, you don't have the guts,"

"I have a fate much worse," his dark toned laughter sent a chill through you when you both popped up in front of the hall of mirrors. "Let's play a fun game,"

"For me or for you?"

"Me mostly, but... it may give you a chance to escape," he dropped you on the ground with a thud. "You have 30 seconds to find your way out the maze before I enter, you escape, then no punishment..."

"And if I don't?" fear tickled up and down your nerves.

"Then you'll have to wait and see..."


Flashing lights, loud noises and reflections of yourself.

Your worst nightmare.

Hand feeling against each mirror, you heard the floor board behind you creak. As scary as this was, it got your adrenaline rushing.

"Fuck!" You bang your fist against the mirror when your head counting reached 30 seconds.

"Y/n~!" His voice rang out distorted and frightening. Alastor felt the thrill coarse through his veins. Hunting was his passion, his muse... and he hadn't been on a hunt for quite a while.

And you? You were the ideal target, a specimen that kept him on his toes.




- Anna ❤️
