Chapter 22 - Dream come true

Your dream had come true!

Vivziepop had asked you to be a clean up artist, you got a raise from your boss, you finally bought a house and were in a stable relationship!

"Fuck you! Cheating bastard!" The vase smashed against the wall, shattering as your boyfriend scampered out the house.

Ok, so no stable relationship...

But you still had everything else! Being single wasn't that bad, anyways.

The incident was months ago but... that dream, or whatever it was, stuck in your head, clouding it like fog in a scary movie.

It felt too real... too fucking real and it was frustrating you.

Worst part is, you kept seeing things...

"And then I said, 'no way, give me the plushies before I snap your neck!', and then they ran off," B/f/n laughed as a few stared from around the cafe.

"You never cease to amaze me," taking another bite of your lunch you catch sight of three flashes of red running across the street and down an alley way...

One of them turned around once in the shadows, eyes glowing yellow, hair a frosty white.

"What are you looking at?" Snapping back to your friend, they try and find the source of your interest.

"Nothing... I just thought I saw something,"

Then there was the looming feeling of someone watching you.

While you worked.

While you went shopping.

Went on a date.

Watched a movie.

But it seemed to have respect because when you were in the bathroom 'pampering your nose', showering, changing, whatever, the feeling was gone.

Guess this creature had decency.

One night you woke up from a nightmare, but a soothing song from an old radio soothed you back into slumber. When you told B/f/n they shrugged it off as your obsession with Hazbin and late nights doing clean ups.

Wouldn't be the first dream about Hazbin since the incident.

You had a few short dreams where you were just walking in Hell. One time you saw Vox and Val but it seemed they were too busy making out.

Another time, you ran away from a killer cook in what looked to be the royal palace. French moustache, hat and all.

But this was the last straw.

Dark and freezing, the street lamps buzzed on and off as moths flurry around. Concrete with puddles filled with lurking unknowns were avoided as you shifted on your headphones.

Electro swing. Wonderful to lift spirits and calm nerves while having the feeling of someone following.

Unlike the lingering figure you felt often this one felt more... like it was here.

Drumming your fingers aimlessly against the strap of your leather satchel, you could see the shadow creep up.

But instead of it being some old guy looking for a good time... it had two peaks on its head... it was taller than most people...

7ft tall, two points on its head, angled bob cut; this meant only one thing.

"Al?" You spun around to see no one. But in true horror style, when you looked back in front of you, there he stood.

Towering over with that glinting grin. "Hello, Cherie,"

"I'm dreaming right?" Rubbing against your sleep deprived eyes, your headphones fell to rest around your neck.


"Good," you grabbed his collar and pulled him down for a kiss. "I missed you,"

"I missed you more, Cherie," his gloved hand ran over your cheek.

"What happened?"

"I'm not sure... it seemed whatever got you to Hell the first time thought it was time for you to get back here," his lips placed themselves softly on your crown, pulling you into a long hug.

"Were you the thing that kept eyes on me?"

"I hope you don't mind," he chuckles.

"Only slightly, I could feel your jealousy while I was on those dates," you intertwined your hand with his.

"That's because I don't like sharing, Ma Cherie,"

"I'm yours now, huh?" A flustered smile covered his face, his eyes questioning if he went too far. "I'd like that,"

"You got the job you wanted, I see," the two of you walked down the street, hand in hand.

"I did... how did you get here anyways?"

"I'm not sure if you noticed those imps recently, Stolas owed me a favour and directed me to his... muse,"

"His fuck buddy," you cough out the truth.

"Yes, yes, well, I wanted to see how you were going, and from what I observed, not so well,"

"I miss Hell... as weird as that sounds,"

"We miss you dearly there too, my dear," his microphone popped up. "Are you ready to head back?"

"Can I pack a few things up before we leave? Plus a few errands,"

"As you wish,"



- Anna ❤️
