Suga ~ Where did he go

"He still isn't home?" "No, it's been almost two hours and I'm getting really nervous." You hear Jimin sigh on the other side of the phone. "I'll try calling him again, but I don't think he'll pick up this time." You nod eventhough he can't see you. "Thanks Jimin. Can you let me know if he picked up or not?" "Sure, I'll call you back in five minutes." You hang up and fall down on the couch. Where could he be? It wasn't like Yoongi to just disappear without letting atleast one person know where he went. Whenever he felt like being alone for a while, he would always leave a text of some kind, assuring you that he was okay.

This time, nothing. It's like he just vanished of the earth. You called Jimin when Yoongi didn't come home at the usual hour, but he told you your boyfriend had left the company three hours prior to your phone call. Something was definitely wrong.

You decide to message him again.

You: babe? Where are you? Are you okay? Please answer.... Everyone's worried sick about you. Love you x.

As promised, Jimin calls you back five minutes later. "Nothing. The good thing however is that his phone is still turned on." "Why's that such a good thing Jimin?" The red haired guy laughs. "Because I vagualy remember that Namjoon downloaded one of those tracking apps on his phone. That way he could always find us when we ran away for some reason." You smile. "Where's Namjoon?" "He's here. Come to the building. Quickly."

You hang up the phone once again and put on a hoodie and a pair of sneakers. You run out of the door and jump in the car.

The ride to Bighit takes about ten minutes and when you arrive you quickly make your way to bts' practice room. The six of them are sitting on the floor while eating from a bag of crackers. "Ah Y/N you're here!" Hoseok waves you over and you sit down in between him and Namjoon, who's unlocking his phone.

He opens the app and types in Yoongi's name. A red spot appears on the screen. "There he is." "Where is that?" Taehyung asks while staring at the screen. Namjoon zooms in until we can read names of streets. "He's at the Han river, close to the Starbucks we always go to." You stand up and rush outside again, without waiting on the members. You drive there and park your car as close as posssible.

You find a familiar back facing you on a bench. "Yoongi?" The figure looks over his shoulder and you sigh in relief. "What are you doing here?" You sit down next to him. "I needed to think." You nod and put your hand on his. "And you had to do that without informing any of us? We were all so worried about you."

He looks down and mumbles an apology. "What's bothering you so much jagi?" "Remember when I told you about my family? How they didn't approve me becoming an idol?" You nod slowly. "Well, they told me they're coming to our next showcase."

"Isn't that good news Yoongi?" He looks at you and you can see the tears forming in the corners of his eyes. He isn't the type of person that shows his emotions so fast, so every time he does, it makes you sad as well. "I'm just worried I'll screw up and they won't change their mind." You put an arm around him and rest your head on his shoulder. "Min Yoongi. In all the years I've known and loved you, you have not once, not once, screwed up a performance. Why would it be different now? Think about this, offstage you're Min Yoongi, who is worried about his parents attending his concert, but onstage you're Suga. Bts' rapper that steals and crushes everyone's heart." He looks at you and smiles gently. "I guess you kind of have a point."

"You just need go get onstage and act the way you always do on a concert, and believe me, your parents will be so proud of you. You can't even imagine."

The rest of your conversation gets cut off by loud noises coming closer to you. You turn around and see the rest of bts walking towards you, with the maknae line running up front. "Omg hyung we were so worried about you!" Taehyung. "Hyung! Why did you make us and Y/N so worried?" Jimin. "Aish hyung... Don't do that again okay?" Jungkook.

Yoongi rolls his eyes. "Why did you bring them here?" "I didn't, they were just present when Namjoon was tracing your ass down." Yoongi smiles. "Fine. Lets just go home." You nod and stand up. "I'll see you guys tomorrow at practice. Bye." Your boyfriend says to his group members before taking your hand and walking away from them. "How did you get here anyways?" "I took the bus." You nod slowly. "I got here by car so I'll drive home."

You step inside the car and drive home in silence. "Jagi? Don't forget what I told you earlier okay?" "I won't forget. Thanks Y/N." You smile and turn on some music. Eventhough he has his moods and his insecurities, Min Yoongi is truly the man for you.
