Jungkook ~athlete vs nerd

IMPORTANT AN (in my opinion then x)
I started a bts fanfiction where all of them are some kind of supernatural creature. They are a pack and live together, but all of that brings its problems as well. They fear that people will find out about them and witch hunt them the way they used to do back in 18 hundreds.

If you're interested in reading, you can find the first few chapters on my profile. The book is called: "The Pack"

You sit down at a free table at lunch and wait for your friend to arrive. She has chearleading practice the past two hours and because of that it takes her longer to get here. Not that that makes sense since you're on the swimming team and you need to shower and change back to your uniform after practice every day. You see your friend coming at you and she sits down.

"Hi Y/N, sorry Mingyu wanted to see me after practice and we kind of eumh, got caught up." You roll your eyes and chuckle. "Didn't I say so." Your friend playfully slaps you. At the same time you hear a loud bang coming from across the cafetaria.

You look up and see a guy on the floor with two guys from the football standing in front of him. They are laughing, just like everyone else. The guy on the floor is Jeon Jungkook. He's kind of a nerd, but for some reason you think he's cute. You know, with those glasses.

His plate of food is on the floor and he's sitting on his knees. Trying to find his glasses. I guess he really needs them. No one's helping home, so you get up and quickly rush towards the other side of the cafetaria.

You pick up his glasses and hand them to him. His forehead is bleeding and he has some bruises on his arm. You help him up and lead him out of there. "Let me take you to the nurse's office." Jungkook looks at you. "Why are you helping me Y/N? You're a professional swimmer and I'm just your average nerd. Why do you help me?"

"Because I can't just stand there and see those guys bullying you for no reason. You don't deserve this Jungkook." He smiles sadly and looks down. "Thanks." You smile. "No thanks."

The nurse looks after the wound on his forehead and says that he needs to get stitches. "It's okay, I'll take him with my car." The nurse nods and lets the principal know about it.

"Come on, my car is over there." Jungkook nods and then sits down on the passenger's seat. "You want to listen to some music?" Jungkook raises his shoulders. "Why not." You turn on the radio and drive towards the hospital. "Can I ask you something? Why are they bullying you?" Jungkook looks up and sighs.

"You know who they are right?" "Ofcourse. Aiden and Scott. I went out with Scott a few times so unfortunately I do know them." "So, one time during class, I was looking at you and Scott noticed I was looking. He came at me during the break and hit me. Scott made me confess eumh my eumh feelings for you."

You are completely taken back by his words. Never in a million years you thought Jungkook would be interested in you in that particular way. You needed to say it, since you may have a little bit of a crush on him, you like hearing those words leaving his lips.

"Don't worry about them okay. I'll make sure they don't hurt you from now on." Jungkook chuckles darkly. "Aren't you going to say anything? I just confessed my love for you."

You park the car at the hospital and look in front of you. "I eumh, I'm not sure what to say." Jungkook looks down and laughs. "Ofcourse not. It was stupid of me to think that an athletic girl like you would be interested in a booknerd like me. Thanks for driving me to the hospital Y/N. I'll call my mom and tell her to pick me up when they're finished."

Jungkook steps out of the car and walks towards the glass doors of the hospital. You don't try to stop him, knowing that wouldn't make a difference whatsoever. You hurt his feelings. Jungkook confessed his feelings and you weren't even able to say that you felt the same about him.

Then, you decide to step away from your 'popular' position, knowing that Jungkook was worth it. You get out of the car and lock it before rushing inside and asking the lade behind the information desk where they took him.

"Room 415 miss. You take the elevator over there to the fourth floor and then you look for room number 15. But I suggest you wait outside there since it's a doctor's office." You nod and thank her for her help.

You follow the instructions the woman gave you and when you peek trough the little window next to the door, you see Jungkook. You patiently wait until he walks out, and without saying a word, you press your lips against his and your arms around his neck.

Jungkook is shocked by your sudden actions, but after a few moments he starts kissing you back.

"Why did you do that?" He asks after he pulled back. "I realized that I'd much rather be a nerd with you, than an athlete without you." Jungkook smiles brigthly. "I think I may love you Y/N." "I think I feel the same about you Jungkook." You take his hand and leave the hospital again.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He asks. At the same time you both shout "ice cream!" And start laughing.
