V ~ Always Love You

The room was dark. Not a single bold of light could be found. In the room there was a girl. Hiden away in a corner, crying over the love of life, knowing she would never see him again. She wanted him to follow his dreams, wanted him to be happy. Even if it meant hurting her. And that's what happened exactely. He followed his dreams, and she was happy for that. She would get over it in time. Like they say, time could heal everything.

1 week earlier
You were sitting on a bench, waiting for the guy of your dreams, Kim Taehyung. He asked you to come there, since it was the bench you two shared your first kiss on. However, you had no idea why he wanted you to meet him there.

A recognizable figure arrived and sat down next to you. "Hi Tae." You said happily. "Hi Y/N." He answered. You could immediately tell something was off. Usually he would be all bubbly and excited to see you. Right now he looked like he wanted to run away.

"I eumh need to tell you about something. You're not going to be happy with me." You slowly nodded and closed your eyes. "Did you cheat on me?" "What?! No! Ofcourse not! Y/N what do you take me for." He sighed deeply and massaged his temples.

"You remember how I told you about that audition right?" You looked up at him. "Ofcourse I do. What's with it?" Taehyung looked at you and smiled lovingly. "I kind of got in I believe." "Really? That's amazing! I know how much you dream of becoming a singer."

Taehyung sighed again. "The training however, will take place in Seoul. I need to move there." You nodded. You were expecting this would happen. Taehyung has great talent, ofcourse they would want him to become an idol. Him moving to Seoul wasn't even a question.

"Okay, when do you leave?" Taehyung looked away from you, in the direction of a group of kids taking turns on a swing. He tried to hide the tears forming in his eyes.

"Tomorrow morning." "What? Tomorrow already?" He looked at you and you put your hand on his shoulder. "That's so sudden." Taehyung leaned his head against your shoulder. "I don't want to leave you behind here, but I don't have another choice. I already signed papers and such." You played with his hair and pressed a kiss to his head. "I know you'll do a great job over there. Don't worry honey, you're going to get very far in that industry. Honestly, it surprises me that they didn't scout you before. That's how much talent you have."

Taehyung sat back and smiled softly. "Thanks baby. You know that even in Seoul I will only love you right?" You smiled. "And even here I will only love you Tae." He slowly kissed the top of your nose. "I really hate to say this, but I need to get home and pack some more stuff. I'll see you at the airport tomorrow morning? Seven a.m?" You quickly nod and Taehyung leans down to press a long and sweet kiss on your lips.

Back home you sat down on your bed. You couldn't believe that your boyfriend, the love of your life, was going to move away from you. And not just move away. He was going to be a trainee to become an idol. Meaning you would see his face on billboards and on tv. His standee would be promoting products in stores and his songs would be played on the radio. You had no idea how you would cope with that. Although you did know that your relationship with Taehyung wouldn't last long after he left. You would be left behind with a broken heart, but it was ok. He was following his dreams. He should do that. He deserved to do that. Seeing him happy is the most important thing for you, so if this is what makes him happy, he should do it.

The next morning you were waiting in front of the airport. You saw Taehyung coming your way together with his family. You greeted his parents and siblings and looked at your boyfriend. "Hi." "Hey." He smiled and intertwined your fingers. "Let's go." You followed him as far as you could before you had to stop. He said goodbye to his family and turned towards you.

"I don't want any of this to be a goodbye. More like an until next time." You nodded slowly. "I understand. So, until next time Taehyung. You'll do great, believe me." He softly laughed and nodded. "As soon as I can I will come home trust me." "Go on you need to catch your flight." Taehyung bend down and kissed you firmly. "See you soon Y/N." And with that he turned around, waved at his family, and went to Seoul to fulfill his dreams.

You are walking down the street with your best friend, doing some shopping for the upcoming holidays when you heared a familiar voice coming from the radio. Kim Taehyung, or well, V. You are extremely proud of him for doing what he always dreamt of. After he left he called you every day for almost a year. When he finally made his debut he tried to call as much as possible, but you knew that his label didn't want the two of you to be a couple any longer. So that's why you decided it was best for the both of you to end things on a good manner.

You are still friends and often text each other when he has some free time, but it's been almost two years since you saw him in person. On Skype is still different than the real him.

You stop walking and listen to his group's new song. It's an amazing song, like all the ones they released before.

Thinking back to the day you sent him off at the airport, you remember how he said until next time and kissed you. Now the one thing you want more than anything, is for him to kiss you again. For one last time. Eventhough you broke up, he still holds a special place in your heart, and you know that you'll always love him no matter what.

You looked at your friend and nodded. Making your way further to the shops, you think about the guy that still appears every night in your dreams, and feel happy knowing he's doing what he loves. Even being just friends with him makes you happy, knowing that you're still someone he loves

If you only knew that for the last years V keeps thinking about you all the time. He wants to get back together, but knows he can't. Atleast not for now. He made a deal with himself to get you back no matter what, he loves you to much. And it makes him happy knowing that you still want to be his friend. He has no idea that you still carry feelings for him, the way he does for you.

He does know that when he kissed you on the airport, he didn't kiss you for the last time. He hopes to be able to kiss you again, when he sees you. Hoping you want him back, and give one more shot at your love for each other.

It's that hope that keeps him going, that keeps him motivating. And he wants his hope to become a reality. And therefore he needs to work hard and make a lot of money to start a family with you.

Because he still loves you, and he always will
