Jungkook ~theme park

A/N: so in this imagine you are scared of heights and rollercoasters so I'm sorry if you guys like these sorts of things. (I personally hate both of them because I have a massive fear of heights) If you guys would like I could also make a second version of this where you're not scared of this stuff. Have fun reading! X


"That one first! Or no, that one over that! Come on Y/N, we don't have all day!" Jungkook yells on his way to the waiting line. You wrap your arms around yourself. Why did it suddenly get so cold? The truth is, it didn't get cold all of a sudden. It's nice warm weather, the kind you'd expect in an exotic island. No, the reason why you're cold is much, much worse.

You've been of heights and rollercoasters and all of that stuff ever since you were little. Your older brother would always make fun of you when you were to afraid to ride one of the rollercoasters with loops in the themepark. You know that Jungkook really likes this kind of stuff so when he asked, you agreed to join him on his trip. But honostly, when it comes to this stuff, you are much more like Hobi.

Jungkook is already waiting in line when you reach him. "There you are, come on, it's almost our turn." You nod, pretending to be excited, while in reality, you were already thinking about who you would give your phone and other possessians to if you were going to die.

The people in front of you get in one of the cars. The fences close in front of you. When this ride is over, it's your turn. You shiver and get so nervous, it almost felt like you were waiting for the score on your exams. Jungkook notices something is going on. "Y/N? Are you alright? You're shaking." Quick, Y/N, come up with something! He can't know you're afraid!

"No eumh, it's just a little cold that's all. I must still be a little sick from my cold last week." Jungkook nods, believing your lie. He takes off his hoodie and gives it to you. "Here you go." You smile at him and put it on. You're not sure why he was wearing it in the first place considering that, well it's pretty hot outside. Or it would be atleast if you weren't this scared.

The ride stops and everyone gets out. Then, the fence opens again and Jungkook leads you to one of seats. "You can hold my hand if you're scared." He says obviously joking. "I'm not scared!" You reply to soon and you know it yourself. You quickly look down, but it's too late. "You are scared aren't you? Why didn't you tell me? I would've never brought you to the scarry rides!"

You raise your shoulders as far as the harnas allows you. "I didn't want to ruin this day for you." Jungkook sighs and shakes his hand. "You're not doing that. But sweetheart, we're pretty stuck here now. We can't get out until after the ride. Are you going to be okay?" You slowly nod. Jungkook reaches out and takes your hand.

The ride leaves and starts off pretty okay, until it suddenly rises pretty high and goes for three loops in a row. It makes a whole bunch of sharp turns and then drops about ten meters before going back to where it started. You're freed from your seat and you don't know how quickly to get out of there.

"Jagiya? Are you okay?? You look extremely pale. There's a bench over there, lets sit down."

Jungkook leads you to a bench underneith a tree. The only other people there are a todler who's eating a popsicle and his mother who's calling someone on her prehistorical looking phone. You sit down and Jungkook sits down on his knees in front of you. He places his hand on your heart. "It's beating really fast love. Want me to get you a drink? Maybe it'll somehow help?"

You shake your head. Jungkook nods, followed by a sigh. "Why didn't you just tell me? And don't come up with the entire 'ruining you day' thingy." You look up at him and sigh deeply. "I've been scared of this kind of stuff ever since I was little. You know my older brother right? He always bullies me with it. I guess I was just scared that you would do the same thing."

Jungkook sighs once again. "I don't expect you to enjoy everything I like. It's okay that you're scared. If you would've just told me I would've looked for other rides that are less scary."

You nod and softly kiss him on his cheek. Jungkook smiles. "Come on, lets go in the spinning theepots. Relax, they don't have loops and are not high up in the sky." You chuckle and take his hand. "Lets go!" You say before running off. "Hey! Wait for me!" Jungkook runs after you.
