Yugo x Reader

[A/N: Please if you enjoy these say so in the comments so I know people actually like these. It'll help keep my motivation going. Anyways I haven't written many times for Yugo either so I apologize if this is bad. And I know I make your brother be Quon a lot but please bear with me. Yugo hates you because he wanted a different soulmate.]

Word Count: 1143

[Your POV]

You were staying at the dojo with your cousin Xander and your brother Quon. When you were younger you had found out that you were adopted by the Murisaki's. Wakiya was basically like your brother and you were pretty close with him. Now you were living at the dojo with Quon. "Hey [Y/N] I have a few friends coming over soon. You wanna sing a song when they get here?" He asked. "Yea. I'll sing 2 songs when they get here. When will they get here?" You asked curious. "Ok. In about 10 minutes. So choose an outfit and be ready." He said leaving. You nodded and chose out a purple hoodie with silver designs, black leggings, high ponytail, and silver flats. You layed it out on your bed and went out into the main room. "Hey Quon." You said standing beside your brother with your locket around your neck. "Hey [Y/N]. You got your outfit ready?" He asked. "Yea. I told Xander that I'm singing two songs. So I hope you don't mind singing the second song with me." You said. "I'd love to." He said smiling. Then the door opened and they walked in. You saw Wakiya and ran and hugged him. "I missed you Wakiya." You said hugging him. He hugged back smiling. "I missed you too [Y/N]." He said. You pulled away and smiled. "How have you been Blondie?" You asked him laughing. "I've been good. And yourself [Y/N/N]?" He asked also laughing. "Better now that I found my biological brother. Not that I didn't enjoy living with you cause I loved it. It was fun." You responded. He smiled and you walked back to your brother. "Well how about introductions?" Xander asked. Everyone nodded. "The bluenette is Valt, the albino is Shu, the blonde with the sucker is Honcho, the blonde in purple is Wakiya, the shorter ravenette is Daigo, and the taller ravenette is Ken." Xander explained. You went and changed into your outfit and walked out behind the curtain. "Now [Y/N] is going to perform 2 songs." Yugo and Xander announced. You walked out and smiled.

"Come on Quon. You too. You promised." You said dragging him up with you. He smiled and you got in position and started singing again.

After you finished singing you looked around and smiled. You turned and hugged your brother. You noticed Yugo's facial expression darken out of the corner of your eye. You were confused why he looked so mad. You walked back to your room and changed into more comfortable clothes. You walked back out only to be shoved back in and to the ground. "Ow." You mumbled to yourself. "Get up! You're fine!" You heard Yugo's angry voice. You snapped your head up at him. "What's wrong with you?!" You said worried. You stood up and stood in front of him. He slapped you hard leaving a mark. You started crying and ran out of your room after dodging more attacks from him. You were looking for Quon when you ran into Ukyo. "[Y/N]! What's wrong?!" He asked worried. "Where's Quon? I need to talk to him immediately." You said through tears. He nodded and picked you up shadow traveling you to Quon. "Quon. It's your sister."  Ukyo said setting you down. Quon whipped his head around and ran over. "What happened?" He asked. "I don't know. She didn't tell me. She just asked me where you were." Ukyo replied. They turned to you waiting for an answer. "It was Yugo. I changed and went to walk out of my room but he pushed me back in and pushed me to the floor and slapped me hard. I dodged the rest of his attacks as I ran out and looked for you." You replied crying. They hugged you and you leaned into their hugs continuing to cry. After awhile you stopped crying and got up and walked into the forest near by. You continued walking through it to a secret flower garden that only you knew about. You sat down in the middle of the flowers and sighed. You layed down gently and started thinking about what happened. You stayed laying there for 5 minutes your thoughts racing about why Yugo attacked you. After awhile you sat up and picked a silver flower and looked at the moon. You smiled and walked back to the dojo. When you walked in you were pulled back out. "Let me go Yugo!" You yelled. He let your wrist go and pulled your locket of throwing it to the side. Then he knocked you out by catching you off guard and punching you in the face. When you woke up you had cuts and bruises everywhere.

[Quon's POV]

I was walking outside when I noticed [Y/N]'s locket on the ground. I rushed and picked it up and ran to find Wakiya and Ukyo. "Ukyo. We need to find Wakiya." I said urgently. He nodded and he took us to Wakiya through the shadows. "Wakiya. It's [Y/N]. I found her locket outside but she's nowhere in sight." I explained worry showing clear to the boys. "We'll find her." Ukyo said. Wakiya nodded in agreement. "Now we need a plan." Ukyo said. "I've got one. Ukyo you go through the shadows and check the dojo for her. Wakiya you check the forest. As for me I'll check a few secret places that she might be at. Meet back in an hour." I explained. They nodded and we went seperate ways looking for my sister. I hope she's ok. After looking for an hour we met back up and Ukyo came back freaked. "Ukyo? What is it?!" I asked worried. "I found her. But it's not a nice sight to see either." He said pulling us with him to Yugo's room. We stayed in the shadows watching Yugo beat at her. "We have to do something." Wakiya whispered. I nodded. "I'll take out Yugo, Wakiya will lock the door and stay hidden, while Quon gets his sister out of her bindings." Ukyo whispered. We nodded and got to action. After Wakiya locked the door and Ukyo knocked out Yugo I went and saved my sister. After getting her we left and took her to the medbay to heal her. When she woke up the three of us were relieved that she was ok.
