Hearts x Reader

[A/N: I hope you enjoy this. I wrote this from inspiration of a close sister of mine. She ships me with Hearts and so do I. [S/B/N] is your sister's bey name. [E/N] is enemy's name. Your enemy will be a girl to work with this story.]

Word Count: 1545

[Your POV]

You were a highly appreciated blader in both Japan and Spain. But you felt alone, it didn't help that you hadn't met your soulmate yet. On your wrist was the name of your soulmates bey. 'Dread Hades' You wondered what it looked like and what your soulmate looked like. You were walking around when you ran into someone. "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." You apologized. You had your hoodie on with your hood up so hopefully they didn't recognize you. You looked up at him and smiled. "I'm sorry too. Do you blade by any chance?" He asked. "Yea I do actually." You said bringing out your bey. "Why not a battle then?" He asked. "Yea. What's your name?" You asked curious. "Hearts. And you are?" He asked in return. "[Y/N]. And since you asked I might as well just take off my hood and show you who I really am." You said pulling off your hood revealing your silver hair with blue streaks. "So you're the blader that everyone talks about?" He asked surprised. "Yea. Now why don't we get to the battle?" You asked leading him over to a stadium.
"Let it rip!" You both called launching your beys into the stadium. [B/N] landed gracefully and circled the outside with his bey following yours. "Now [b/n]! Let's show him what we're made of!" You called to your bey. "Hades you know what to do!" He called smiling. 'Wait? Hades?' You thought. Just then [b/n] burst Hades. You watched as Hearts fell to his knees face full of shock. You picked up the three pieces of his bey. As you picked up the last piece and snapped the bey back together you felt a sudden pain. You screamed out in pain causing Hearts' head to snap up. You started to fall but Hearts caught you. Before you passed out you looked up at his worried face. "Thanks." Was all you said before passing out completely. When you woke up you realized that you were in a bed. You sat up and looked around. It was a dark room but comforting at the same time. You went to get up but Hearts walked in and saw you awake. "You're awake I see. How do you feel?" He asked the slightest bit of worry in his voice. "Better. Thanks." You said smiling at him. He smiled back. "What's your bey's name?" You asked curiously looking down at your wrist. "Dread Hades. And yours?" He asked in return. "[B/N]. It's nice to finally meet you. I've waiting for like ever to find you." You said showing him your wrist. He hugged you gently and you hugged back. Then you remembered you had to call your sister cause she was probably getting worried. You grabbed your phone and called your sister. "[S/N]?" You questioned. "Thanks for calling [Y/N]. Did you find our soulmates?" She asked. "I found mine. I can ask if he knows yours. What's the name on your wrist again?" You asked trying to remember. "Revive Phoenix. I gotta go. Bye." She said. "Ok. Thanks. Bye." You said hanging up. You turned to Hearts. "Do you by any chance have a twin brother or something?" You asked. "Yea. I can go ask him to come if you'd like me to." He offered. "Yes please. Thank you Hearts." You said kissing his cheek. He smiled and left the room. You layed back on the bed and looked at your bey. Not to long later Hearts came back with another boy with white hair and blue and red eyes. "[Y/N], this is my brother Phi. Phi, this is my soulmate [Y/N]." He said doing introductions. "Nice to meet you Phi. May I ask what your bey's name is assuming your a blader like your brother?" You asked. He nodded and brought out his bey. "This is Revive Phoenix." He said. "I know who your soulmate is just saying. But may I see your wrist just to make sure?" You asked. He nodded and showed you his wrist. '[S/B/N]' "I was right. Your soulmate is my twin sister [S/N]." You said with a smile. He smiled back and you went and hugged Hearts who hugged back. Hearts showed you around the place and you beamed with fascination. After the tour he left you in the room you woke up in. You sat there and looked at the wall. Then your phone started ringing and you looked at who was calling. You groaned, it was [e/n]. "What do you want?!" You asked snarkily. "Oh I just wanted to tell you that I heard your soulmate is Hearts. And that he's here with me right now." She said with a sickening sweet voice. "Prove it." You replied back snarkily. Then your phone dinged and you saw a picture of her with Hearts. You noticed that his green eye was now pink. "Whatever. Bye." You said hanging up. "Phi!" You called for him. He came running in worried. "What's wrong?" He asked worried. "What color are Hearts' eyes? I didn't see them clearly earlier." You said. "Green and red. His red eye is covered. Why?" He asked. You showed him the picture that [e/n] sent you. "Something's off with his green eye. Let's go check it out." He said. You led him to the beypark where the picture was sent from and found them sitting on bench cuddling each other. You and Phi cautiously walked over to them and you gently grabbed Hearts' arm in attempt to pull him with you. He stood up but then threw you off of him scratching your cheek. You held it and cried, then you ran back to their house and sat up in the vents crying.

[Phi's POV]

I watched as [Y/N] ran off tears streaming down her cheeks. I turned to Hearts angrily. "Good job Hearts! You hurt her!" [E/N] said happily. "Hearts this isn't you. You would never do anything to hurt [Y/N]. The girl your with is not your soulmate! So I suggest you go and find [Y/N] and apologize to her before I force you to!" I yelled at him. Our house wasnt that far but we heard a faint scream. "[Y/N]!" I yelled worried turning towards the building. I looked back and noticed his eye go back to normal. "Glad to have you back brother." I said smiling. "Glad to be back. I couldn't fight that as much as I tried. Now let's go check on [Y/N]." He said running towards the house.

[Your POV]

You were sitting in the vents then dropped down in front of two figures you didn't recognize. You screamed in surprise and jumped back into the vents and stayed there. You heard two pairs of running footsteps figuring it was the twins. "Count Night, Evel, where did she go?" Hearts asked. "The vents." One of them said. "Thanks Evel. Do you know why?" Phi asked. "Well she dropped down from the vents in front of us and screamed in surprise. Then she jumped back up into the vents. She also had a scratch on her cheek." You assumed Count Night answered this time cause it was a different voice than the first. "Thanks you guys." The twins said. You heard someone jump up into the vents on either side of you. You looked and saw the twins. "Are you ok [Y/N]?" Hearts asked. "Yea. I'm fine. Just scared is all." You replied shaking. You felt two pairs of arms wrap around you. "I'm sorry that I scared you [Y/N]. I was under some sort of enchantment. And I didn't mean to hurt you either." He said sadly gently putting a hand on your scratch. "It wasn't you Hearts. Besides I'm fine." You said. He hugged you tighter and kissed you gently but passionately. You kissed back just the same and smiled. You started singing softly once you pulled away from Hearts.

As you were singing they joined you. After that you all sang one more song before dropping from the vents.

Once you all dropped from the vents there was a small applause. You gasped and turned to see Count Night and Evel standing there clapping. You blushed and ran off to the room from before which you found out was Hearts' room. You sat on the bed and used your powers to heal the scratch on your cheek. You channeled your energy into the single spot to heal it. After it healed you fell asleep on the bed. You felt someone get in with you and wrap their arms around you. You turned and buried your face in his chest. "I love you [Y/N]." He said. "I love you too Hearts." You said falling back asleep.
