Ren Wu Son x Reader

[A/N: Hope you enjoy]

Word Count: 1511

[Your POV]

Everyone was born with a timer on their wrist of when they would meet their soulmate. Yours read 00 yrs 2 days 6 hrs 10 min 45 sec. You internally groaned. You were living with your cousin Ukyo at Xander's dojo. Just then Xander walked in. "Hey [Y/N] I have a friend coming from Brazil." He said. "When will they get here?" You asked not being gender specific. "He'll be here in 2 days 5 hours." He said. "Ok. Thanks for letting me know." You said. Then he left and you went to walk to Ukyo's room but you tripped and fell. You heard footsteps come behind you and you immediately knew it was Ukyo. "You good [Y/N/N]?" He asked laughing slightly. "Yes Shadow I'm fine." You said groaning. "What's up?" He asked helping you up and onto your bed. "Xander has a friend coming from Brazil and he'll be here in 2 days and 5 hours." You said. "And?" He asked confused. "And that's the exact time on my soulmate timer." You ranted. "Ok ok calm down." He said. You calmed down and groaned again. "What if he doesn't like me?" You asked out of realization. "He'll like you. I'm sure of it." He said hugging you. "Thanks Ukyo. You're really helpful and always there for me when I need someone to rant to." You said smiling and hugging him back. "Of course. I'll always be here for you when you need me." He said. "Thanks." You said leaning on his shoulder. You started singing lightly and he joined you.

You smiled at him as the song came to an end. "I'm going to head to bed Ukyo." You said yawning. "Ok. I'll leave you alone. You know where to find me if you need me." He said leaving your room quietly. You fell asleep after awhile. When you woke up you started singing as you got ready.

After you finished getting ready you walked outside and sat in a tree enjoying the gentle breeze. As you were sitting there you thought about what it would be like when you met your soulmate. "Hey Ukyo." You said not even turning around to face him. "Hey [Y/N]. What are you doing up here so early?" He asked. "I honestly don't know. I just woke up, got ready, and came out here. It's an amazing sight really." You said sighing pleasantly. "Yea. I come up here often." He said. "Really?" You asked turning to him. "Yea. Anyways are you excited to meet your soulmate?" He asked. "I don't know. I'm nervous as ever. I mean what will he think of me when he sees me?" You asked worried. "Relax. If he doesn't like you when he sees you than he'll have me to deal with. Not to mention your twin too." He said. "True. Quon hates seeing me upset." You said smiling. "Yea. Now how about we have a little fun and wake Quon and Yugo up with a little cold water?" He said smirking. "Yea!" You shouted excitedly. The two of you quietly ran inside and got two buckets of cold water. "I'll get Quon you get Yugo." You said heading to Quon's room. You laughed quietly as you snuck into his room and over to his bed. You quickly dumped the water on him and sprinted out the door. You could hear his screams along with Yugo's as you met up with Ukyo outside. You gave him a high five and laughed. "That was awesome." You said. Just then Yugo and Quon saw you two and ran over still soaking wet. "Run!" You yelled running away from the two. You ran as fast as you could and got out their eye sight and you climbed up the dojo wall and sat on the roof watching them run around. You ran to a near by tree and jumped into it landing on one of the branches. You smiled and jumped through the trees and got to the spot you were at earlier. "I thought you'd be here." You heard Quon's voice from behind you. You jumped and turned around to see him now in dry clothes with wet hair. "Yea. I'm sorry about the water it was Ukyo's idea and I just needed to get my mind off what it's like meeting my soulmate." You said looking at him. "What are you so worried about? I'm sure he'll like you for you. And aren't you going to sing when he arrives?" Quon asked. "Yea. Xander said I'm singing when he gets here. What am I going to sing Quon?!" You said glancing at your wrist. 00 yrs 00 days 15 hrs 30 sec "Why don't you sing something you know you're good at?" He asked. "Like 'Bad Liar' by Imagine Dragons? Or 'Ready, Aim, Fire' also by Imagine Dragons?" You asked turning to him. "You could do that. Or you could do 'Demons' by Imagine Dragons." He suggested. "Or I could do all three!" You said excitedly. "Ok. Question though. What's with our obsession with Imagine Dragons?" He asked. "I honestly don't know." You said shrugging. You leaned on Quon and smiled as you watched the Sunset. "Only hours now until I meet him." You said. "Yea. You'll be fine though." He said smiling. "Will I though? I'm nervous. What if something goes wrong and I mess up my performance and he laughs?" You said worried. "Relax. If you just breathe you'll do just fine." Quon said looking at you. You looked and sighed sadly. You started to cry just thinking about all the things that could go wrong. "Hey hey hey. It's ok. No reason to cry." He said. "I'm sorry. I'm just scared." You said through tears yawning. "Let's get you to bed." He said picking you up. "Thanks bro." You said. "Of course sis." He said laying you down on your bed. "Night Quon." You said falling asleep. "Night [Y/N]." He said leaving your room. The next morning when you woke up you quickly got ready cause the jet was scheduled to land soon and you weren't allowed to be there cause you had to get ready for your performance. You had finished getting ready and got up and ran outside to the trees near the place the jet was going to land. You started singing.

As you were singing the jet landed and you stayed in the trees until they passed underneath it. You noticed the boy walking with Xander glance up but he didn't see you cause you moved. You ran quietly through the trees back to the dojo to finish getting ready to sing. There was a knock at your door. "What is it?" You called out. "You're up to sing." Came Xander's voice through the door. You walked out and got in position to perform.

When you finished that song you started the next. You took a breath and continued.

You smiled and sang your last song after taking one last breath. You quickly glanced down at your wrist 00 yrs 00 days 05 minutes 55 sec

When you walked off stage and walked towards your room. You heard someone behind you and turned around and got into a defensive stance. "Hey relax. You're [Y/N] Limon right?" The boy asked. "Yea. Who are you?" You asked getting out of your stance. "I'm Ren Wu Son. And I believe I'm also your soulmate." He said holding out a hand. "Nice to meet you. And yes I do believe we're soulmates." You said smiling. Just then you felt Ukyo's presence in the shadows. "You can come out now Shadow." You called behind you not turning around. "How'd you know [Y/N/N]?" He asked. "I'm related to you genius!" You said smiling. "True. Who's this?" He asked. "This is Ren Wu Son. My soulmate." You said smiling. "Nice to meet you. I'm Ukyo Ibuki. I'm [Y/N]'s cousin. I'm also known as the Shadow Walker." Ukyo said. "Nice to meet you too. Well I heard you have a twin brother. Let's get me introduced shall we?" Ren Wu asked offering his arm. You smiled and took it. "We shall." You said leading him to Quon. "Quon!" You called. He turned to you and opened his arms. You let go of Ren Wu and ran into your brother's arms. "Oh. Quon I met him. He's really nice and a gentleman." You whispered to him. "Oh really. Who is this gentleman you speak of?" He asked back. You turned and pointed at Ren Wu. "This is Ren Wu Son. He's my soulmate. And he's really nice." You said walking over to him and kissing his cheek. "I love you my beautiful Archer." He said. "I love you too my handsome Ninja." You said laughing. He laughed with you and soon Quon joined you two laughing. "You boys are amazing." You said hugging them both. "So are you." They said in unison.
