Chapter 9

Jim and Darling walked off the trually and started to make their way home.

"Darling, look." Jim said and pointed to the wagon in front of their house.


The dog catcher led Toya out of the front door with Karen following them.

"If you want my advice, you'll destroy that animal at once." Karen said.

"Don't worry, ma'am." The man said and looked down at the limping white german shepherd. "This dog is smart to change his fur to a different color, because we've been after him for months."


Hawks and Aizawa watched from a distance as Toya was led into the wagon. Darling and Jim ran past them and towards their house.

"What is-"

"What's going on here?"

"Just picking up a stary, mister." The man reassured and he took the reins. "Come on, giddap. Caught him attacking a baby."

"Sarah." The two gasped and quickly ran inside. Hawks and Aizawa watched in shock at the news.

"I was certain he was no good the moment I first laid eyes on him." Hawks grumbled.

"Yeah, but-" Aizawa said. "I never thought he'd do a thing like that."


"Thank goodness I got there in time. There they were-" Karen said. Y/n shot up when she heard her and started to scratch at the door.

"No, I'm sure there must be some mistake." Jim said and he started to unlock the basement door. "I know Y/n wouldn't-"

Y/n ran out of the basement and chomped at Jim and Darling and pointed upstairs.

"Watch out. That monster's loose. Keep her away."

"No." Jim snapped at Karen and started to follow Y/n upstairs. "She's trying to tell us something. What is it, girl?"

Y/n ran into Sarah's room and ran over to the dead rodent.

"What are you try-" Jim gasped in shock and called down stairs. "Darling, Aunt Karen, come here."

"What is it, Jim?" Darling walked into the room and she almost gagged at the sight.

"A rat." Karen shreeched.


"A rat?" Aizawa questioned and looked over at Hawks. "We should've known."

"I misjudged him." Hawks sighed. "Badly."

"Come on." Aizawa said and turned toward the road. "We have got to stop that wagon."

"But, man, we don't know which way they've gone." Hawks said and chased after the spriting dalmatian.

"We'll track them down."

"And then?" Hawks stuttered.

"We'll hold them. Hold them at bay." Aizawa said as he rounded a corner and started to sniff the ground.

"Now what?" Hawks asked.

"The scent. Follow the scent." Aizawa said and continued to use his nose.

"Let's face it, man." Hawks grumbled. "We both know you've lost your sense of smell."

Aizawa glared at the young dog and huffed at him, then went back to sniffing, as he continued he caught something and started to howl and took off running. Hawk's jaw hit the floor and he took off after him.


The wagon continued down the road and in the back Toya heard the distance howling and he looked up in shock.

Aizawa and Hawks sped forward and Aizawa barked at the horses legs.

"Get away! Get away!"

The horses reared up and the wagon tipped over.


Y/n frantically looked out at the windows of the moving car as Jim drove with Darling slowly petting her head to try to calm her down. The car came to a stop and Y/n jumped out and ran to the tipped over wagon, where Toya, who was unharmed, smiled down at her.

"Hi, Mouse." He chuckled but stopped when they heard painfully whining. Y/n looked in confusion and saw Aizawa trapped under the wagon wheel with a deep cut on his cheek. Hawks nudged the unconscious Aizawa and a tear ran down his cheek, Hawks sniffled and started to howl in grief.


Christmas music played from the radio and two dogs stood side by side, where a certain white german shepherd, stood with confidence with his brand new dark blue collar.

"All right, everybody, watch the birdy." Jim said. Toya chuckled to himself as an older Sarah tried to put a wooden crown on his head. "Steady now, Hold it."

Jim took the picture and smoke filled the room.

"I guess I used a little too much." Jim coughed and opened up the window. "Oh, Darling, we have visitors."

Toya and Y/n ran up and looked out the window with Darling following them.

"Visitors?" Darling asked. A golden Cairn Terrier walked on the frozen sidewalk. "Why, it's Hawks."

A dalamantain followed and his leg was bandaged and he had a scar on his cheek.

"And good old Aizawa." Jim added.

"Careful now, man." Hawks whispered to Aizawa. "Careful. It's a tiny bit slippery."

"Yeah. I know."

Inside Toya ran towards the door and barked at it.

"All right, Toya. We'll let them in." Jim chuckled and walked towards the door with baby Sarah crawling after him. Darling giggled and picked up her daughter.

"No, no, not you, young lady. You're going to take a nap."

Jim opened the front door and Hawks walked through the door with Aizawa behind him.

"Come in. If you'll just step into the parlor, I'll see about some refreshments." Jim greeted and called to Darling. "Darling, where did you put the dog biscuits? You know the box Aunt Karen sent for Christmas."

"In the kitchen, Jim."

In the living room the four dogs sat around each other while Toya kept sneaking glances over at his beautiful wife.

"No doubt about it." Aizawa said with a chuckle. "That there is true love at it's finest."

"Yeah." Hawks added. "Well, and I see you finally acquired a collar."

"Oh, yeah." Toya chuckled and scratched behind his ear. "Complete with a license. I got it as an early gift."

"That reminds me." Y/n spoke up and went over to the christmas tree and pulled out a gift that was smaller and had a purple ribbon on it. She picked it up and put it in front of Toya. "Merry Christmas, Toya."

"What is this?" Toya asked.

"Just open it."

Toya pulled the ribbon off and nudged the lid off, to reveal a tiny purple collar. Toya looked at it in confusion and he looked at Y/n. "Mouse, I don't think this will fit me."

"It's not for you, silly." Y/n giggled. Toya's gears in his mind slowly turned and it clicked, and he looked at Y/n's stomach.

"No way." Toya gasped in joy, and he licked Y/n's nose. "Are you serious?"

"Of course, I am. We're going to be parents."

Toya smiled, a genuine smile, and nuzzled her closer to him.

The End
