Chapter 8

Aizawa and Hawks watched as Y/n layed in her doghouse and a chain so she didn't run back inside.

"Courage, man. Courage." Hawks whispered to Aizawa.

"But I've never even considered walking to my death before."

"Me neither." Hawks whispered back and two started to make their way towards her. "But no matter which of us she accepts, we'll always be the best of friends. Remember, not a word about her experience. We don't want to hurt her feelings."

"I know." Aizawa said as the two made it in front of the dog house.

"Kid." Hawks called inside.

"Miss Y/n," Aizawa added, the two looked inside and she was facing away from them.

"Please, I don't want to see anybody." Y/n looked at them with tear stained eyes.

"Now, now, kid." Hawks said. "Don't feel that way about it."

"Of course not, Miss Y/n." Aizawa poked his head inside the dog house. "Why, the two idiots I tracked down are jailbirds."

"Quiet!" Hawks snapped at him. "You idiot." Hawks cleared his throat and looked inside. "Please, kid. We came up with a solution to help you."

"Help me?" Y/n asked. "What do you mean?"

"Well, now, you see, we aren't as young as we used to be." Hawks explained.

"But you're the same age as me-"

"But we're still in the prime of life." Hawks added, ignoring Y/n.

"Yep." Hawks said. "And we both have very comfortable homes."

"That's right. Where we know you'll be welcome and appreciated, Miss Y/n." Aizawa said.

"So, to come directly to the point-"

"If you could find it possible t-to, uh." Aizawa stuttered.

"You're both very kind and I do appreciate it. But-"

"Oh, Little Mouse."

Y/n's face dropped and snapped her head around to see the white dog she dreaded to ever again, with a bone in his mouth.

"Oh, Mouse-" Toya looked at the other two dogs and tried to play it cool. "Hi, boys."

"Who's that?" Hawks whispered to Y/n.

"That would be the black mutt you saw earlier." Y/n glared at Toya and the three dogs sat down with their backs to Toya.

"Anything new in the kennel club set?" Toya chuckled and dropped the bone in Y/n's bowl. "A little something I picked up for you, Mouse." Y/n glanced over at him and sat further away from him giving him the silent treatment. "Looks like I'm the one that's in the doghouse."

"If he is annoying you, Miss Y/n-"

"We'll gladly throw the rascal out." Hawks growled.

"That won't be necessary." Y/n responded. "Thank you."

"Very well, ma'am." Aizawa said and started to walk away.

"You," Hawks barked at Toya. "You mongrel!" And he ran off after Aizawa.

Toya looked at Y/n, who still wouldn't look at him. "Come on, Mouse. It wasn't my fault." Y/n hummed and turned the other way. "I thought you were right behind me. Honest. When I heard they'd taken you to the pound-"

"Don't even mention that horrible place." Y/n snapped at him as her voice cracked and went over to her doghouse as she started to cry again. "I was so embarrassed and scared."

"Now, now." Toya comforted and sat in front of the entrance. "Who could ever harm a cute little trick like you?"

"Trick?" Y/n cried but she shot up as she remembered and she looked at Toya, who really thought he was about to die. "Trick. That reminds me, who is Trixie?"

"Trixie?" Toya's face dropped.

"And Martial and Needle and Rosita Chiquita- Whatever her name is!" Y/n shouted in anger.

"Chiquita-" Toya gulped. "Oh! Yes, well-"

"I do not and WILL not become one of your play things." Y/n growled.

"Play thing-" Toya backed away from the angry dog and tripped over a bowl.

"I don't need you to shelter and protect me." Y/n continued.


"If you grow careless, don't blame me." Y/n yelled as Toya backed into a pole. "I don't care if the Cossacks do pick you up! Goodbye, Dabi." Y/n glared at him and turned around from him but she missed Toya's face fall in sadness. She walked past the bone Toya brought her and kicked it to Toya. "And take this with you."

As Toya slowly walked away he heard Y/n's sobs coming from her dog house and he walked through a dark alleyway with his head down as a thunderstorm started.

As Toya walked away a rat ran into Y/n's yard and hid in a pile of chopped up wood. The shepherd's ear perked up when she heard soft squeaks over the rain. She quickly stood up and found the rodent and growled and snapped at it. Y/n charged forward, before she could reach it the chain held her back. The rat dodge the dog and climbed up some vines that led to the roof.


Toya walked down a street when he heard Y/n's distant barking and quickly bolted towards her house.


As the rat walked on the roof a light turned on and he quickly hid in the gutters. Karen opened the window and looked down at Y/n.

"Stop that!" She yelled, but Y/n continued to bark as the rat crept to a cracked open window that was Sarah's room. "Hush, now, hush. Stop that racket!"

Karen closed the window and turned off the light and went back to bed. Y/n looked back and forth and pulled on the chain.

"What's wrong, Mouse?" Toya asked as he walked over to her.

"A rat." Y/n grunted as she pulled on the chain.

"Where?" Toya questioned.

"Upstairs, in the baby's room."

"How do I get in?"

"There's a dog door on the back porch."

Toya bolted towards the door and pushed his way inside, and crept through the house and upstairs. When he got upstairs, he sniffed the ground and under the doors. As he passed by an open door his white back fur stood up and he instantly started to growl at the red-eyed rat.

Toya stalked forward and as the rat crawled forward he pounced on it, and the rat turned around and fought back. As the two chased each other around the room, the rat tried to hide under the table, but Toya blocked it's path and Toya tried to bite down on it but the rat bolted forward.


Y/n kept on trying to pull off the chain and she grunted as the chain was pulled from the ground and she ran towards the door.


The rat bit down on Toya's front leg and he yelped in pain. The white dog pushed the rat off of him and gave chase around the room again. The rat climbed up onto the crib and Toya jumped and caught the rat in his mouth and chomped down on it. The rat squeaked in pain and jumped off the crib and Toya chased after it, but the crib slowly tipped over and the crib landed with a thud.

Y/n ran past the fighting two and went over to Sarah as she cried in shock. She quickly licked away Sarah's tears.


Karen shot awake at the sound of the baby crying that filled the house and she grumbled her way to Sarah's room.


Toya chased the rat into a corner and he quickly made the finishing blow and the rat went limp. When Toya made sure the rat was dead he limped towards Y/n and the baby. Y/n glanced at him and then back to the slowly calming down Sarah. The two shepherds smiled down at her and Sarah reached to Toya and he chuckled and put his nose into her small small hand.

A light flickered on and Karen gasped in horror and she quickly picked up Sarah, who started to cry again.

"You poor little darling. No, no, no. Thank goodness you're not hurt." Karen cooed but looked over at the two dogs and she grabbed a broom and hit Y/n with it. "You vicious monsters!"

Karen shooed Toya into a closet and slammed the door shut on him.

"The pound. The pound, that's it. I'll call the pound."

Y/n started to bark and pointed over to the dead rat, but Karen grabbed Y/n's collar and pulled her down the stairs. "Come on, come on. Come along. I'll call them this minute. I won't sleep a wink with that brute in the house."

Karen shoved Y/n into the basement and she slammed the door shut and black filled the whole room.

"I don't care if you are alone there, young man." Karen demanded into the phone. "You must pick him up immediately."
