Chapter 4

"Well, that should do it." Jim sighed and shut his suit case that was stuffed with stuff. "We've got enough here to take us halfway to Japan."

He then walked over to Darling and Y/n who were looking down at the baby, who they named Sarah.

"Darling." Jim called, but Darling kept her eyes on her baby. "Darling. We don't have much time."

"Jim, I just can't leave her." Darling sighed. "She's still so small and helpless."

"She'll be all right." Jim said, "Now come on. If she wakes up, we'll never get away."

"Jim, I feel so guilty deserting her like this."

"She'll be fine."

Y/n thinking they were leaving her and Sarah, she blocked her path and chomped at them.

"Hey." Jim said. "What's the matter Y/n?"

"She thinks we're running out on her." Darling chuckled.

"Don't worry, girl." Jim said and patted her head. "We'll be back in a few days."

"And Aunt Karen will be here." Darling kissed Y/n's forehead.

"WIth you here to help her-" Jim was interrupted by the doorbell. "There she is now. Coming, Aunt Karen. Coming."

Y/n ran down the stairs and the door swung open to reveal an old lady with wrinkles on her face, and her hair was something, with her blond mixed with brown and she had a heavy glare on her face. The sight made Y/n stop in her tracks and hide behind Darling and Jim.

"Sorry I'm late, dears." She said in a fake sweet tone. "Hope I haven't kept you waiting."

"Here, let me take your things." Jim said and went to pick them up.

"No, No fussing. I know my way around. On your way now. Mustn't miss your train. Have a good time, and don't worry about anything."

"Goodbye." Darling and Jim waved goodbye and got into their car and drove away. Once they were out of sight, Karen's fake smile dropped and she snapped her head around to the dog.

"I can not believe they let this killer into the house." Karen said to herself and grabbed Y/n's collar and threw her outside, literally. "Now to see that adorable niece of mine."

Y/n growled to herself and ran to her doggy door in the backyard and ran inside. She quickly ran up the stairs and to Sarah's room. She stopped next to the crib and wagged her tail at Sarah's little babbles.

"You adorable little-" Karen cooed but then gasped in horror when she saw the 'killer' dog. "Good gracious! What are you doing here?"

Karen waved her hands around and shooed Y/n out of the room and slammed the door shut, which shook the whole house. Sarah woke from her nap and cried from being scared of the shaking.

"Oh, I know." Karen cooed at Sarah. "Aunt Karen won't let that monster dog frighten you anymore. No, no, no."

Y/n rolled her eyes when Karen started to sing Rock-a-bye, baby, very, very, horribly.

(Play Song)

She walked down the stairs and passed by a green basket and four eyes of two cats, one of the cats tapped her back with its tail and Y/n snapped around. The eyes shot up and Y/n ran away and hid.

The two cats crawled out of the basket and moved in sync with each other.

"We are Siamese if you please. We are Siamese if you don't please."

The two rubbed against Y/n's legs, and she tried to move away from them.

"Now we looking over our new domicile, if we like we stay for maybe quite a while."

The two siamese noticed a bird and tried to open the cage but Y/n barked once at them, and they scattered. Then they knocked over a vase with beautiful flowers in them. The two noticed the fish and pointed at it.

"Do you seeing that thing swimming round and round?" One asked.

"Yes." The other hissed. "Maybe we could reaching in and make it drown."

The two jumped on the curtains and ripped them apart, and Y/n's eyes widened in horror.

"If we sneaking up upon it carefully, There will be a head for you, and a tail for me."

The two pulled the table cloth to one side, and the fish bowl started to get close to the edge but Y/n grabbed the other side and pulled on it. The two cats pulled back and let go and listened for the glass clattered on the floor.

The fish flopped on the floor and one cat tried to catch it but Y/n bared her teeth at the cat and it quickly hid under a chair. Y/n softly grabbed it with her teeth and put it in the cat's mouth, wait what?

Y/n looked back and quickly pulled the goldfish out of the cat's jaw. The fish started to flop around again and Y/n chased after it, and Sarah started to cry again.

"Do you hear what I hear?" One asked.

"A baby cry." The other answered. "Where we finding baby, there are milk nearby."

"If we look in baby buggy, there could be."

Y/n put the fish back into the leftover water and raced to the stairs.

"Plenty milk for you, and also some for me."

Y/n pushed past them and stood in front of them and her back fur stuck up and she growled at them, the cats quickly screeched and ran away from the barking german shepherd. The cats clawed down a curtain, and it landed on Y/n, then she ran into a chair and left over stuffing flew up.

"What's going on down there?" Karen yelled, and she walked down the stairs, to see her cats, meowing as if they were hurt. "Merciful heavens. My darlings. My precious pets. That wicked animal. Attacking my poor, innocent little angels."


Karen walked Y/n to town and they passed by many shops, and then they entered the pet store.

"Good afternoon, ma'am. What can I do for you?" The salesman asked.

"I want a muzzle." Karen demanded. "A good, strong muzzle."

"Yes, ma'am. Now here's our latest." The salesman pulled out a dog muzzle and kneeled in front of Y/n. "Combination leash and muzzle. Now, we'll just slip it on like this, and.."

Y/n moved away from him, but he managed to put it on her head. She started to shake and tried to pull it off her head. The two humans tried to put their hands on her to hold her down but she growled at them and she ran out the store.


Cars honked as Y/n dodged the flying cars. She kept on running back and forth from cars, horse hooves and a trolly. She saw an opening to an alleyway and bolted towards it. Y/n ran down the alley and jumped over piles of trash, when her leash got stuck on cans. The clanking of the cans woke up three different sized dogs, and they chased after her, with their teeth bared.


Dabi heard distant barking and ignored it, he turned back to a puddle of water, when he saw out of the corner of his eye, her familiar fur and collar being chased by three dogs, before he knew it his legs started to chase after them with his mind telling them to.


Y/n slid to a stop when she almost ran into a fence, and she quickly turned to the dogs and growled at them. The dogs got closer to her but black fur jumped in front of her and the dogs. Dabi snarled at them and then the leader pounced on him, and then went into an intense battle. The two other dogs pounced on him and Dabi took the dogs on 3 vs. 1. Two dogs ran off when Dabi threw them into barrels and Dabi took on the last one and won. The black german shepherd stood up panting. He turned around to Y/n and his eyes softened a little to see her unharmed.

"Hey, Mouse, what are you doing on this side of the tracks?" Dabi asked. "I thought you-"

He stopped when he noticed the muzzle on Y/n's head.

"Oh, you poor kid." Dabi sighed. "We've got to get this off. I think I know the place. Come on."

Dabi picked up Y/n's leash and started to lead her.


"Well, here we are." Dabi said and pointed at the gate of the zoo, where a guard was pacing back and forth.

"The zoo?" Y/n asked.

"Sure." Dabi responded. Y/n stepped forward but Dabi blocked her path. "No, no. This way. Follow me."

The two hid under a stagecoach and crept into the bushes next to the entrance.

"Oh!" Y/n whispered, when she saw a sign.

"What's the matter, Mouse?" Dabi asked.

"We can't go in." Y/n answered.

"Why not?"

"Well, the sign says." Y/n trailed off and looked at the sign that said "NO DOGS ALLOWED"

"Yeah, well, yeah, that's the angle."


"Look, we'll wait for the right-" Dabi saw a man walking by with a book in his hands. "Uh-oh. Here we go. Just lay low."

Y/n stepped back into the bushes and Dabi stalked behind the guard and whistled. The man turned around, then Dabi ran from the other side through his legs and ran around the man with the book.

"Hey, you!" The guard yelled.

"I beg your pardon." The man said. "Were you addressing-"

"What's the matter? Can't you read?" The guard pointed up to the sign.

"Why, yes, in several languages."

"A wise guy, eh?" The guard scaratistly said, and Dabi bared his teeth at the guard. "All right, now, what's this creature doing here?"

"He's not my dog." The man said and Dabi jumped into his arms.

"He's not?" The guard rolled his eyes.

"Go away. Get down. Go on." The man dropped Dabi on the ground and he landed with a thud. "Why, certainly not, officer."

"I suppose you'll be telling me next it was the dog that was whistling?"

"I don't know." The man said and picked his book out of Dabi's mouth.

"So, I'm a liar now, am I? Well, you listen to me." The guard grabbed the man's shirt collars and Dabi pulled on the man's jacket. "Resisting an officer of the law. You're gonna pay."

Dabi growled and he ran behind the guard and bit the guard's butt.

"AHHHH." The guard yelled in pain. "Pull a knife on me, will you? Trying to assassinate me, you are. Carrying concealed weapons."

All of the animals of the zoo watched the scene unfold and Y/n quietly giggled to herself from inside the bushes.

"Come on, Mouse." Dabi whispered and the two ran into the zoo. "The place is ours."


"We'd better go through this place from A to Z." Dabi said and went over to an enclosure. "Apes. No, no. No use even asking them. They wouldn't understand."

"They wouldn't?" Y/n asked.

"Too closely related to humans." Dabi said and noticed another one. "Alligators. Now there's an idea."

Dabi and Y/n put their heads through the bars and Dabi said.

"Say, Al, do you suppose you could nip this contraption off for us?"

"Glad to oblige." The deep voice alligator opened his mighty jaws and Y/n stuck her head into his jaws.

"Whoa! Woah!" Dabi exclaimed and quickly pulled Y/n away from the shutting jaws. The animals around them started to laugh and a hyena started to laugh at the two. "If anybody ever needed a muzzle, it's him."

"Timber!!!" A voice yelled and a huge tree came crashing down.

"Mouse, look out!" Dabi shoved Y/n out of the way and he jumped out of the way. Once the two recovered, Dabi growled and jumped onto the fallen tree. "Now what harebrained idiot would-"

Dabi stopped when he noticed the orange fur and patted feet, chomping on the limbs of the tree. "Hey, look, it's a beaver. That's the answer to our problem."

"Let me see here." The beaver muttered and started to measure the tree with his tail. "6'6" and seven-sixteenth inches."

"Pardon me, friend." Dabi greeted the beaver, who was cutting the log with his teeth. "I wonder if you'd do us a little-"

"Busy, sonny. Busy." The beaver interrupted and tried to push the log forward. "Can't stop to gossip now. Got to slide this sycamore to the swamp."

"Well, this will only take a second of your time."

"Only a second? Listen, sonny." The beaver said and pointed at his dam. "Do you realize every second 70 centimeters of water is wasted over the spillway?"

"Yeah, but-"

"Gotta get this log moving, sonny." The beaver said and continued to try to push the log. "Gotta get it moving. 'Taint the cutting takes the time. It's the doggone hauling."

Dabi smirked to himself and looked over at Y/n's collar.

"The hauling. Exactly." Dabi muttered and turned to the beaver. "Now, what you need-"

"I'd better bisect this section here."

"What you need is a log puller." Dabi said, but the beaver didn't hear him because of the crunching of his teeth. Dabi growled and yelled. "I said a log puller!!"

The beaver covered his ears and looked up at the black german shepherd. "I ain't deaf, sonny. There's no need to- Did you say log puller?"

"And by a lucky coincidence you see before you," Dabi chuckled and looked over at Y/n, who was just confused about everything. "Modeled by the beautiful lady, the new, improved, patented, handy dandy, never-fail little giant log puller. The busy beaver friend."

"You don't say?"

"Guaranteed not to wear, tear, rip or ravel." Dabi continued. "Turn around, love, and show the customer the merchandise."

The beaver grabbed the muzzle and pulled Y/n towards him.

"And it cuts log-hauling time 66 percent."

"66 percent, eh?" The beaver muttered, and chuckled and slapped his tail on the ground. "Think of that. Well, how's it work?"

"Why, it's no work at all." Dabi said, and grabbed the loop of the leash and put it on the notch of the tree. "You merely slip this ring over the limb like this and haul it off."

"Say, you mind if I slip it on for size?" The beaver asked.

"Help yourself, buddy. Help yourself." Dabi chuckled.

"Okay. Don't mind if I do." The beaver waddled over to Y/n, and pulled the leash. "How do you get the consarned thing off, sonny?"

"Glad you brought that up, friend, glad you brought that up." Dabi said. "To remove it, simply place the strap between your teeth-"

"Like this?" The beaver asked and grabbed the top strap and put it in his mouth.

"Correct. Now bite hard." Dabi snapped his jaws shut and the beaver copied him and the muzzle came off, Y/n jumped back and opened and closed her mouth in relief. "You see?"

"It's off!" Y/n cheered.

"Hey, that is simple." The beaver said and held up the muzzle.

"Well, we'll be on our way now, so-"

"Now so fast now, sonny," The beaver said, and he put on the muzzle. "I'll have to make certain it's satisfactory before we settle on a prince."

"No, it's all yours, friend. You can keep it."

"I can, eh?" The beaver muttered and pulled the log. "I can?!"

"Uh-huh." Y/n said and nodded her head. "It's a free sample."

Dabi smirked at her and the beaver cheered.

"Well, thanks a lot." The beaver thanked and turned around. "Thanks ever so-"

The log rolled underneath the beaver and the two went rolling down the hill and landed in the pond. Y/n and Dabi gasped and looked down the hill at the smiling beaver, who was looking at the log in the perfect place.

"Hey, it works amazingly!"
