Coulson - Nick Fury

Phil - Boss...I can explain

Nick - But not to my face

Phil - I'm working!

Nick - on what?

Phil - ...Stuff

Nick - ...Coulson...

Phil - fineeee. I'm researching the earthquakes that have been happening in Mexico.

Nick - Good. And?

Phil - no ideas yet sir. But I'll have some soon.

Nick - Well get a move on.

Phil - yes sir

Nick - and coulson?

Phil - yes?

Nick - Quit being a fangirl

Phil - wait what

Nick - u saw it. Now DO it. Leave Rogers alone.

Phil - I'm his friend

Nick - no ur not. U don't know a thing about him.

Phil - ouch

Nick - it's true.

Phil - is not. I know plenty about him.

Nick - favorite color?

Phil - Blue, but sometimes teal.

Nick - favorite drink?

Phil - a cup of black coffee. Strong.

Nick - worst fear

Phil - confidential. But it's getting frozen again.

Nick - phobia?

Phil - Spiders

Nick - you, sir, need to get a life.

Phil - I have one

Nick - oh really?

Phil - yes I do. Its called fangirling. Now good day.
