Thor's Hammer

Thor - Has anyone seen my hammer?

Steve - Yeah, I moved it to the living room; it was on the poptarts.

Thor - 😶

Tony - ...

Clint ...

Natasha - That's my boy

Spidey - oh man, dude, u just get cooler and cooler

Steve - eh. No big deal.

Thor - you r the worthy ruler of the throne of Asgard.

Steve - no no no

Thor - yes. I will give up my place as ruler

Steve - Thor no. Don't. Ur the worthy ruler of Asgard.

Thor - but

Steve - no buts. Keep it. Honestly.

Thor - thank you, Steven

Steve - no prob

Spidey - Hey Cap, wanna go see a movie?

Tony - Steve, stop stealing my people

Steve - I'm not stealing ur anything

Tony - R 2

Steve - I'm not gonna fight u

Natasha - Spider, go with Tony. Steve, I'll go with u


Natasha - I'm not doing this for u

Tony - of course ur not

Spidey - but I wanna hang with Cap...I'm like his biggest fan

Tony - Ever met Phil Coulson?

Spidey - no why

Tony - u two have A LOT in common

Natasha - lol they gonna have a Cap party?

Natasha - BC I'm in

Steve - am I even allowed to come?

Tony - NO

Bruce - NO

Natasha - No, sorry

Clint - NO

Maria - NO

Steve - okaaaay, then

Natasha - well this just got awkward

Tony - Bruce come down to da lab

Bruce - fineee.

Spidey - can I come? In have some new web stuff I wanna try

Tony - Sure, son

Tony - *BUD


Natasha - no one said u didn't mean bud

Tony - ...I could feel u judging

Steve - u can what now?

Natasha - *facepalm* come on Steve, we're going to the movies

Steve - that's cool with me

Tony - thats cool with me too

Steve - ...

Natasha - ...

Tony - #sorrynotsorry I had too

Clint - please tell me u did NOT just use a hashtag #seriously

Tony - I soooo did.  #whatevermajorloser

Clint - oh it is so on

Clint Barton has been removed from this chat

Tony Stark has been removed from this chat

Steve - thx, Fury

Fury - your welcome. They were getting on my nerves

Natasha - they do that to everyone

Steve - a lot

Fury - Touche. Now goodbye. I have work to do and I'm tired of my phone buzzing

Steve - TTYL

Natasha - yeah. Ttyl.
