Virdis: Martin Lancer [@JollyQuaRtz]

Name: Martin Lancer

Age: 26

Sex: Male

Sector: Viridis

Occupation: Botanical scientist professionally and a farmer as a hobby.

Appearance: His wears a classic farmer straw hat with an olive colored strip in the middle of the hat which covers his black hair. His eyes are big, faded green with thin brows to top it off. His nose is between the descriptions of stubby and sharp, below it his moustache and two rows of perfect white teeth. Last but not least his chin covered with brown beard.

Personality: One would see him more as a quiet, timid and easygoing person. Although just being first impressions, Martin is an easygoing person but he is definitely not timid or quiet. His confidence is not to go unnoticed as he is always looking at things in the positive way which lead him to become a botanical scientist. His thirst for knowledge and burning passion for plants are undeniable. He easily makes friends with the people around him as he has the ability to brighten up one's day. One of his setbacks is that he can often times be reckless and too outgoing that puts himself in harm's way.

Role in Rebellion: He is in charge of supplying the rebellions food source which obviously are veggies and fruits and also researching in using plants as medicine without side effects. Another role which he keeps an extremely low profile about is researching ammunition made from plants that contain lethal toxin.

Background: He was born in the family of Argents but his parent knew that he would better suit Viridis due to his obsession with plants. After being accessed at the age of 18 the test made it clear that he belonged to Viridis. He was overjoyed but sad to leave his parents who loved him with all their heart and supported his interest all those years. He lived extremely far apart from his parents as Viridis was far away from Argent but never lost contact with them. His parents however after Queen Elaine took over were not happy about what the Queen did. They were later on executed under Queen Elaine's order for no apparent reason which flicked a switch in Martin's heart it brewed his undying goal to make sure Queen Elaine falls... six feet under.

Weapon of Choice: He can use a variety of weapons that are farming related such as rakes, sickles and more. But his favorite weapon would be a scythe tied to a chain. This weapon took him 5 years and many cuts to master.

Token: His straw hat belonged to his father which hold much sentimental value to him as his father alongside being an inventor also loved to garden. The straw hat allows him to have confidence in what he does at the same time grant him optimism. Whereas he has his mother's eyes.
