Caeruleus: Bellona Orion [@josie-tee]

Name: Bellona Orion, though most people call her Bella.

Age: 20

Sex: Female

Sector: Caeruleus

Status: Royal guard, technically, but she finds herself often only on duty when there's someone important visiting or a school trip, to show how generous the Queen is that even a woman could become a guard.

Appearance: Most people don't expect her to be so strong from her first appearances. Although she's muscular and broad under her uniform, her height throws people off - at 4'9", she doesn't look like a royal guard, more like a kid playing dress up. Her smile, too, is unnerving when she's in uniform, as surely a palace guard with a smile so bright is up to something - she's not. Some would call her pretty, with her dark, smooth skin and thick, straight hair usually pulled into a bun when she's working, but otherwise let loose to her shoulders. Although she's not thin due to her very muscular body, she's still light at 104 pounds, and her thigh muscles could literally kill a man if she wanted to - she's been trained well.

Personality: Bella is usually happy. She's easily excited and exuberant, especially when she's off-duty and can mess around with her friends. In her uniform, though, she's extraordinarily serious - she knows the dangers of the job, and she also knows how much harder she has to work to be given respect compared to her male counterparts. Lately, as she's realized just how misogynistic the palace routine is, she's become more and more disillusioned with her dream of being a guard and protecting people, and more and more bitter towards the queen and the royal family for not recognizing her true ability as a protector. Even so, she still smiles a lot, especially when the little kids who visit ask her questions about the uniform or the job - she's always had a soft spot for them, and people tend to like Bella. Her smile has a way of getting stuck in your head on loop, like a song that can't be ignored, and forces you to become friends with her.

Role in Rebellion: She's a soldier, technically, but as far as fighting goes, she's been mainly ignored. As it stands, she's more useful with her inside palace knowledge of the guards schedules, changes, and secret passages, though she wants to be on the front lines, not holed up inside the castle gathering intel.

Background: Her mother and father were both citizens of Sector Caeruleus - her mother as a tutor to the lesser noble's children and her father as a guard. Although she always tagged along to her mother's work as a child and took classes alongside the baby nobles, she was more interested in what her father did, and started training at a very young age to fight with weapons and hand-to-hand. When she was tested, she actually tested into Sector Noir, but she chose to stay in Caeruleus to use her abilities to help protect the royals - not that they have ever given her the chance to prove it. As such, she spends most of her days running errands or holed up in the guard room, though it's not all bad - there's always a few stories about her now-retired father floating around and some of her best friends work alongside her in the guard room or elsewhere in the castle. Working in Caeruleus is a legacy that few let die, and Bella was most definitely not one of them.

Weapon of choice: She likes hand-to-hand combat best, especially martial arts, but she's always been partial to a bayonet, despite their outdatedness.

Token: Her mother and father both wore a piece of jewelry made out of a stone from the castle where they'd lived and grown up, and when Bellona turned eighteen, she got her own, and this is what she has chosen.
