Chapter Three: Shaping It Up

Not a trace is left of the rebels lost to the fire. Still at stake is the safety of those they've left behind. As such, even their files go up in flames.

Kibou Pyo

Giuseppe Schuyler

Valerie Lux

Adonis Raidon

Kathryn Carmello

Kylie Galen

The base they were once familiar with has fallen with them. Nothing is left of it but a charred skeleton. Gone is the one place they'd known as a refuge, burned with every last scrap of food and any firearm that wasn't strapped to a body or stuffed in a pocket.

But the fire itself hasn't died. It spreads wherever the rebels bring it, tucked burning within their hearts as they stagger across the grounds of Argyris. Wary looks are shot from rebel to rebel as Nicholas and Colette exchange whispers and share plans. Lying in Noir is a second base, the perfect size for those that remain. It is all but a journey away. Spirits, slowly, are regained.

Their leaders have but one piece of advice to offer: "Don't get killed."

Things were shaping up to be a little less straightforward than before.



The base has been burned to the ground and the remaining 30+ rebels have fled as a group and gathered at a sector of your choice. The Nixes C-03 have a backup base—Colette's penthouse, situated in Noir. Their current goal after evading the soldiers is to make it safely to this base.

Nicholas and Colette have deemed it safer to split the rebels into smaller groups to reach the new bases as a team. This is to prevent the loss of a large number of rebels in the case of another assault. The groups are sent to travel across Argyris using four different routes with their final destination being the backup base.

The sector the rebels are currently gathered in is up to you and so is the route they take. You are to write any segment of the journey towards Noir that is between their departure from their starting point to their arrival at the penthouse. This means that though you have the option to, you need not write about their departure from their initial sector or their arrival at Noir. The only requirement we have is that you write about your group passing through any sector that is not Candidus as the first two tasks have been centred around this sector.

We're looking for characterisation and creativity this task. Accurate characterisation of your group members is key. We're also giving you the creative liberty to bring the other sectors to life, so we're enthusiastic about seeing how you visualise and flesh them out. Do also make sure to be realistic about the journey as guards do patrol the country (the Queen has retrieved files of every member of the Nixes C-03) and the rebels are in hiding.

The groups are non-negotiable and as follows:

Rouge: Ariel 'Sol' Solace
Jaune: Kim Chi Suk
Viridis: Martin Lancer
Purpureus: Tachibana Mitsue

Purpureus: Vilola Eway
Sarcelle: Florian Crest
Sarcelle: Taliesin Firth
Noir: Haemon Hamilton

Rouge: Una Moreau
Viridis: Arava Lourdes
Caeruleus: Bellona Orion
Candidus: Justina Tremblant

Braun: Elora Eclair
Argent: Achlys Archimedii
Argent: Reese Richter
Candidus: Philip Morris

VENDING MACHINES: Open for one point per round.

KILLS: Maximum of three. Yes, you can kill your group members...


WORD LIMIT: 2,500 words

DEADLINE: Saturday, December 3rd, 9pm EST/Sunday, December 4th, 10am UTC+8
