
Yunho x Mingi
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"Hey, Yunho wait up!" I heard someone call out.

I turned around and saw Mingi the schools fuck boy.

"Uhh, what's up Mingi?" I asked.

Mingi looked away from me and rubbed the nape of his neck.

"I was wondering if you could come over to my place and tutor me in biology?" He asked.

"S-sure. What time and I need your address." I said.

"Oh here." He takes my homework writes on it and hands it back to me.

"I'll see you at eight." He said winking at me before walking away.

I stood there feeling the blood rush to my face. I turned and ran to the cafeteria. There I saw my best friend sitting in at our usual seats.

"Hey, Yunho!" I heard Taehyun yell.

I walked over to the table and sat down across from him.

"What's up Taetae?" I said taking out my phone entering the address to Mingi's house.

"Oh the usual, but do you have plans after school?" He asked taking a bite out of his sandwich.

"Unfortunately I do Tae." I sighed out stealing his chips.

"What Yunho has plans and I don't what a surprise!" He said shocked almost choking on his sandwich.

"Yeah, I do Tae why is it a surprise?" I asked munching on his chips.

"Well, Yunnie you're usually at home doing your homework or helping Wooyoung with his dances." He said shrugging.

I nodded agreeing since that's the only thing I do if Taehyun is not busy with his family or boyfriend.


The bell rang and I ran off to my car since I only have two periods. Woah didn't know I was smart did you.

I drove home and ran inside.

"Wooyoung!" I yelled.

"Yes!" He answered.

"I need your help!" I replied.

I heard his footsteps and he was standing right in front of me.

"Of what pleasure does my big brother need my help?" he asked with a wink.

"Well, Woo Mingi asked me to Tut-"

"Well, why didn't you say so I'm picking your outfit! Go take a shower," he said dragging me to my room.

Once Woo threw me into my room I grabbed my towel and headed into the bathroom. Turning on the shower waiting for it to get warm I strip off my clothes and hop in the shower.

*Time Skip because I can't describe taking a shower right now*

Turning off the water I get out and wrap a towel around my waist. Grabbing my clothes I threw them into the hamper next to the dorm. Walking out of the bathroom I walked over to my dresser and grabbed some boxers.

"Wooyoung where's my outfit I have to leave soon!" I yelled sliding on my boxers then sitting on the bed.

"Hold on I'm coming!" he yelled.

Soon enough he was right in front of me he threw the clothes that were in his arms on my lap.

"Hurry go change." he shooed me to the bathroom.

I shook my head and walked into the bathroom putting on the clothes he gave me. It was a black crop top that said kiss me, along with fishnets and ripped jeans and black converse. I looked at myself in shock.

"Woah," I said shocked.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Woo laying on my bed probably stalking people on Instagram.

"What do you think?" I asked getting his attention.

"I think I did a good job!"He said.

"Now go you have a man to catch!" he continued and pushed me to the door.

He pushed me out and I stood there shook as fuck.

"Wooyoung what the hell I don't have my house key!" I yelled.

"Good! Cause I won't let you in until you have a man!" he yelled leaning out the window.

"you bitch, just wait till I tell Seonghwa," I mumbled.

"Can you at least toss my phone out I need it to find Mingi's house!" I replied.

The next thing you know is my phone and thrown out into my hand along with Wooyoung's motorcycle keys.

"Woo what? You're letting me ride your motorcycle!" I said shocked.

"Yes now go before your late," he responded.

* TimeSkip to Yunho's House *

I hopped off my brother's motorcycle and walked up the pathway to Mingi's door. Standing in front of the door I lifted my hand and knocked on the door. I heard a thump then the door opened and there stood Mingi.

"H-hey Yunho come on in," he said looking me up and down while stepping aside letting me inside.

I stepped inside and followed Mingi through his house.

"Heres my room make yourself at home." He said jumping onto his bed.

I walked into the room and sat on his beanbag.

"Okay so what exactly in biology do you need help with?" I asked and looked around avoiding his gaze.

"I need help with the animal cell notes I don't understand," he said.

*Timeskip cause I don't feel like explaining the animal cell and I don't have my notes*

"I'm bored let's take a break." He says laying back on his bed.

"And what do you have in mind?" I asked looking at him

I watched as he walked over to me smirked.

"Something fun. No get on the bed and stirp," he growls at me.

I quickly strip off my clothes and got on the bed. I watched as Mingi looked at my naked body. Throwing my hands over my body while I could feel the blood rising to my cheeks.


Mingi moved my hands from my body and looked me up and down before placing kissed down my body until he got to my dick.

"Don't cover yourself Yunho your beautiful," he said looking me in the eyes.

"P-please Mingi." I whimpered.

"Please what Yunho?" He asked slapping my thigh.

"P-Please fuck me," I said softly.

"Mhmm, I'll get to it at my speed. Now on your hands and knees," he said.

I quickly got on my hands and knees, my ass on display for Mingi.

"Yunho what are you doing out here with all this ass? Double cheeked up on a Thursday! Thank god this is mine." He said.

I felt his hand slap my ass, making me lurch forward letting out a soft moan. Mingi continued this action for a while before grabbing a bottle of what I think is lube.

"Ahh, M-mingi" I moaned feeling his fingers thrusting in and out of my ass.

"you like that baby boy?" he growls.

I let out another moan and pressed back onto his fingers.

"Please Mingi." I whimpered once more.

I felt mingi pull his fingers out and replace it with his dick. Mingi started pushing in slowly.

"Ow, Mingi it hurts." I could feel the tears beginning to fall from my eyes.

I felt mingi kiss the side of my head.

"Don't worry it will get better baby." He said softly.

Mingi started pushing in some more it started to feel so good.

"Mhmm Mingi faster." I moaned out.

With that cue, Mingi started thrusting harder and faster.

"Mhmm baby you feel so good around my dick." He groans out.


Mingi pulled out and slammed back in hitting the same spot over and over.

"F-fuck Mingi I need to cum," I said softly.

"Cum for me baby boy." he groans in my ear.

With those words, I released on the blankets my arms giving out.

"FUCK!" Mingi groans and fills my ass up his thurst becoming slower.

Mingi pulls out and lays down next to me pulling me into his side.

"Mingi what does this make us?" I asked looking up at him still trying to catch my breath.

"Your my baby boy, my beloved boyfriend now," he said.

I smiled up at him.

"Now rest baby." I heard him say to me.

"Goodnight Mingi," I said.

"Goodnight Yunho," He said.

