
Jongho x Yeosang


Requested by Hyun_hwa1

"Yeosang I threw away your clothes go out and buy some more!" I heard Wooyoung yell.

"What the fuck woo," I mumbled.

Walking to the door putting on my shoes I headed to the mall. At least today will be peaceful.

*time skip to the mall*

Entering the mall I headed to forever 21 my favorite store. Walking around I found a lot of distressed skinny jeans, purple and blue sweaters. I walked to the cash register and paid for the clothes.

"Ahh, shopping is so tiring," I said making my way to the next store.

On the way to the next store, I saw people running my way. Then I heard it Gunshots quickly looking around I spotted a bathroom to my left. Breaking into a sprint I dropped my bags and ran into the bathroom heading into the very last stall getting on top of the toilet crouching. I put my hand on my mouth to stop me from breathing so hard.

I heard footsteps enter the bathroom.

"I'm going to give you a chance if anyone is in here come out!" the guy shouted.

I kept quite afraid of what would happen if I walked out. I could feel the tears falling down my cheeks.

I turned my head to the right and saw the stalls shake. Oh no, he's breaking the stalls open. I started to cry even harder trying not to sob out loud. He continued to open the stalls and then that's when I saw his feet right underneath my stall. The door opened I looked up and gasped.

"Jongho," I said before passing out.

Jongho's pov

"Yeosang!" I yelled grabbing him before he fell.

Finally, I found him, now I have him back. I hope he will let me explain myself. I picked yeosang up and carried him out the bathroom and to the van. I hoped in the van and my members looked at me.

"JONGHO WHAT THE HELL WHY ARE YOU BRINGING THIS PERSON WITH YOU!" Mingi shouted glaring at my precious baby in my arms.

"For your information mingi if you ever paid attention you would know the whole mission was to find my boyfriend and in this case I did." I glared back.

Mingi went silent and faced forward.

"Does anyone else have something to say?" I asked looking around.

No one said anything so I nodded.

"Drive." I spoked.

The van took off down the street, I looked down at my baby boy who looked so peaceful in his unconscious state. I moved his bangs out of the way and place a kiss on his forehead.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you what I was doing for my work," I whispered looking over his face.

*Time skip to when there at HQ*

Seonghwa opened the van down and smiled at me.

"I'm happy you got your boyfriend Jongho." He said with a small smile.

"Thanks, Hwa, i'll help you and hongjoong find Wooyoung," I said smiling at him.

I walked forward into the mansion with Yeosang in my arms. Making my way up to my room ignoring the glares that Mingi was sending my way. I made it to my room pushing the door open with my foot I walked over to my bed and laid him down. Instantly jogging over to my door shutting it and locking it, I made my way over to my dresser. I picked out an oversized sweater and the laced panties I picked for yeosang. I took of yeosang's shirt, pants, and underwear. Hurriedly slipping on his oversized sweater and slipping the panties on so he would stop shivering. My breath got caught in my throat looking at his thicccc thighs. I turned walked over to my couch and watched him.

"Come on baby wake up soon," I mumbled.

*Time skip*

"Ugggh where the hell am I?" I looked up and saw Yeosang sitting up rubbing his head.
I rushed over to his side and helped him sit up.

"Yeosang your all right I brought you to my HQ," I said looking at him smiling.

I noticed Yeosang flinch and move away from me. I smirked down at him.

"Baby boy why'd you flinch?" I asked running my hand up to his exposed thigh. Looking up making eye contact with him.

"I'm sorry Jongho. I'm just scared and I feel bad about breaking up and running away." He whimpered out.

"Hmm don't worry you'll make up for it," I said and moved my hand away from his thigh and walked over to my dresser.

Reaching in the dresser I pulled out two pairs of handcuffs. Walking back over to Yeosang I caught a glimpse of his boner. I looked back into his eyes while I handcuffed him to the bed.

"Please Jongho." He whimpered pulling against the cuffs.

"Please what?" I asked sliding down the panties rubbing my finger against his tight hole.

Please d-daddy, I need you in me." He whimpered.

That was enough for me, I pushed my finger into his ass. I looked at Yeosang and his face was light pink with blush and mouth hung open as he moaned out for me. I felt Yeosang push back onto my fingers. I raised my free hand and slapped his ass.

"Baby you know better than to do that," I growled.

I stripped off my clothes and crawled in between Yeo's legs. Looking down at him I smiled at his flushed appearance.

"Baby boy are you ready?" I asked him looking into his beautiful sparkling eyes.

"Yes daddy," he answered spreading his legs a little bit wider for me.

With that said, I line my Dick up with his hole and pushed in groan at how warm and tight he feels.

"Fuck Yeosang, you feel so good." I spoked thrusting my hips into him a little bit faster.

The room was filled with moans and the sound of skin slapping. 

"F-fuck Jongho deeper h-harder" he whimpered out gripping onto my forearm.

I pulled out and slammed back into yeosang at a faster pace.

"OH SHI-" Yeosang yells out.

I could feel yeosangs cum on my chest. Yeosang looked so hot tired with now red cheeks. Just the sight made me fill his ass. Letting out one final groan I pulled out of yeosang and collapse onto of him.

"Hey, yeosang?" I questioned.

"Yes, Jongie?" He replied.

"I'm sorry for not telling you that i'm in a gang," I whispered.

"It's okay Jongie, i'm sorry for running away and not giving you a chance to explain." he replied back running his hands through my hair.

Hey Lyrics! I brought to you another smut!! I hope you enjoyed this! I hope this makes sense! Enjoy this Yunhoe(e) photo! Bye for now lyrics!

