
Seonghwa x Yeosang

Fluff & little space

Credit to BiasShipper81 for giving me the idea!

Looking through the series on Netflix I finally set on one called Chocolate. I started it and lay on my back on the couch watching the show when I heard someone running. Soon my vision is blocked by my boyfriend Yeosang.

"Mama can sangie hav'e juice pwetty please!" he pouts tugging on my arm.

I looked at him and smiled.

"Of course baby boy," I said getting up picking yeosang up and carrying to the kitchen.

Once I was in the kitchen I sat him on the counter and walked over to the counter and sat him down. Quickly making my way to the cabinet I opened it grabbing his sippy cup.

"Mama juice!!!"He yelled kicking his feet back and forth.

"Hold on baby i'm going to get your juice," I said.

"Mama!!"I heard him scream once again.

I turned around and look at him before walking up to him.

"Baby boy what did I say about yelling?" I question putting the cap on his sippy cup.

"Inswide oices" he said looking at my with his sparkly eyes.

"Good. Here baby." I said handing him sippy cup.

He took the sippy cup and started drinking his juice. I smiled at him and picked him up walking back to the couch I sat down letting him finish his juice.

"Mama!" He said.

I looked down and he was done I took the sippy cup and sat it on the coffee table. I lied backed down on the couch with Yeosang on my chest.

"Mama I wuv chu." He whispers.

"Love you to baby." I said.

Soon the room was filled with snores.
BiasShipper81 said this was already good. But I feel like it was trash. Enjoy Lyrics.
