Hongjoong x fem!reader

HongJoong x fem!reader smut 🤫
Requested by @Jasminewazhere14

"Come on y/n please!" HongJoong begged
"No hongJoong you know I've stopped going to parties awhile ago," I said and continued walking home.

"But-" hongJoong was cut off.

"No buts hongJoong I hate parties!" I yelled.

"Y/n, Wooyoung is not going to be there remember he's gone. Come to the party with me nothing will happen."He reassured me.

I sighed and looked at HongJoong.why does he have to be so cute.

" Fine, I'll come to the party with you, "I reply.

"Yay! I'll come to pick you up around six o'clock?" He asked.

"Yes, six o'clock! Now go before I change my mind!" I yelled at him.

I saw him wave and run towards his house. I shook my head and walked into my house.
"Seonghwa!" I yelled.

"What!" He yelled.

"Come downstairs and I'll tell you!" I screamed up to him.
Next thing you know you hear a thump followed by a groan. I heard footsteps and next thing you know there's my brother standing there with a forming bruise on his cheek. I let out a chuckle.

"shut up y/n! What did you want!"He yelled at me.

"Now my dear brother I need you to help me get ready for a party," I said.

Seonghwa's eyes lit up and he ran towards me and grabbed my wrist dragging me to my room.

"My little sister I thought I would never have the chance to do this since you and Wooyoung." He said opening my closet.
I sat there thinking about my red-haired friend. Why can't I just tell him that I like him?

"What like who?!?!" Seonghwa asked turning around holding a black dress.

I mumbled a few curses before answering him.

" ah, no one Seonghwa oppa don't worry about it," I said trying to get him to leave the subject alone.

"Who are you going to the party with?" Seonghwa asked looking in my soul. I turned my head.

"Ah, you're going with HongJoong!" He said.

Crap how did he find out. I could feel the blood going to my face.

"Aww, you and hongJoong are cute I've got to make you look good." He quickly looks for another dress.

That didn't take him long to find another dress and a sexy one at that.

"Woah Seonghwa I didn't even know I had a dress like this," I said looking at it.

"Well, you didn't you see I bought this for you hoping that you and hongJoong would go out and now it happening." He said.

He gave the dress to me and pushed me towards my bathroom.

"Hurry put the dress on I have to do your makeup!" He yells.

I closed the door and locked it before changing into the dress. I looked into the mirror seeing myself in the dress.

"Y/n did you get the dress on hurry hongJoong is early and is downstairs." He said.

I quickly came out of the bathroom and ran to Seonghwa.

"Hurry up please do my makeup!" I pleaded.

"Hmmm no." He said.

"No! Seonghwa please I'll do anything!" I pleaded.

"Anything?" He questioned.

"Yes, anything Seonghwa!" I yelled.

"Then when you come back have hongJoong as boyfriend and make me food." He said.

"Done! Now please do my makeup." I said sitting down.

Seonghwa grabbed the makeup and started to work his wonders.

"They're done! Now go get your man!" He said pushing me out.

I sighed and got my self ready to see hongJoong. I walked down the stairs to see hongJoong sitting there looking sexy asf.

"Hey Joongie," I called out to him.

He turned his head towards me and let out a gasp.

"H-hello Y/n!" he said blush tinting his cheek.

" Come on Joongie lets go to the party and get this over with ok," I said walking out the door.

*Timeskip because I'm lazy*

"We're here Y/n are you ready?" He asked looking at me.

"No but I'll say that I'm ready," I said and turned the look at him.

" Ok let's go!" he got out the car and ran into the house.

I got out of the car and followed him. The loud music bothering my ears loud but I'll get used to it after I get a drink.

"Hey Joongie I'm gonna go get a drink, I'll be right back!" I yelled.

"Ok I'll be over there on the couch!" he yelled back.

I walked over to the kitchen and saw beer sitting on the counter. I grabbed one and opened it taking a sip.

"Hey Babygirl!" some prev yelled over the music touching my butt.

I quickly turned around and slapped the guy in the face and walked off to find Hongjoong.

"Fiesty!" He yelled and ran off to talk to his idiotic friends.
🚨⚠️smut warning⚠️🚨
I walked back over to the couch hongjoong was sitting at to see him flirting with a girl. Oh hell no that's not happening that's my man. I walked over to hongJoong and dragged him upstairs into a room and pushed him onto the bed.

"Now baby who told you to go around flirting with other girls," I said seductively touching his exposed chest.

"Y-y/n what are you doing?" he asked his face turning red.

I can see his d*ck getting excited.

"Shh baby let mommy take care of you," I said putting my lips on his.

Well shit, I didn't know his lips were so soft. I pulled away from his lips.

"baby take off your clothes," I demanded.

Hongjoong stripped and laid back down whined.

"Mommy why are you wearing your clothes that's not fair." He pouted.

"Ok baby I'll take them off too," I said and stripped slowly.

By the time I was done stripping Hongjoong was palming his d*ck.

"Mommy please," he whined.

"Please what baby?" I asked whispering into his ear.

"Touch me," he said.

"My pleasure baby," I said.

I grabbed his d*ck and brought it towards my mouth and licked the tip.

"Y-y/n stop teasing me!" He moaned out.

I put his whole member in mouth and started bobbing my head up and down. Making hongJoong release moans and groans.

"Ah shit y/n I'm going to cum!" He groaned.

I quickly pulled of him and crawled over him and hovered over his member.

"What do you want baby boy?" I asked looking his eyes lust clouding in them.

"You mommy I want your pussy around my d*ck!" He beg.

With that said I slid down and started to ride my baby. Mix moans and groans filled the room. I felt hongJoong hands go to my waist and I slapped them.

"N-no Ah! Touching baby" I moaned out.

"But mom- ah! I'm gonna cum!" He yells.
I hopped off his member and gave him a blowjob. I felt a twitch in my mouth followed by sweet cum. I swallow the cum and climbed into bed with him.

"Y/n?" He said panting.

"Hmm.." I responded.

"I love you please be my girl." He said face still tinted red.

"Of course baby joongie love you too." I said.

With that we went to sleep.

———————— bonus
"Mingi they finally got together!" Seonghwa whisper yells.

"Yeah but in my room on my bed!?!" He responded.

" yah it's fine just come to my place you can sleep in my room."Seonghwa replies walking away leaving the loved ones alone.
Mingi followed Seonghwa back home.
I hope you liked it my Lyrics!
I finished it yesterday an hour after it was requested but I got stuck on side of the freeway trying to get home. That I'm posting this late.
