XX. The first one who goes up there falls (3000 words plus more)

3000 words in chinese.

"Say I want to ask you a question ...... is that little silver haired loli that was at your house on your birthday ......" chatted the whole class

    When it was almost

    When the class was about to end, Yume Yue suddenly threw out this question.

    "What's wrong with her?" Erolu was unsure, what was this sudden mention of her own being about?

    "She's not your girlfriend, is she?" Yume Yue asked tentatively, which reminded Erolu of the details of that day - she herself at the time

    had claimed to be 'his' girlfriend to a few people.

    Although the three boys explained it later, the three girls didn't know what was going on .......

I think they still think that Erolu has a little silver-haired Loli girlfriend, right?

    Wait a minute? Then wouldn't that be Yume Yue coming over and asking herself to play a couple when she thinks I have a girlfriend? That's not right, is it? She can't be

    She can't have any thoughts about me, can she?

"I asked Yuhi and he said that girl isn't your girlfriend ...... but I still wanted to check with you personally." As if she could tell

    As if she could see what the other person was thinking, Yume Yue added at a very opportune moment.

When Yume Yue asked Yuhi this question, there was something wrong with Yuhi's attitude - a subtle tone of voice when he said categorically no.

    There was such a subtlety in her tone.

    "Yes, it's true that she's not my girlfriend ...... The reason why she said that at that time, you can take it as a prank on her part." Eru said somewhat helplessly

    said groundlessly, but that was really kind of the most truthful way to put it.

    "That's good ...... then it's not really abducting someone's boyfriend." Yume Yue breathed a sigh of relief ...... I don't know if it was an illusion, but Erolu felt that the other

    looked a little happy after getting the answer.

As soon as the bell rang, Yume Yue pulled Erolu straight out of the classroom and ran to the most familiar place of someone - the rooftop of the school building.

    "You're not going to skip class after me, are you?" The corner of Erolu's mouth twitched, but the other woman shook her head at her.

    "I don't get to skip class like you do and no one cares ...... just want to find a place where no one is alone." Pulling Eru against the wall

    Sitting down against the wall, Yoon Yue said that she still had to go back when it was time for class.

    "Aren't we pretending to be someone else? The need to be alone xing ...... wait what are you doing?" Before the words were out of her mouth, Erolu noticed that her

    The tablemate had actually climbed on top of herself and was in a very ambiguous position with her.

    "If you don't pay attention normally, it will be easy to be seen oh

~Yume Yue straddled her partner's body and pressed her upper body against the wall.

    The smell of the wall.

    "So it's hard to play the role of a couple if you don't put yourself in their place." With that, Yume Yue snuggled up to Erolu's chest, her legs

She said, and Yume Yue snuggled up to Erolu's chest, and her legs clamped down on each other, as if she was afraid that the person in front of her would escape.

    I've touched you, we're close ...... and I want to be closer to you, I want to be your thing and I want you to be my thing.

    s thing - Yume Yue snuggled up to Erolu with a happy face, her head filled with nothing but love for each other.

Tsk ...... Erolu was a little helpless, she didn't have any romantic feelings for Yume Yue, but simply thought that her current behaviour belonged to

    The other side of the coin is the sister's pampering of her older brother. ......

    The mind is not thinking, but the ambiguity and this excitement does somewhat affect the part of herself that is the original chimera - with the feedback from

    The feedback from the original body, this male body which is not a pseudo-object, is also subject to normal physiological reactions.

Sensing the wrong state of his body, Yume Yue not only didn't leave, but she smiled a little mischievously ...... and pressed closer to him

    The other side of the room was a little bit closer ......

    "Don't do that, Yue Yue ......"

    "No, lean on me for a while ...... and I'll go back to class." Like a petulant general tone, let Erolu a time not too strong to

    refuse her.

Helplessly sighed, Erolu did not think much of it, in the case of simply taking the other party as pampering xing to her brother, she could only

    could only reach out and hug the other girl like she used to do when coaxing Eiya  herself. The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the back of your sister.

    Soothing ......

yume Yue's face was buried in Eru's arms, and Yume Yue's body trembled slightly under the comfort of the other woman's. ...... It had been a long time since she had experienced the feeling of being held in someone's arms and cared for.

    The first time I've experienced this feeling is when I've been in your arms.

    The first time I saw her, I knew about her family and I understood why she was so dependent on me.

    She also understood why she was so dependent on her.

Yume Yue lived in a divorced and reconstituted family, and when she was in primary school, her father had taken her to a stepmother after a divorce...


In this new family, Yume Yue was not well received. ...... Although she was not abused, she was also largely uncared for.

The new family did not treat Yume very well. And soon after

Soon after her new family was established, her father and stepmother gave birth to a new boy, Yume Yue's current brother.

After the birth of this brother, Yume Yue's status in the family became even lower.

    The two adults in the family, although not directly against her, had to favour her half-brother in matters between the two children.

Yume Yue was also a very sensible and aware child who learned early on how to take care of herself and knew not to confront her brother in this situation.

    She also knew that she could not confront her brother directly and had to put up with him at home. ......

    In this family environment, Yume Yue has developed a personality that can neither be described as good nor bad - as long as someone is nice or kind to her, she will always be willing to give her all.

    The first thing she did was to return the favour and treat them with care.

    This is a good way to say that she knows how to repay her kindness ...... , but it is also an easy way to be deceived by people with bad intentions. But fortunately, Yume Yue was lucky in this regard and did not encounter such people.

With such a family situation, Yume Yue also had little luck when it came to friendships - she was supposed to be easy to make friends with.

    She was always isolated by others because of these problems.

In middle school, she was isolated because of jealousy from girls in her class and discrimination from family problems, and in high school she was isolated because of her association with students in top classes.

    Isolation ......

    If the isolation had just gone on forever, it wouldn't have been a problem. But each time, she was jiāo to her friends and then watched

But each time, after she had made friends, she watched them exclude her ......

To this day, the only real friends Yume Yue has are her two sisters, Asamo and Asahi.

The only real friends Yume Yue has today are the two sisters, Yume Meng and Yume Dust. After asking around and getting to know her

    After getting to know her, she fell in love with her because of the similarities between them.

    But they are very similar in one way - immature and uncaring, they have a sensitive heart, and when the slightest glimmer of light appears, they are like a girl.

    When there is a light in their sensitive hearts, they are like moths to a flame, recklessly seeking that warmth, even if it ends in ashes.

" Yue Yue, it's almost time for class ......

    It's time for you to get off of me." The first of these is the one that you can find on the internet.

    He reminded.

"Hold me a little longer ...... we're a couple ......" said Yume Yue, a little capriciously, as she lusted after her partner's embrace.

    The fear of the person she cared for leaving was aroused in her heart.

    "We're just playing a couple, not a real one ...... If you get too caught up in the drama, it will have a big impact on your future relationships." Some

fearing that the other party would really have problems because they had gotten into the scene too much, Erolu still said what she had kept inside before.

When she said that, Yume Yue suddenly raised her head with an unbelievable expression on her face.

Before she could react, Yume Yue's entire body suddenly became agitated and pinned her against the wall.

    "I'm not into it ...... I really like you! Erolu I like you! Be my boyfriend and let's be together, okay? I want...

     to be your partner for life!"

Realizing that the other party was just using everything as a show, Yume Yue, who was no longer willing to suppress her inner feelings, poured out her heart's words in one breath

    She poured out all the words in her heart.

    What? I was so dumbfounded. ...... No, you're really thinking about me, aren't you? The first time I saw Yume Yue, I realized that she was really interested in me.

    The first thing that I realized was that what she had been showing was her true self, her true feelings.

    The other person's face looked as if she was about to cry, and Elu's expression gradually became more serious ...... she quickly realized the seriousness of the problem.

    The problem is serious.

She was a girl, it was difficult to give happiness to her partner ...... but in this situation, even if she gave an ambiguous answer, I'm afraid it would be

    The other party would be holding on to it like a lifeline ......

    So if you don't say no explicitly, there is a high probability that you will cause irreparable damage to the other person's life ...... You must think of a reason that will convince


    Say you don't like her? No feelings for her? That's not a good enough reason, it's hurtful and doesn't do any real good.

--Her Highness had a hunch that the other party was not the kind of person who would give up her feelings easily.

    If that's the case, let's have a showdown. ...... It's useless to say anything else, so why not just tell her what's on your mind?

--The fact is that this is a matter that can affect the lives of those around you, so Erolu had to take back his usual casual attitude and treat it with caution.

    He had to withdraw his usual casual attitude and take it seriously.

    "Yue Yue, I have to tell you something important ......" Eru said with a serious face as he held Yoon Yue's body upright.

"You are really lovely, no matter if it is your personality and appearance or this affection for your beloved ...... I can guarantee that if someone marries you

    , then he must be the luckiest man in the world."

"Then we ......" Yume Yue was a little elated, she was accepted by the other side?

    "But I still can't say yes to you, because there is no way I can accept you in this area of love right now ...... and actually you shouldn't

    There's no way to accept me."

    "Why?! And there's no way I could ......" Suddenly falling from the clouds of elation, tears leaked from the corners of Yume Yue's eyes. But Eiru

still reached out and put a finger against Yume Yue's lips, blocking out the words she wanted to say.

    "I ah ...... am actually a girl from ......"
