I.1503's Emotional Discussion Meeting

I'm just a fish-loving demon king anyway] Volume 5. Her Majesty's life is gradually going off the rails

On the second day of the mini-break, in the afternoon after school and dinner, members of 1503 gathered in the dormitory to chat about the

    while waiting for their turn to go to study in the evening.  "Didn't you say she's changed a lot, becoming more open and outgoing?" Sitting on

You Xi's lap, the little devil was gossiping about her roommate while rubbing the big cat in her arms.  "So how far has it gone, exactly?

    We're very concerned about your lifelong relationship!" Ziyu on the bed followed suit, "You can hopefully be our dorm's first export

  product."  "So we're self-produced and self-sold ......," You Xi spat in a whisper, running his hand through his girlfriend's long, silky silver hair.

    "Have you hugged her yet?  "Have you hugged her yet?

    s been? Wait, you've been out all day, wouldn't you ......" Her Highness's gossipy soul had been kindled with this

The series of pearl pào style questions, hit Ji Qi that is overwhelmed.  " Stop, stop! Little princess please stop your brainstorming!" Ji Qi was quick to

stops the attack of a certain loli, ", we even held hands, how can we do so many things?"  

"Welp ......" Erolu made a strange

", "You are so obvious, even if you did not confess, she can see what you are thinking, right? There aren't any girls in the world that stupid

Is there any girl in the world that dumb?"  Yuchi, who was drinking water, choked on Eru's words. He almost spat out the water in his mouth and looked at the loli in his arms with a shocked expression.

    He looked at the loli in his arms.  Yes, not only that, but she's sitting on my lap thanks to ...... A girl as silly as you is indeed hard to find.

    cages are hard to find.  "You see, you said it yourself, when you go out to play you help her grab the bill, and then the other party has any small gift that she likes

    You buy it for her ...... plus the doting to bào tone of your phone call with her, if I were her, I would immediately see what you were thinking."

    The little devil said in a serious manner, but did not notice that the other people in the dormitory were looking at her more and more oddly ...... Come on, back then

    What did someone do to chase you? You almost wrote the words 'I like you' on your face ...... and what happened? You didn't know anything until he confessed.

    You didn't know anything about it? When he confessed, he still had a silly, unbelievable look on his face.  "You're not bad.

    I think you're not bad, at least I think you're nice to be around ......," Her Highness analyzed in a serious manner, but I don't think anyone in the room took her words seriously.

I think no one in the room took her words seriously.  If you were a normal girl, maybe people would have taken your opinion into consideration. But you're a boy, and Xu

and Ziyu also know that you were raised as a boy ...... plus your previous retarded performance, who would dare to believe your tall tales?

    You can't be sure that you're going to be able to get the job done.

    Aunty is telling an emotional story, you silly loli, so don't make a scene.  After being patted on the head twice, the little devil also quickly realized that she had talked too much

    ...... spat out her tongue a little embarrassedly, leaned her head towards the chest of the person behind her and returned to her

to the appearance of a well-behaved loli, waiting for Ji Qi's follow-up.  "How can I put it, I think she should have seen it too ......

    Although she's very outgoing and open now, she still seems to be very shy about things between men and women ......" remembering the other party's reaction, the

Ji Qi scratched his head with some distress and embarrassment.  It's not like he hadn't tried holding hands or anything, but the other party seemed very resistant and shy about it.

    The other party seems to be very resistant and shy about it. Even when the traffic lights were flashing when crossing the road and I wanted to take the other party's hand to hurry past ...... such a legitimate situation, the other party was not very willing to let me hold her hand.

It is not even very willing to let herself hold her hand.  If not for the other party's still friendly and easygoing attitude towards themselves, and also willing to accept

    invitation to come out and play. If not, Ji Qi would really suspect that his childhood friend was not exclusionary because he had grown rusty over time.

    The idea of repelling oneself ...... "Brother Xi you help me with advice and counsel?" The distressed Ji Xian revealed a somewhat expectant look and turned to the dormitory's

After all, You Xi is the only one in the dorm who has got a girl, his opinion is of great

    You can see the way Ziyu on the bed is perking up his ears, more serious than he is in class. Whether it's him or Ji Qi, this will

Even if it's him or Ji Qi, he's just about to take out a pen and paper to take notes.  "Hey, what do you mean well ...... I'm also off the hook, why don't you consult me ah? And

    I didn't even fall for Stupid Xi, it was Stupid Xi who liked me!" The little devil puffed out her cheeks in dissatisfaction, indicating that shouldn't she be the greater authority on this?  Come on, what opinion can you have? Teach someone to become a loli? Yuuki spat in her mind, but it was true that no one in the dorm was

    It was true that no one in the dorm took her seriously.  But then again, even if Ji Xi did ask, You Xi didn't know how to respond -

    My wife is special, so she can't be used as a reference item at all!  And this matter is also related to people's relationship development, he is not some

He was not some loli who had no idea, so Yuhi didn't dare to express his opinion without certainty.  But if you look at it this way, you are really lucky ...... that

    The girl you like just happens to be a straight man who thinks like a brother, so there's no generation gap when it comes to communication, and you don't have to try so hard to guess what she's thinking.

    She is particularly good at understanding her little mind.  "How can I put it? The point is still ...... to try and find out her

    degree before making plans?" While agonizingly deliberating how to reply, Yuhi reached up and ruffled the girl's hair in his arms.  "You're

    not the same as saying nothing at all?" I know I have to test her attitude and thoughts, but there's no way to implement it?

    no way to implement ah?"  "A go up! Direct confession! The only way to do it is to do it! If you don't, you lose! Idiot Hee was confessing his love to me straight away!" A certain loli waved her hands and began to make a humiliating scene again ...... Just as a few people were discussing this, the sound of hurried footsteps

    came from the corridor. Before the few people inside could react, the dormitory door snapped open ...... " Lu cub! Lu brat! Something

    Something big is going on!" Jia Qi, who had run in in a huff, gasped and ran over to Elu, grabbing her by the shoulders.  "What's wrong?

    What's wrong? Don't you scare me, what's wrong?!" She sat up straight in fear, a look of panic that was not often seen.

, the little devil had a whole bunch of horrible things in her head in an instant.  "Your sister ...... Xiao Ya she, didn't go to school today! And she not only

    not only skipped school, but also ran away from home!"  "Oh ...... this ah? I thought something ...... had scared me." To the surprise of several people

was that Erolu didn't show any panicked reaction, but instead, after a sigh of relief, sat back down very casually against Yuhi's

body.  This girl is not right - this was a common thought among the dormitory members at the moment. After all, they all knew how much Erolu doted on Eeya and

    How could she, who had always doted on her sister, be so abnormal after such a big incident?  She should have been the first one to jump up and down, with such a

    What was wrong with this silly loli, with her casual attitude?
